1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
- Motor
   General information and preparatory operations
   Check of pressure of compression
   Check of the motor through the vacuum measure
   Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the superior dead point (TDP)
   Check of a corner of an advancement of ignition
   Removal, check and installation of a belt of GRM drive of his natyazhitel, pulley and cog-wheel of an end of inclination, cog-wheels of axles and intermediary rolls
   Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of a head of cylinders and his component
   Removal and installation of the motor, check of support
   Cylinder block
   Check of D/V of pressure of oil of reason
   Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of the bomb of oil and trundle bed of a case
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections




General information

Type of motor Driving diesel oil of 6 cylinders of 4 blows, DOHC
Designation 1MZ-FE
Ignition sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6

Direction of rotation of an end of inclination In the direction of the movement of the pointers of the clock
Diameter of the cylinder//blow of piston, mm 87.5/83
Cylinders volume, cm 3 2995
Compression point 10.5:1
Compression pressure, atm
  • In 250 revolutions for minute (standard)
  • Minimum
The very admissible difference of pressure of compression in cylinders, atm 1
You return of wasting time, revolutions per minute
  • In put out to / in
700 ± 50
  • In included in ("FRESH AIR) and the supporter ("HI")
730 ± 50
Slit of Valvate to see Specifications to a Chief Nastroyki and the regular maintenance of the car
Ignition advanced corner, I granulate. the VMT
  • In contacts peremknuty of the TE1 and capture E1 DLC n ° 1
  • In the open contacts of the TE1 and capture E1 DLC n ° 1
Edge of an empurrador of a natyazhitel of a belt of GRM drive, mm 10.0÷10.8
The very admissible deformation of the inter-connected surface of the air distributor, mm 0.10
The very admissible deformation of the inter-connected surface of the oil pipeline of entry, mm
  • To an air distributor
  • To a head of cylinders
The very admissible deformation of the inter-connected surface of a final collector, mm 0.5
Motor VSV supports the resistance (in a temperature of 20 a hail)., Ohm 18÷22
Pressure of oil of reason, atm
  • To waste time
not less than 0,3
  • In 3.000 revolutions per minute
Split between rotors of the bomb of oil and the best airplane of his nest of agreement, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Split between rotors of the bomb of oil, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Split between the driven rotor of the bomb of oil and a wall of a nest of agreement of rotors, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum

Meeting of a head of cylinders

The very admissible deformation of the inter-connected surface to the cylinder block, mm 0.1
Diameter of a part of tension of a pin with a head below a key hexagon prutkovy of fixation of a head of cylinders, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Internal diameter of the capture of direction of the valve, mm 5.510÷5.530
Diameter of a nucleus of the valve, mm
  • Entry valve
  • Final valve
Slit of oil of the valve (standard//least), mm
  • Final valve
  • Final valve
Corner of facet of valve, hail. 44.5
Corner of the surface of saddle of inter-connected valve, I granulate. 45
Width of the inter-connected surface of a saddle of the valve, mm 1.0÷1.4
The valve saddle in favor points corners, hail.

Height of a consolation of a head of the valve, mm
  • Standard
  • Masimalny
Full standard//least length of the valve, mm
  • Entry valve
  • Final valve
The very detour of one spring valvate of a vertical, mm 2.0
Length of one spring valvate in a free state, mm 45.50
Spring tension valvate pressed to 33,8 mm length, N 186÷206
Diameter of an in favor point below an empurrador of the valve, mm 31.000÷31.016
Diameter of an empurrador of the valve, mm 30.966÷30.976
Slit of oil of an empurrador of the valve, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Exterior diameter of the capture of direction of the valve, mm
  • Standard
  • Overestimated
Height of the capture of direction of the valve, mm
  • Entry valves
  • Final valves
The height of an edge of the valve of direction covers of a head of cylinders, mm
  • Entry valves
  • Final valves
Diameter of an in favor point below the capture of direction of the valve, mm
  • Standard
  • Overestimated


