1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- System of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
   + System of provision of power
   - Systems of launch and reduction in toxicity of the carried out gases
      General information
      Check of the system PCV
      Check of the system EVAP
      Check of catalytic converters
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Systems of launch and reduction in toxicity of the carried out gases

General information

System of launch of OG

The system of the production of the carried out gases is composed of final collectors, tubes of reception, catalytic converters, scarfs and a tube of leak.

Reduction systems in toxicity of the carried out gases

Component of reduction systems in toxicity of OG

1 - the Vacuum receiver
2 - the valve PCV
3 - VSV of the system EVAP
4 - the union of Service of the system EVAP
5 - the valve VSV CCV
6 - Nizhny Novgorod the catalytic converter
7 - the catalytic Converter of a number of cylinders 1
8 - the catalytic Converter of a number of cylinders 2
9 - the Line of a purge
10 - the Line of air provision

11 - the Sensor of pressure of evaporation of fuel
12 - the Line of the system EVAP
13 - the ventilation Line
14 - the adsorber purge the valve VSV
15 - the Covering of a gooey mouth of the tank of fuel
16 - the Gooey mouth of the tank of fuel
17 - an air unloading Hose
18 - the Coal adsorber
19 - the fuel Tank
20 - the short cut Valve
21 - the Valve of control of level of fuel

Scheme of work of systems of reduction in toxicity of OG

1 - the union of Service of the system EVAP
2 - the Sensor of pressure of evaporation of fuel
3 - the Line of a purge
4 - VSV of the system EVAP
5 - the Line of the system EVAP
6 - the ventilation Line
7 - the Coal adsorber
8 - the fuel Tank
9 - an air unloading Hose
10 - the adsorber purge the valve VSV

11 - the Line of air provision
12 - the valve VSV CCV
13 - the air Purifier
14 - the probe of Lambda of 1 number of cylinders 2 (the quality sensor of mixture)
15 - the probe of Lambda of 1 number of cylinders 1 (the quality sensor of mixture)
16 - the catalytic Converter of a number of cylinders 1
17 - the catalytic Converter of a number of cylinders 2
18 - the probe of Lambda 2
19 - Nizhny Novgorod the catalytic converter

The beginning of the functioning of a system of control of the motor is built so that it receives the very return of the motor in the moment of the consumption of least fuel and the maintenance of component poisons in OG. The system of the capture of evaporation of fuel (EVAP) prevents the blow of the last one of the tank of fuel in the atmosphere. Also the system of the ventilation of a case (PCV) is installed.

System of the ventilation made work of a case (PCV)

For the elimination of the hole of it did not set the hydrocarbon alight in the atmosphere the motor is sealed completely. The gases and the steams of oil that are formed in a case he was seeing the filter of net they come to the entry oil pipeline and set alight in cylinders together with the fuel.

The gases are withdrawn of a case at the expense of the pressure difference in a case and the oil pipeline of entry (the pressure in a case is higher).

System of capture of evaporation of fuel (EVAP)

The system EVAP is destined for the reduction in the emission in the atmosphere of it did not set the hydrocarbon alight. The gooey mouth of the tank of fuel is closed hermetically by a covering, below the fuel tank the coal adsorber is established. In him the steams of fuel that are formed in a tank during the parking of the car join and guard there even in a sign of the unity of control the purge of adsorber it does not begin. During a purge of the couple of the movement of fuel he was seeing the valve of purge in the entry oil pipeline where they mix with the mixture of work and besides that they set alight normally in combustion cameras.

To secure the normal operation of the motor in the only turns and during heating the unity of control it maintains the shut valve. So the blow of did not set the fuel alight in the convertedor (it is prevented in the lifted mixture of turns that wastes time of a pereobogashchen). After the valve is heated of the motor it begins to open and to be closed, giving steams of fuel on the entry way.

Catalytic converter and you try of lambda

For the reduction in the number of dangerous emissions in the atmosphere the catalytic converters functional three are built in the system of the launch. The system of control of the injection of the fuel has the feedback that included a few probes of lambda, OG that inform constantly the unity of control in the structure. Depending on the obtained data, the unity of control corrects the quality of the mixture given to cameras of combustion and, so, it optimizes the combustion of fuel.

In a probe of lambda, established behind catalytic converters, the element of heating that is lit by the unity of control she was seeing the special alternation it is built in. The work surface a probe of lambda is sensitive to the modification of the content of oxygen in OG. When there is depending on concentration of oxygen the tension of production of the modifications of sensor. To it mixes of a pereobogashchen (content of oxygen in the gases carried out very low), the probe of lambda gives signs with the low tension. The tension increases in the process of the impoverishment of mixture and increase in the content of oxygen in gases. It more effectively the convertedor works in the best composition of mixture of gas (14,7 parts of air of 1 part of the fuel). In the moment of the best concentration of oxygen in OG there is a jump in the tension in a probe of lambda. This jump is a point of reference of the unity of control in the moment of the correction of the quality of the mixture.

Three establishes a probe of lambda: in one in front of the superior catalytic converters (this a lambda tries at the same time there are the sensors of the quality of the mixture of air fuel) and one behind the lowest convertedor. It gets the most right rastreamento of the structure of OG.