Application of an oscillograph of observation of signs in chains of systems of control The digital multímetros perfectly healthy convenient for the check of the electric chains that are in a static state, and also to fix of slow modifications of the drawn parameters. Carrying out the dynamic controls that are executed in the work motor and also in the moment of the identification of the reasons of periodic failures the oscillograph becomes the instrument absolutely irreplaceable.
Some oscillographs allow to guard oscillograms in the built module of the memory with the subsequent results conclusion to the press or his copy to the digital haulage company already in stationary conditions.
The oscillograph allows to observe periodic signs and to measure characteristics of rectangular impulses, and also levels of the tension that is modified slowly. The oscillograph can be in use for:
- Identifications of failures of unstable character;
- Checks of results of the done corrections;
- Activity that controls probe of lambda;
- The analysis of the signs developed a probe of lambda what I divert of parameters of the standard is an unconditional evidence of the violation of the usefulness of the functioning of a system of control in general - from another side, the fairness of the form of the given impulses a probe of lambda can serve of a guarantee fiável of the lack of violations in a control system.
The confidence and the simplicity of the operation of oscillographs modern do not demand of the operator of special special knowledge and experience. The interpretation of the obtained information can be done easily by the elementary visual comparison of the oscillograms withdrawn during conferem with the typical temporary dependences for several sensors and the mechanisms of actuation of the motor systems of control given down.
Parameters of periodic signs
Each sign withdrawn through an oscillograph can be described through the next key parameters:
vastness – a difference of the very and least tension (of V) of a sign inside the period;
the period – duration of a cycle of a sign (milissegundo);
frequency – the number of cycles for as (Hz);
width – duration of a rectangular impulse (milissegundo, I microsecond);
the porosity – the relation of period of repetition to the width (In the foreign terminology the return is the porosity applied the parameter called by a current cycle, definite in the %);
the form of sign – the sequence of rectangular impulses, the only emissions, a sinusoid, impulses tooth of mountain range, etc.
Characteristics of any sign |
Normally the characteristics of the defective device strongly are differentiated of the reference that allows to an operator to reveal easily and quickly visually the refused component thing.
The signs of a continuous current - only transmit what the tension analyses.
The signs of the alternate current - are the analysed vastness, the frequency and the form of a sign.
The signs modulated by the frequency - are the analysed vastness, the frequency, the form of a sign and the width of periodic impulses.
Meters of REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE and provisions of end that works in the Hall effect |
Meters of REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE opticians and provisions of end |
Digital MAF and sensors of MAP |
The signs modulated in the width of an impulse (ShIM) - are the analysed vastness, the frequency, the form of a sign and the porosity of periodic impulses.
Device of stabilization of turns of X/X (IAC) |
Primary curve of the roll of ignition |
Them Ø/m EVAP system adsorber purges the valve |
The form of the sign given by an oscillograph depends on the group of several factors and can be modified considerably. In a look said before the initial substitution of the component one suspected in case of the discrepancy of the form of the diagnostic sign withdrawn with the reference oscillogram, it is necessary to analyse the carefully received result.
The null level of a sign of reference cannot be considered as an absolute basic value, - the true "null" sign depending on concrete parameters of the checked chain can move somewhat reference (1 sees the variety in an illustration the digital Sign) inside certain admissible variety (2 to see the variety in an illustration the digital Sign and 1 in an illustration the Analogous sign).
The vastness full of a sign depends on the voltage of provision of the checked outline and also it can vary somewhat the value of reference in certain limits (2 sees the variety in an illustration the digital Sign and 2 in an illustration the Analogous sign).
In chains of a vastness of continuous current of a sign it limits itself to supply to the voltage. It is possible to give a chain of the system of the stabilization of turns of wasting time (IAC) what they alarm the tension is not modified with the modification of turns of the motor of any way like an example.
In chains of the vastness of sign of current alternated already inequivocamente it depends on the frequency of the work of a fountain of a sign, so, the vastness of the sign given by the sensor of the provision of an end of inclination (CKP) will increase with the increase in turns of the motor.
In a stated look if the vastness of the sign withdrawn through an oscillograph is excessively low or high (up to the decoration of high levels), it is only enough to exchange the variety of work of the device, having passed to the corresponding scale of the measurement.
When will it check the equipment of chains with the management Ý/m (for example, the system IAC) in the power of launches of tension (4 will see in an illustration the digital Sign) one can be noticed what can be ignored calmly in the analysis of results of the measurement.
It is not necessary also to be bothered in the moment of the emergence of such deformations of the oscillogram like the bevel of the lowest part of the advanced front of rectangular impulses (5 to see values in an illustration the digital Sign) if, naturally, the fact of a vypolazhivaniye of the front will not be a sign of the violation of the usefulness of the functioning of the checked component one.
