1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
- Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
   General information
   + Dispatch the support of the triangular form of interruption
   + Support of the triangular form of subsequent interruption
   + Direction
   + Geometry of support of the triangular form of interruption
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction


The very play of axial side of loads of naves, mm 0.05
The very axial thrashing of naves, mm 0.05
I make an effort in the moment of continuous pressure of a nut of the lowest spherical support in the fifth turn, Nanômetro 1.0 ÷ 3.4
I make an effort in the moment of continuous pressure of a nut of the hinge of a torture of the stabilizer in the fifth turn, Nanômetro 0,05 ÷ 1.0
Tension of belt of Pump GUR drive to see Placing and regular maintenance of the car
Difference of levels of liquid GUR in the moment of the work and dead motor, mm not more than 5 mm
Pressure of liquid of GUR in the motor that works in the only turns and the valve of closed SST, atm not less than 77,5
Difference of pressure of liquid GUR in the motor that works for 1.000 revolutions per minute and 3.000 revolutions per minute and the valve of confided SST, atm not more than 4.8
The pressure of liquid of GUR in the motor that works in the only turns in the valve of confided SST and the steering-wheel turned in the extreme situation, atm not less than 77,5
Play of side of a steering-wheel, mm not more than 30
Effort of turn of a steering-wheel, Nanômetro 5.9
Hitting of a direction torture, mm not more than 0.03
Preoverdoing of the mechanism of direction, Nanômetro 0.8 ÷ 1.4

Bomb GUR

Effort of rotation of the bomb, Nanômetro 0.3
Slit of oil of an end of the bomb in the capture, mm
  • Standard
0,03 ÷ 0.05
  • Maximum
Split between a rotor and a shiber, mm not more than 0.035
Height x length x thickness of shiber, mm not less than 8,6 x 14.991 x 1.397
Origin lengths of shiber of etiquettes in a rotor and a strange ring, mm

There is no etiquette

14,999 ÷ 15.001


14,997 ÷ 14.999


14,995 ÷ 14.997


14,993 ÷ 14.995


14,991 ÷ 14.993
Length of a free spring, mm not less than 32,3

Angles of installation of wheels, geometry of support of the triangular form of interruption

Height of an advanced support of the triangular form of interruption 259
Height of a rear support of the triangular form of interruption 316
Disorder of advanced wheels - 0 °20' ± 45'
Difference of disorders of the right and left wheels not more than 45'
Выбег dispatch wheels - 2 °05' ± 45'
It distinguishes of vybeg of the right and left advanced wheels not more than 45'
Inclination of an axle of turn of advanced wheels 12 °10' ± 45'
Difference of inclinations of an axle of turn of the right and left advanced wheels not more than 45'
Convergence full of advanced wheels 0 °06' ± 12' (1 ± 2 mm)
The difference of residual lengths of hints of directing sketches, mm not more than 1.5
Angles of limit of rotation of advanced wheels
  • In the interior
31 °03' ± 1 °30'
  • On the outside
27 °50'
Disorder of Vybeg of rear wheels - 0 °35' ± 45'
Convergence full of rear wheels 0 °18' ± 12' (3 ± 2 mm)
Difference of distances of a disc of the right rear wheel / left to a corner of a corresponding clown of agreement of convergence of rear wheels, mm not more than 3.0

Efforts of corseting itself of screwed connections, Nanômetro

Wheel nuts 103
Pins of fixation of meeting of a support of advanced brake 107
Fixation of the bearer of an electrical system of the rear sensor of speed of ABS to an absorbent one of the shock 5
Pin of fixation of the bearer of a hose of flexible brake and electrical system of the sensor of speed of ABS to an absorbent one of the shock 29
Pin of fixation of the sensor advanced ABS 8
Pin of fixation of the back sensor of ABS 20
Nuts of fixation of a torture of a support of the triangular form of interruption advanced to a rotary fist 210
Nuts of fixation of a torture of a rear support of the triangular form of interruption the meeting stupichny 255
Superior nuts of fixation of a torture of an advanced support of the triangular form of interruption 80
Superior nuts of fixation of a torture of a rear support of the triangular form of interruption 39
The nut of the fixation of a tip of directing the thirst of a rotary fist 49
Countersow of fixation of a tip to sketch direction 74
Fixation of the lowest spherical support to the lowest lever of an advanced support of the triangular form of interruption 127
Nut of fixation of the lowest spherical support to a rotary fist 123
Pin of the lowest lever of an advanced support of the triangular form of interruption 206
Pins of fixation of the covering of protection of a rotary fist 8.3
Pin of the central load of an end of power 32
Pin of fixation of the tank of fluid of brake 8.8
Nut of spring fixation of a torture of a support of the triangular form of interruption 49
Nuts of fixation of tortures of stabilizers of a support of the triangular form of interruption 39
Pins of fixation of supports of the triangular form of stabilizers of a support of the triangular form of interruption 19
The pins of the fixation of a few back curb the support 47
The pins of the fixation of a thread of the walk of the parking brake to a covering of the meeting stupichny 8
Pins of fixation of the longitudinal lever of a rear support of the triangular form of interruption
  • The meeting stupichny
  • To a body
Pins of fixation of angry levers of a rear support of the triangular form of interruption
  • The meeting stupichny
  • To an esticador
Nut of fixation of thirst of the sensor of agreement of an inclination of lighthouses of the angry lever n ° 2 of a rear support of the triangular form of interruption 5.4
The pin of the fixation of the bearer of a flexible brake waters with hose to an absorbent one of the shock of a rear support of the triangular form of interruption 29
Pins of fixation of the central sections and rear sections of a tube of leak 62
The pin of the fixation of an arm of a thread of the parking brakes to a hoof of the car 5
Nuts of fixation of a rear esticador
  • Halls
  • Backwards
Nut of fixation of a steering-wheel 35 ÷ 50
Pins of fixation of a bedcover of a steering-wheel 7.1 ÷ 8.8
Pin of fixation of the hinge of an end of direction 36
Nuts of fixation of meeting of a column of direction 26
Pins of fixation of an intermediary end of a column of direction 36
The pin that is joined from the lowest fixation of a column of direction to his lowest support 19
Pins of fixation of an arm of the rate of turns 4
Fixation of meeting of the mechanism of direction 181
Fixation of the lines GUR to the direction mechanism 23 (25) *
Levels fixation apertadores of the direction mechanism
  • Pins
  • Nuts
Pins of fixation of the case of the valve of control GUR to the case of the mechanism of direction 18
Самоконтрящаяся nut of an end of the valve of control GUR 25
Covering of the case of the mechanism of direction 59
Countersow of a spring covering of the lath of direction of the mechanism of direction 50 (69) *
Fixation of directing sketches 60 (83) *
Fixation of repayable tubes of GUR to the case of the mechanism of direction 12 (13) *
Pins of union of the bomb GUR 24
The union of pressure heads the port of the bomb GUR 83
Pin of the union of the inexperienced port far from the bomb GUR 13
The fixation of an advanced arm of the bomb GUR to move back 43
Nut of fixation of a pulley of the bomb GUR 43
Pins (one//B) fastenings of meeting of the bomb GUR 29 (43) *//43
Sensor of pressure of liquid of GUR 21
Tube of unloading of pressure to the bomb GUR 21

* Between parentheses the efforts of corseting itself without the use of special devices are specified.