Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars - Administrations and methods of operation - Access, protection Keys Doors I access to a podkapotny prostranostvo I access to a gooey mouth of the tank of fuel Superior hatch Doors metal adornments System that is antidragged + Elements of systems of security + Equipment of the car, agreement of devices and administrations + Devices of securing the comfort + Methods of operation and auxiliary systems + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
Access, protection Keys
It is not necessary to leave children left unprotected in the car if in him there are keys, specially if the key is introduced in the ignition lock. The children get used to imitate adults and can introduce a key in the ignition lock and include the ignition or begin the motor. It can lead to children's damages using, for example, power windows or to the accident on the road if it begins to move the car. |
Together with the car two trace and a plate with his code are supplied.
The main key (with a head of the black color) brings near all the locks of the car and can be in use for the launch of the motor. They will take care of this key together of his code to a representative of the company of Lexus it is necessary to do a spin with the built receiver-transmitter of an immobilizator.
The additional key (with a head of the gray color) brings near all the locks of the car, except the lock of a box of article, and can be in use for the launch of the motor.
The keys code must be rewritten in the paper and supply it together with a plate at the place fiável inaccessible for foreigners (only not in the car!).
For the normal work of an immobilizator in the launch of the motor, do not suppose that the enchantment of the key of ignition was on his head, and also that in a brelk there were several keys with receivers-transmitters. To avoid that the damage of the receiver-transmitter does not subdue to his influence loadings strong mechanics (deformations, punches), high temperatures, moisture and fields Ý/m strong. |
Keys with the remote control (RC)
General information
For Lexus RX-300 car is possible to use up to four keys with DU. The agreement and the objective of the buttons DU show up.
The alarming system can be lit, maintaining the corresponding button during approximately 1 with, at the same time the ignition key must not be in the provision of "in". The alarming system destines to be amazing of wrongdoers of the car. To put out of the alarming system repeatedly they hold tight the corresponding button.
It is necessary to hold tight the buttons DU slowly and certainly. The ray of the safe action of DU does approximately 1 meter. In the enumerated one below the substitution of cases of a battery of the DU the block can be needed:
- DU does not work;
- The ray of the action of DU was reduced excessively;
- The indicator burns not brilhantemente or in absolute they do not illuminate.
To avoid that the damage of a key with DU does not subdue to his influence loadings strong mechanics (deformations, punches), high temperatures and moisture. |
To unlock and to lock of doors locks, to confide of windows of doors and hatch of a roof
- To lock of locks of all the doors, including a back door, they take a key of the lock of the ignition and hold tight the button LOCK. In the confirmation of well succeeded rates of closure of turns they will blink and to strike quickly a solid sign. If before locking of locks through any doors DU if it closed badly forbidden, the solid sign is going to be joined during 10 seconds.
- To be convinced of the locks operation repeatedly they hold tight the button LOCK – if the locks are locked, the turns rates will blink.
- To unlock of the lock of a door of the driver they hold tight the button UNLOCK. To unlock of locks of other doors repeatedly they hold tight this button, having waited during 3 seconds after the first pressing. In the confirmation of the desprendimento of locks the solid sign has to be joined twice quickly. If the switch of the lamp of hall will be installed in the provision "of the DOOR", together with the locks desprendimento during 15 seconds internal joinings of lighting (normally it does not take place if the ignition key is in the provision of "in"). If inside 30 seconds after unlocking of locks the door it is not opened, there is an automatic closure of locks of all the doors.
To confide - of windows of doors and the hatch of a roof they maintain that it held tight the button UNLOCK, being on the outside of the car. The movement of metal adornments and a covering of the superior hatch stop straightly after a button otpuskaniye.
The sonority of a solid sign and time to confide of a door after unlocking of the lock can be regulated; also a solid sign is possible desconectar and the alarming rates of system of turns – direct the representative of the company of Lexus to obtain the information most detailed in these questions. |
Substitution of a battery
- Prepare a new battery.
- There results the screw of the fixation of a covering of a head of a key of DU and withdraw it in the direction of an arrow.
- Take away the block of DU of a key head, withdraw his covering, take an old battery and establish new for a safe pole.
- Join a key head in the sequence, the sequence of return of the desmontagem. Do not forget of establishing a ring of fighter. After the usefulness of check of meeting of the functioning of DU – when the indicator is holding tight some of his buttons it will illuminate.