The frequency of the repetition of alarming impulses depends on the frequency of work of a fountain of signs.
The form of the retired sign can be published and be brought to a look, convenient one to the analysis, when there is lighting an oscillograph of the scale of the temporary development of the image.
In the moment of the observation of signs in chains of the alternate current the temporary development of an oscillograph depends on the frequency of fountain of sign (3 sees the variety in an illustration the Analogous sign) determined by motor turns.
I eat already if he said in top, for the reduction of a sign to a legible look it is enough to exchange the scale of the temporary development of an oscillograph.
In certain modifications of characteristic of cases of a sign there are developed especularmente somewhat dependences of reference that is explained by the reversibility of the polarity of the connection of the corresponding element and, the absence of the prohibition of the modification of the polarity of the connection, it can be ignored in the analysis.
Typical signs of component ones of systems of control of the motor
oscillographs modern they are equipped normally of only two alarming wires together with the group of several probes that they allow to execute the connection of the device practically to any device.
The red wire is joined to a safe pole of an oscillograph and one adheres normally to the capture of ECM. The black wire must be joined to the point confiantemente when (weight) was established.
The control of the composition of the mixture of air fuel in the modern motorcar the electronic systems of the injection of the fuel practises for the opportune agreement of the duration of the opening of valves eletromagnéticas of injectors.
The duration of the stay of injectors abroach defines for the duration of the developed ECM of the electric impulses happened in an entry valves of Ý/m. The impulses duration normally does not exceed the limit of the variety of 1 ÷ 14 milissegundos.
The typical oscillogram of the impulse undergoes operational operation of an injector in the Injector of Fuel of illustration. Very often in the oscillogram there is possible also to observe series of the short pulsations after straightly the negative rectangular impulse that begins and supporting Ý/m the valve of an injector abroach, and also the sharp positive launch of the tension that accompanies the moment of the close of the valve.
The usefulness of the functioning of ECM can happen easily through an oscillograph for the visual observation of modifications of the form of the operational sign in the moment of a variation of parameters of work of the motor. In this way, the impulses duration in a motor provorachivaniye in the only turns will be lightly higher, of what during the operation of the unity in low turns. The increase in turns of the motor has to result from the corresponding increase in the time of the stay of injectors abroach. This dependence is shown specially well opening a valve of butterfly for the short pressing of the pedal of gas pedal.
- Through the fine probe of the play annexed to an oscillograph they join a red wire of the device to the injector taken of ECM. Confiantemente fuses the probe of the second oscillograph of wire alarming (black).
- Analyse the form of the motor of sign that is read aloud during a provorachivaniya.
- When the motor began, check the form of the operational sign in the only turns.
- Having held tight agudamente the pedal of gas pedal, lift the frequency of the rotation of the motor to 3.000 revolutions per minute, - the duration of the operational impulses in the moment of the acceleration will increase considerably, with the subsequent stabilization at the level, equal, or lightly more special boy for turns they waste time.
The close of Bystry of a valve of butterfly will lead to an oscillogram that levels out confirmation of the fact of an omission of injectors (for systems with a short cut of supply of fuel).
In the coldness departure the motor needs some enrichment of the mixture of air fuel that is provided of the automatic increase in the duration of the opening of injectors. In the process of heating the duration of the operational impulses in the oscillogram it has to be reduced continuously, gradually bringing near the value typical for the only turns.
In systems of the injection in which the injector of the cold departure is not applied in the cold launch of the motor the additional operational impulses that are shown in the oscillogram in the form of pulsations of the variable length are in use.
The typical dependence of the duration of the operational impulses of the opening of injectors in the condition of work of the motor shows up on the table supplied down.
Condition of the motor |
Duration of the operational impulse, milissegundo |
The only turns |
1.5 ÷ 5 |
2000 + 3.000 revolutions per minute |
1.1 ÷ 3.5 |
Full gas |
8.2 ÷ 3.5 |
Inductive sensors
- The motor begins and compare the withdrawn oscillogram of an exit of the inductive sensor of the reference.
Sign of the inductive sensor |
- The increase in turns of the motor has to result from the increase in the vastness of the sign of wrist developed by the sensor.
The valve of Ø/m of the turns stabilization of wasting time (IAC)
In the car industry the valves IAC eletromagnéticas of the group of several types that give the signs of the form also different are in use.
The common distinctive characteristic of all the valves is the fact that the porosity of a sign will reduce with the increase of the load of the motor joined with the inclusion of the additional consumers of the reduction of motivation of being able in turns of wasting time.
