Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction - Body - Extern equipment and elements of body Removal and installation of the superior support of a compartment of reason Removal and installation of bumpers Removal and installation of a monk's hood, his lock and decorative front guard Removal, installation, desmontagem and meeting of an advanced door and his component Removal, installation, desmontagem and meeting of a back door and his component Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of a door of a few back and his component Removal and installation of cleaners and carenagem of a windshield Removal and installation of moldagens Removal and installation of a plunderer Removal and installation of the superior hatch + Hall equipment + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of a door of a few back and his component
Component clandestine
- Insert the screwdriver between a back door to superior list of the finish from glass and pull out the list of armbands in his perimeter.
- Separate the capture and withdraw a light of the brake of the high level of the superior list of the finish from glass.
- Inserting the screwdriver between a door of a few back and the elements of the finish of a door, pull out constantly of armbands the superior list, so many side as the lowest list.
- A nut results and withdraw the lever from cloth to rub of fabric.
- A nut results and withdraw a lavador э / the motor from cloth to rub of fabric of the exterior side of a door.
- Separate the capture, result three pins and withdraw э / the motor from cloth to rub of fabric.
- Separate captures, result 4 pins and withdraw combined lamps of the back with consolidations.
- Desconecte the capture of the cylinder of lock, results two pins and withdraw the cylinder.
- Result two pins, withdraw the mechanism of the control of the lock and desconecte of him a thread.
- Desconecte the sketch of the lock, gives two nuts and withdraw the lock activator. Separate the capture.
- Separate the capture, result 4 pins and withdraw the lock.
- Result two screws and withdraw lenses of the lighting of the plate of register.
- Result two nuts and withdraw the extern doorknob.
- A nut results and there pulls out the screwdriver an extern bedcover of a door of a few back of armbands.
- Withdraw the doorknob to stand up of a door.
- Give the fixation of knots at a door and withdraw a door.
- During the installation of a door, specially new, it is necessary to adjust his situation.
- Since the agreement of a door in the directions gives pins of the fixation of knots at a door to the left / on the right and / I lower, expose a door in the necessary position and it holds tight pins with the effort of 8 nanômetros.
- Since the agreement of a door in the directions gives pins of the fixation of knots to a body / I lower and interior / outside, expose a door in the necessary position and it holds tight pins with the effort of 12 nanômetros. For a pins reversion in the beginning:
- Withdraw a lens of the lamp of the compartment of baggage;
- Result four pins, separate the capture and withdraw the lamp;
- There pulls out the screwdriver behind the section of the finish of a roof of armbands and withdraw it.
- If necessary agreement to position of a drummer of the lock, moving it (exploring with the hammer) in the launched fixation outside / interior and / down. Previously withdraw the lowest list of the finish of an entry of a few back. On the ending of the agreement there insist pins of the fixation of the drummer with the effort of 23 nanômetros and install the list.
- In the conclusion they adjust the provision of a cork of side.
- The installation is done upside-down. Hold tight the fixation with the necessary efforts, use new armbands.
- In the conclusion of the installation they adjust provisions of the lever from a cloth to rub of fabric (to see the Check of Section of a state, agreement and substitution of brushes from clothes to rub of fabric).
- After the installation check that the superior point of the blow of a current of the washable liquid in the glass was in the shady area and the lowest point – in a cloth reach to rub of fabric.