1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
- Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
   General information
   Inquiry of bad functioning - the general information
   Sensors substitution
   Removal and installation of meeting of in valves
   Checks and agreements of in
   Removal and installation of a fridge of ATF
   Removal and installation of meeting of the lever of the selector of IN ways
   Removal and DURING installation
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Automatic exchange and differential interaxal


The pressure in lines (the wheels are blockaded) in the provisions "D"//"R", atm
  • Motor that wastes time
3,67 ÷ 4.01 / 6,60 ÷ 7.28
  • In the conditions of the test of the cowshed (the butterfly valve is completely open)
9,11 ÷ 10.13//17,34 ÷ 19.31
Motor turns in the conditions of DURING test of the cowshed in the way D, revolutions per minute 2.325 ÷ 2775
Delay time calling in the way N, with
  • In the way D
not more than 1.2
  • In the way R
not more than 1.5
Axial thrashing of a disc of driving, mm not more than 0.20
Radial thrashing of the hydrotransformer, mm not more than 0.30
Distance of in flange to the installed hydrotransformer, mm not less than 12,75
Depth of a proof of press of an epiploon of differential, mm
  • Left
0 ± 0.5
  • Straight
1 ± 0.3
Depth of a proof of press of an epiploon of the case of extension of in, mm 1.5 ± 0.4
Lengths of pins of fixation of meeting of valves, mm
  • Pins and
  • B pins
  • Pins of C
Lengths of pins of fixation of valves of commutation), mm
  • Pins and
  • B pins

Speeds of dislocation of gear, km/h

In the way D
In valve of completely open butterfly
1—> 2 55 ÷ 62
103 ÷ 111
157 ÷ 170
148 ÷ 161
96 ÷ 103
43 ÷ 49
In valve of completely shut butterfly
31 ÷ 37
17 ÷ 23
In the way 2, in valve of completely open butterfly
55 ÷ 62
106 ÷ 113
43 ÷ 49
In the way L, in valve of completely open butterfly
106 ÷ 113
48 ÷ 54

Blockading speeds//the unblockings in the butterfly valve confided for 5 %, km/h

3rd transfer 157 ÷ 170//148 ÷ 161
Transfer of O/D 76 ÷ 83//71 ÷ 78

Efforts of corseting itself of screwed connections, Nanômetro

Pin of fixation of the sensor of turns of entry of the hydrotransformer 11
Pin of fixation of the sensor of speed of a wheel of secondary gear 11
Pin of fixation of the sensor of temperature of ATF 6.6
Pins of fixation of D/V of the ways "P" / "N" 5.4
Nut lower of fixation of D/V of the ways "P" / "N" 6.9
Nut of fixation of the lever of sketch of commutation of IN ways 13
Nut of fixation of sketch of commutation of the ways 15
Electrical system fixation Ý/m the valve to the case of transmission 5.4
Pins of fixation of meeting of valves
  • Pins and
  • B pins
Pins of fixation of a maslozabornik of ATF 11
Pins of fixation of the trundle bed of a case of in 7.8
Drain cork of ATF 49
Fixation more fresh of oil 7
Pins of fixation of meeting of the lever of IN selector 12
Pins of fixation of the mechanism of direction to an advanced esticador 181
Fixation of tube of GUR to an advanced esticador 10
Fixation of support of the unity of power to see Specifications to a Chief Dvigatel
Fixation of esticador to a body to see Specifications to a Chief Podvesk and direction
Fixation of component ones of system of launch of OG to see Specifications to a Chief Sistemy of the electric equipment of the motor
Pins of fixation of a disc of driving to an inclination end 83
Fixation of union of hydrotransformer to a driving disc 41
Pins of fixation of an author 39
Fixation of an advanced part of the left torture of a tube of leak
  • Pin
  • Nut
Fixation of a rear part of the left torture of a tube of leak 34
Fixation pins of IN right support 37
Pins of fixation of the lowest covering of a disc of driving 8
Pins lower of fixation of in
  • I set pins It
  • Pin B
Superior fixation pins of in 66