If the porosity of the modifications of oscillogram with the increase in the load, nevertheless in the moment of the inclusion of the consumers' violation of the stability of turns to waste time it happen, checks a condition of a chain of the valve eletromagnética, and also the fairness of the given ECM of a sign of order.
Normally in chains of the stabilization of turns of wasting time the electric step motor polar 4 that the description happens down is in use. The control of valves IAC of 2 contacts and of 3 contacts happens in a similar way, nevertheless oscillograms of the alarming tension given by them they are absolutely differently of.
The electric step motor, resisting the ECM given the sign of functioning of pulsation, does the correction of step of turns of wasting time of the motor according to the temperature of work to cool the liquid and the current load of the motor.
The levels of the operational signs can happen through an oscillograph that will measure of probe if it joins in series an each one of four captures of the step motor.
- Heat the motor up to the temperature of normal work and leave it working in the only turns.
- Since the increase in the load of the motor includes front lighthouses, the air condicionador, or, - in models with the power direction, - they spin a steering-wheel. The turns of wasting time will fall for a little time, nevertheless there to be even again stabilized due to the operation of the valve IAC.
- Compare the oscillogram withdrawn with the reference, happened in the Device of Stabilization of illustration of turns X/X (IAC).
It tries of lambda (sensor of oxygen)
They take care of typical Oscillograms for it when a few probes were very often used in cars of lambda of the type of zircônio in which the basic tension of 0.5 century is not in use in this subsection. Recently the growing popularity is gained by titanic sensors whom the variety of work of a sign makes 0÷5 of V, and the high level of the tension happens in the combustion of the impoverished mixture, low, - made rich. |
- An oscillograph joins between the capture a probe of lambda in ECM and weight.
- One secures that the motor is heated up to the temperature of normal work.
- The oscillogram is compared it exposed the instrument of measuring with the reference happened in the illustration probe of Lambda (to see in top).
- If the retired sign is not undulating, and it will represent the linear dependence, then, depending on the tension level, it demonstrates the excessive reimpoverishment (0 ÷ 0.15 in), or reenrichment (0,6 ÷ 1 V) of the mixture of air fuel.
- If in the only turns of the motor the normal undulating sign happens, try several times knots pinch out agudamente of gas, - the fluctuations of a sign must not exceed the limit of the variety of 0 1st century ÷.
- The increase in turns of the motor has to result from the increase in the vastness of a sign, reduction - reduction.
Sensor of an explosion (KS)
- Join an oscillograph between the capture of the sensor of an explosion of ECM and weight.
- One secures that the motor is heated up to the temperature of normal work.
- Agudamente holds tight out the pedal of gas pedal and there compares the form of the retired sign of the current alternated with the reference, happened in the illustration the Sensor of Explosions (to see in top).
- In the sharpness of insufficient image lightly they hit the cylinder block around the placing of the sensor of an explosion.
- If it is not possible to carry out to not ambiguity of the form of a sign, to substitute the sensor or to check a condition of an electrical system of his chain.
Ignition sign in the exit of the amplifier of ignition
- Join an oscillograph between the capture of the amplifier of the ignition of ECM and weight.
- Heat the motor up to the temperature of normal work and leave it working in the only turns.
- The sequence of rectangular impulses of a continuous current has to happen for the fabric of an oscillograph. Compare the form of the accepted sign of telling, paying the attention closed for the coincidence of such parameters like vastness, the frequency and the form of impulses.
The operational sign of the amplifier of ignition |
- In the increase in turns of the motor the frequency of a sign will increase in the straight proportion.
Primary curve of the roll of ignition
- Join an oscillograph between the capture of the roll of the ignition of ECM and weight.
- Heat the motor up to the temperature of normal work and leave it working in the only turns.
- Winding ignition roll compares the form of the accepted sign of the reference, happened in an illustration Primarily (to see in top), - the positive launches of the tension will have constant vastness.
- The launches unequality can be caused by the excessive resistance of a secondary curve, and also the bad functioning of VV of a wire of the roll.
