1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections




This manual was formed with the objective to help the owner of the car to receive of him the very return. The realization of this task is got in several ways. The data were joined and given down they allow to an owner of the vehicle to be defined in which works in his service they have to be executed and when and also one does hurt to try to carry out them independently, or it is necessary to go to the representation of the firm of manufacture or a workshop of the service of the car. The management included descriptions of proceedings of compulsory regular maintenance and repairs of the cars, and also the time-table of his realization is supplied. Besides, the information is left the diagnostic artistic one of bad functioning of knots and systems of the car (in case of his refusal), and also the ways of the elimination of his reasons one offers.

Educations of management of use

The management is divided in chapters. Each chapter is broken in enumerated sections. The sections, to his time, are broken in subsections and where one needs, in below - the subsections also are composed of paragraphs.

The text attracted readers' attention it results from explicative illustrations. The references for illustrations are included in the text of the paragraph / paragraph that material this illustration juts out to add.

The description once of the proceedings mentioned in the text normally the second time does not happen again. Instead of that a reference for the corresponding section / the subsection of the corresponding chapter where is this already considered proceeding in case of the done necessity.

The references for the knot provision or component in the left or on the right in the car they mean to find of the reader's face ahead at the place of the driver.

The descriptions of all the proceedings in this manual are affirmed in a simple and available form. If exactly it follows educations in the text and to illustrations companions, no difficulty must appear.

It is necessary to pay the attention owed to the observance of technical demands and efforts of corseting itself of the screwed connections happened in specifications in the beginning of each chapter. It is necessary to be guided by specifications executing all the works. In separate sections the necessary sizes and the values of the agreement happen not always.

The elementary operations, like "to open a monk's hood" or "to weaken nuts of wheel", are destined how obvious for themselves and also they are mentioned not always.

On the contrary, in the text the most difficult, needing the detailed description proceedings they are affirmed in detail.