Diameter of necks, mm 26.959÷26.975
The very admissible radial thrashing of a middle neck, mm 0.06
Height of cames (standard//least), mm
Entry axle 42.932÷43.032//42.78
Final axle 42.764÷42.864//42.61
Oil slit in loads (standard//least), mm
Entry axle 0.035÷0.072//0.10
Final axle 0.025÷0.062//0.09
Play of axial side, mm
Standard 0.04÷0.09
Maximum 0.12
Dead course of wheels of gear, mm
Standard 0.02÷0.20
Maximum 0.30
Split in spring reduction
ring of a wheel of gear, mm

Cylinder block and end of inclination

Play of axial side of the load of conrod, mm
Standard 0.15÷0.30
Maximum 0.35
Thickness of a stick, mm 20.80÷20.85
Oil slit in loads conrod, mm
Standard 0.038÷0.064
Maximum 0.08
Thickness of walls of insertions of loads conrod, mm
"1" labels 1.484÷1.487
"2" labels 1.487÷1.490
"3" labels 1.490÷1.493
"4" labels 1.493÷1.496
Necks diameter conrod of an inclination end, mm 52.992÷53.000
Play of axial side of radical loads of an end of inclination, mm
Standard 0.04÷0.24
Maximum 0.30
Thickness of a persistent lavador
end of inclination, mm
Oil slit (standard//the very) in radical loads of an end of inclination, mm
Necks n ° 1 and n ° 4 0.014÷0.034//0.05
Necks n ° 2 and n ° 3 0.026÷0.046//0.06

The necessary insertions of radical loads of an end of inclination, coming from the sum of numerical etiquettes in an end (A) and in the cylinder block (B).

You label in doubled to an end, in the cylinder block and in insertions of radical loads

Necks 1 and 4
  • ONE + B = (0÷5)
"3" labels
  • ONE + B = (6÷11)
"4" labels
  • ONE + B = (12÷17)
"5" labels
  • ONE + B = (18÷23)
"6" labels
  • ONE + B = (24÷28)
"7" labels
Necks 2 and 3 value of an etiquette in necks insertions 1 or 4 less 2
Placing diameter of radical necks of an end of inclination according to the etiquettes, mm 66.0XX, where XX – a numerical etiquette (of "00" a "16")
Diameter of radical necks of an end of inclination according to the etiquettes, mm (61.000-0.0XX), where XX – a numerical etiquette (of "00" a "12")
Thickness of walls of insertions of radical loads, mm
  • "1" labels
  • "2" labels
  • "3" labels
  • "4" labels
  • "5" labels
  • "6" labels
  • "7" labels
The very admissible radial thrashing of the axle, mm 0.06
conicity admissible maximum and ovality of necks of the axle, mm 0.02
The very admissible deformation of the inter-connected surface to a head of cylinders, mm 0.07
Diameter of the cylinder, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Diameter of a part of tension of a pin (with a head of 12 faces) fastenings of a covering of the radical load of an end of inclination, mm
  • Standard
  • Minimum

Pistons and sticks

Diameter of the piston in distance of 23,2 mm of the bottom, mm 87.406÷87.416
Slit of oil of the piston in the cylinder, mm
  • Standard
  • Minimum
Slit of landing of rings of piston, mm

N ° 1


N ° 2

The size of section of lock (standard//the very) the established rings of piston, mm

N ° 1


N ° 2


Plates of a ring of scraper of oil

The very admissible linear roughness of a stick in 100 mm of length, mm 0.05
The very admissible curvature of a stick in 100 mm of length, mm 0.15
Internal diameter of an opening below a finger, mm 22.005÷22.014
Diameter of a finger, mm 21.997÷22.006
Slit of landing of a finger, mm
  • Standard
  • Maximum
Diameter of a part of tension of a pin of fixation of a covering of the load of conrod, mm
  • Standard
  • Minimum