Wires color
Check conditions
Tension, in
<—> AND 9 (AND 8-17)
9 ÷ 14
<—>+ B (AND 5-16) AND 9 (AND 8-17)
The ignition is included
9 ÷; 14
<—>VC (And 8-2) of E 8 (And 8-18)
The ignition is included
4.5 ÷ 5.5
<—>VTA 1 (AND 8-23) AND 8 (AND 8-18)
The ignition is included, the butterfly valve is closed completely//is opened
0.3 ÷ 1.0 / 2,7 ÷ 5.2 5.2
<—>VG (E8-10) of E8G (E8-19)
<—>Y-R G-B
To waste time, to / in is put out
<—>VV1 + (E9-10) NE - (E8-24)
<—>THE W
To waste time
Generation of impulses
<—>VV 2 + (AND 9-22) NE - (AND 8-24)
<—>L W
To waste time
Generation of impulses
<—>NE + (And 8-16) of NE - (And 8-24)
<—>B W
To waste time
Generation of impulses
<—>SW 1 + (AND 9-6) SW 1-(AND 9-5)
<—>Y-B G-W
The ignition is included
Generation of impulses
<—>OC2 + (E9-29) OC2 - (E9-18)
<—>GR of G-Y
The ignition is included
Generation of impulses
<—>THA (E8-22) of E8 (E8-18)
To waste time, temperature of the soaked air 20 a hail.
0.5 ÷ 3.4
<—>THW (E8-14) of E8 (E8-18)
To waste time, hail of temperature of OZh 80.
0.2 ÷ 1.0
<—>STATION (E5-7) of E9 (E8-17)
Not less than 6,0
<—>#10 (E8-5) E01 (E9-21)
<—>#20 (E8-6) E01 (E9-21)
<—>#30 (E9-1) E01 (E9-21)
<—>#40 (E9-2) E01 (E9-21)
<—>#50 (E9-3) E01 (E9-21)
<—>#60 (E9-4) E01 (E9-21)
<—>W WB
<—>Y WB
<—>B WB
L<—> WB
<—>R WB
<—>G WB
The ignition is included
9 ÷ 14
To waste time
Generation of impulses
<—>IGT 1 (AND 9-11) AND 9 (AND 8-17)
To waste time
Generation of impulses
<—>IGT2 (E9-12) E9 (E8-17)
<—>IGT3 (E9-13) E9 (E8-17)
<—>IGT4 (E9-14) E9 (E8-17)
<—>IGT5 (E9-15) E9 (E8-17)
<—>IGT6 (E9-16) E9 (E8-17)
<—>IGF (of electronic 25) of E9 (E8-17)
The ignition is included
4.5 ÷ 5.5
To waste time
Generation of impulses
<—>ACIS (E9-17) of E01 (E9-21)
<—>R-Y W-B
The ignition is included
9 ÷ 14
<—>FC (And 5-3) of E 01 (And 9-21)
<—>L-Y W-B
The ignition is included
9 ÷; 14
To waste time
0 ÷ 3.0
<—>RSO (E9-26) of E01 (E9-21)
<—>Y-R W-B
The ignition is included, the capture E 9 ECM desconecta-se
9 ÷ 14
<—>OXS (E6-8) of E9 (E8-17)
Maintenance of 2.500 revolutions per minute inside 3 minutes after being heated of the motor
Generation of impulses
<—>HTS (And 6-9) of E 03 (And 9-30)
<—>B W-B
To waste time
More low than 3,0
The ignition is included
9 ÷ 14
<—>KNKR (And 9-27) of E 9 (And 8-17)
To waste time
Generation of impulses
<—>KNKL (And 9-28) of E 9 (And 8-17)
<—>NSW (E6-20) of E9 (E8-17)
The ignition is included, it in the WAY other of that "P" or "N" is chosen
9 ÷ 14
The ignition is included, in in the "P" or way "N"
0 ÷ 3.0
<—>SPD (E6-22) of E9 (E8-17)
The ignition is included, the slow rotation of a disc of driving
0 ÷ 5
<—>TC (E5-5) of E9 (E8-17)
The ignition is included
9 ÷ 14
<—>W (AND 6-6) AND 9 (AND 8-17)
The ignition is included
More low than 3,0
<—>EVP1 (E8-7) E01 (E9-21)
<—>W-L W-B
The ignition is included
9 ÷ 14
<—>CCV (AND 5-10) AND 01 (AND 9-21)
<—>G W-B
The ignition is included
9 ÷ 14
Wires color
Check conditions
Tension, in
<—>PS (E8-9) of E9 (E8-17)
The ignition is included
9 ÷14
<—>CF (And 6-26) of E 9 (And 8-17)
The supporter works in the high speed
9 ÷ 14
The supporter works in the low speed or goes out
0 ÷ 2
<—>TACH (E6-27) of E9 (E8-17)
To waste time
Generation of impulses
<—>TBP (And 6-3) of E 01 (And 9-21)
<—>L-R W-B
The ignition is included, the vacuum hose desconecta-se of VSV of the pressure of steams of the fuel
9 ÷ 14
<—>PTNK (E5-17) of E9 (E8-17)
The ignition is included
2.9 ÷ 3.7
The ignition is included, the vacuum of 30 mm of mercury is created.
