1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
- Administrations and methods of operation
   - Access, protection
      I access to a podkapotny prostranostvo
      I access to a gooey mouth of the tank of fuel
      Superior hatch
      Doors metal adornments
      System that is antidragged
   + Elements of systems of security
   + Equipment of the car, agreement of devices and administrations
   + Devices of securing the comfort
   + Methods of operation and auxiliary systems
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections



Information general and measured by precaution

Before leaving the left unprotected car, do not forget of taking away a key of the lock of ignition, lifting the brake of parking, closing all the windows and locking all the doors. It is necessary to lock doors also in the moment of the movement of the car of the prevention of his chance opening and also to exclude the penetration in the foreigners' car (for example, in a stop in front of the bright sign). In traffic children in a few back they seat locks of block of back doors. Do not stop childish or animal in the barred car since the hall can be heated up strongly and cause the deterioration in his health or the loss of the conscience. Before a departure of the movement the carried out gases are secured that the door of a few back closes densely from that time otherwise the harmful thing to the health they can come to the hall.

The respected cars are equipped of the system of the uniform lock that there allows to lock and to unlock all the doors, which work with the lock of one of doors of side. The closure of locks of a door of the driver is done in two stages: in the beginning the door of the driver is locked, and in the repeated turn of a – different you carry key.

To unlock and to lock of doors on the outside


  1. Become a key in the lock of a door advanced in reverse sense to the movement of the pointers of the clock to lock all the doors. To unlock of doors there become a key in the direction of the movement of the pointers of the clock.
  2. It is possible to lock and to unlock doors and through DU (to see Keys of subsection with DU).
  3. Locking doors through a key the system that is antidragged is activated (to see the Metal adornments of Section of doors).

To unlock and to lock of doors of inside

There if to be locked the lock of an open door of inside, then after closing of a door will remain locked. Be attentive and do not lock keys in the car of such a way.


  1. To lock of a door they hold tight the closure of button of inside ahead. In this situation to open a door so much on the outside, as of inside, it is impossible.
1 - it is locked
2 - it opens

It is possible to blockade a door of inside only if the key is not in the lock of the ignition and the door is closed. To unlock of a door they pull the button of closure of inside back.

  1. It is possible at the same time and to unlock locks of all the doors through the special switches located in advanced doors. To hold tight an advanced part of a key of the switch leads to the locks closure, and in back – to his desprendimento.
1 - it is locked
2 - it opens

Additional blockade of locks of back doors


  1. The additional blockade of locks of back doors is destined for the prevention of his opening by the children who are in a rear seat.
  2. Why could not the back door open of inside, to turn the lock located in a rear part of a door in the situation (1) and to close it. Now it is possible to open a door only on the outside.
1 - it is locked
2 - it opens

To unlock and to lock of a door of a few back


  1. To unlock of a door of a few back they introduce a key in his lock, turn it in reverse sense to the movement of the pointers of the clock and carefully they lift a back door.
1 - Closure
2 - Desprendimento
3 - Opening
  1. For the convenience of the close of a door of a few back it is possible to use the doorknob. After closing of a door they are secured of the confidence of his fixation and lock a door, having become a key in his lock in the direction of the movement of the pointers of the clock.

There are possible there lock the animals of lock of the lock also with some of doors from side, using the function of the uniform lock (to see the Access, the protection).