Efforts of corseting itself of screwed connections, Nanômetro

Pin of fixation of the plate of property of a cog-wheel of an end of inclination  8
Pins of fixation of intermediary rolls of a belt of GRM drive
  • Superior roll (n ° 2)
  • Lower roll (n ° 1)
Fixation of a natyazhitel of a belt of driving to the oil bomb 27
Pins of fixation of cog-wheels of axles
  • Right number of cylinders
  • Left number of cylinders
Pin of fixation of the right basic arm of the motor 28
Pins of fixation of coverings of a belt of GRM drive 8.5
Pin of fixation of a pulley of an end of inclination 215
Nut of fixation of an arm n ° 2 of the creator 28
Pins of fixation of an arm of the creator to the cylinder block 43
Pins of fixation of coverings of loads of axles 16
Nut of fixation of a rotor of VVT-i 150
The valve of VVT-i filters the cork 45
Pins of fixation of a rear cape of a head of cylinders 10
Fixation of a covering of side of the cylinder block 9
Pins of leaders' fixation of cylinders
  • With heads of 12 faces
54 soon in order that the 90th hail is seized in a corner.
  • With heads below a key prutkovy
Pins of fixation of coverings of loads of axles 16
Pins of fixation of leaders' coverings of cylinders 8
Nuts of fixation of a final collector 49
Fixation of a torture of a final collector
  • Straight
  • Left
The fixation of the offer of fuel waters with hose to the fuel filter 29
Pump fixation of arm GUR 43
Pin of fixation of a guide of the probe of level of oil of reason 8
Nuts of fixation of the catalytic converter 62
Pin of fixation of the tube of system of cooling of offer to a head of cylinders 19.5
Pins of fixation of a rear plate of a head of cylinders 8
Fixation of a tube of useless branch of water 15
Air distributor fixation to the entry oil pipeline 43
Fixation of the oil pipeline of entry to a head of cylinders 15
Pins of fixation of a hook that lifts n ° 1 of the motor 39
Pins of fixation of a torture of the air distributor 19.5
Nut of fixation of the basic tire to an air distributor 14.5
Pins of fixation of a hook that is lifted of the motor 19.5
Pins of fixation of an advanced support and rear arm of fixation of the motor to the motor 64
Nuts of a rear arm of fixation of the motor to a rear support 87
Pins of fixation of the unity of power to the left support 64
Pins of fixation of a quencher of fluctuations of the motor 48
Pins of fixation of an advanced support of the motor to an esticador 80
Pins of fixation of meeting of the mechanism of direction with thirst of an esticador 181
Pins of fixation of the stabilizer of a support of the triangular form of interruption advanced to an esticador 19
Pins of fixation of the bomb GUR 43
Pins of fixation of support of a rear esticador

  • A few pins
  • B pins
Pins of fixation of support of a rear esticador 181
Pins of the right basic arm n ° 2 and sketch of fixation of the motor

  • Pins of A, B, C
  • I set pins of D
Nuts of fixation of advanced and central sections of a tube of leak 62
Nuts of fixation of the section n ° 2 advanced of a tube of leak 56
Nuts of fixation of the superior support of the motor 80
Nuts of fixation of levers of screenwashes to his sketches 24
Pins of fixation of coverings of loads conrod
  • 1st stage
  •  The 2nd stage is seized
in a corner 90th hail.
Pins of fixation of coverings of radical loads

With a head of 12 faces

    • 1st stage
    • 2nd stage
the 90th hail is seized in a corner.

With a head of 6 faces

Pins of fixation of the bearer of a few back epiploon of an inclination end 8
Drain traffic jams of traffic of OZh in the cylinder block 39
The pins of the fixation of sealing the placing of the system of cooling of the cylinder block 18
Union of a filter of oil 30
Pins of fixation of a tube of branch of reception of OZh 8
Explosion sensors 39
Arm fixation n ° 2 of roll of belt of GRM drive 28
Fixation of an arm of the compressor K/V 25
Pins of fixation of a disc of driving 83
D/V of pressure of oil of reason 13
Cork of the valve that it reduces of the oil bomb 49
Pins of fixation of the bomb of oil
  • With a 10 mm head
  • With a 12 mm head
Sensor of CKP 8
Fixation of a plate maslootrazhatelny to the superior section of the trundle bed of a case 8
Pins of fixation of the superior section of the trundle bed of a case
  • With a 10 mm head
  • With a 12 mm head
  • With a 14 mm head
Pins of fixation of the lowest covering of a cavity of a disc of driving 7.8
Fixation of a maslozabornik 8
Fixation of the lowest section of the trundle bed of a case 8
Drain the cork of oil of reason 45