Not more than 0.5
<—>SIL (And 5-4) of E 9 (And 5-17)
In the course of transfer
Generation of impulses
<—>STP (And 5-15) of E 9 (And 8-17)
The ignition is included, the brake pedal corsets itself out
7.5 ÷ 14
The ignition is included, the pedal of a brake is launched
More low than 1,5
<—>AFR + (AND 8-11) AND 9 (AND 8-17)
The ignition is included
3.0 ÷ 3.6
<—>AFL + (E5-12) of E9 (E8-17)
<—>AFR - (E8-20) E9 (E8-17)
<—>G B R
The ignition is included
2.7 ÷ 3.3
AFL - (E8-21) - E9 (E8-17)
<—>HAFR (E8-3) E04 (E8-1)
<—>HAFL (E8-4) of E05 (E8-8)
L<—> W-B
To waste time
More low than 3,0
<—>G W-B
The ignition is included
9 ÷ 14
<—>KSW (E6-23) of E9 (E8-17)
In time of installation of a key in the ignition lock
More low than 1,5
Key not in the ignition lock
4 ÷ 5
<—>RXCK (E6-19) of E9 (E8-17)
In time of installation of a key in the ignition lock
Generation of impulses
<—>THE CODE (E6-28) of E9 (E8-17)
In time of installation of a key in the ignition lock
Generation of impulses
<—>IGSW (E5-2) of E9 (E8-17)
The ignition is included
9 ÷ 14
<—>TXCT (E6-18) of E9 (E8-17)
In time of installation of a key in the ignition lock
Generation of impulses
<—>IMLD (E5-22) of E9 (E8-17)
Key not in the ignition lock
Generation of impulses
<—>MREL (E5-8) of E9 (E8-17)
The ignition is included
9 ÷ 14
Automatic exchange
<—>SL1 + (E9-20) SL1 - (E9-19)
<—>L-B L-W
The ignition is included
10 ÷ 14
1st or 2nd transfer
10 ÷ 14
The 3rd thing or transfer of O/D
More low than 1
<—>SL2 + (E9-9) SL2 - (E9-8)
<—>R-B R-W
The ignition is included
More low than 1
1st or 2nd transfer
10 ÷ 14
The 3rd thing or transfer of O/D
More low than 1
<—>DSL (E9-7) is weighed by me
<—>R - L mass of a body
The ignition is included
More low than 1
The movement in the blocked situation
10 ÷ 14
<—>NC + (E9-24) of NC - (E9-23)
<—>R G
The work motor
Wrist sign
<—>More low than 1 4 ÷ 5
<—>NT + (E7-5) OF NT - (E7-CH)
L<—> LG
The work motor
Wrist sign
<—>More low than 1 4 ÷ 5
<—>SLT + (E7-3) SLT - (E7-2)
<—>G-B G
The ignition is included
10 ÷ 14
<—>OD1 (E6-24) E1 (E8-17)
The ignition is included
5 ÷ 6
<—>L (E7-13) E1 (E8-17)
The ignition is included and it in the WAY "L" is chosen
10 ÷ 14
The ignition is included and it in the WAY, other of what "L" is chosen
More low than 1
<—>2 (E7-14) E1 (E8-17)
The ignition is included and the way "2" in is chosen
10 ÷ 14
The ignition is included and it in the WAY excellent of "2" is chosen
More low than 1
<—>R (E7-8) E1 (E8-17)
The ignition is included and the "R" in the WAY is chosen
10 ÷ 14
The ignition is included and it in the WAY other of what "R" is chosen
More low than 1
<—>D (E7-16) E1 (E8-17)
<—>GR of Great Britain
The ignition is included and it in the WAY "D" is chosen
10 ÷ 14
The ignition is included and it in the WAY, other of what "D" is chosen
More low than 1
<—>N (E7-7) E1 (E8-17)
The ignition is included and the "N" in the WAY is chosen
10 ÷ 14
The ignition is included and it in the WAY other of what "N" is chosen
More low than 1
<—>P (E7-9) E1 (E8-17)
The ignition is included and the "P" in the WAY is chosen
10 ÷ 14
The ignition is included and it in the WAY other of what "P" is chosen
More low than 1
<—>ODLP (E5-9) of E1 (E8-17)
The ignition is included, burns the commutation of To/L of the way O/D
More low than 1
The ignition is included, To/L that the extinguishment of the way O/D does not burn
10 ÷ 14
<—>ODMS (E7-12) AND 1 (E8-17)
<—>GR-L of Great Britain
The ignition is included
10 ÷ 14
The ignition is included and the switch of the way O/D guards
More low than 1