Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction - Body + Extern equipment and elements of body - Hall equipment Removal and installation of the panel and box of main article Removal of a fitted carpet of a floor and box of article of the central consolation Removal and installation of finish of a ceiling Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of front seats Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of rear seats Removal and installation of belts of seat and his emergence natyazhitel + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
Removal and installation of finish of a ceiling
Component of installation of the list of a ceiling (the part 1)
Component of installation of the list of a ceiling (the part 2)
- Launch an advanced part of a covering of the floor of the compartment of baggage of five armbands and withdraw it.
- Withdraw lists n ° 2 and n ° 3 of the compartment of baggage, withdraw a tray and a covering of a wheel of surplus.
- Withdraw boxes of article and a covering of the compartment of baggage.
- Withdraw behind seats (to see the Removal of Section, desmontagem, meeting and installation of rear seats).
- Withdraw in the specified segments of side of sequence of the panel, a bedcover of thresholds of advanced doors, consolidations of advanced doors, finish of advanced tortures of a body, bedcover of thresholds of back doors and consolidation of back doors.
- Withdraw the anchors more low and more improve of belts of seat of a rear seat then they withdraw the sections more low and superiors of the finish of the central torture of a body.
- Withdraw the lens of the lamp of the compartment of baggage, result 4 screws and withdraw the lamp.
- Withdraw the rear list of finish of a ceiling and the rear panel of the finish of the compartment of baggage.
- Result pins, withdraw the lowest hooks, take armbands and withdraw lists of bottom of the finish.
- Discover tortures of a rear support of the triangular form of interruption.
- Withdraw the finish of side of a rear seat.
- Do not tie a clip in a covering of an additional nest of an opening in case of a nest and spread the case out approximately in 10 mm.
- An armband pulls out the screwdriver and withdraw an additional nest together with a covering, previously having separated the capture.
- Discover n ° 1 of the compartment of baggage and the lower lists of side.
- Withdraw the best anchors of belts of seat of rear seats, doorknobs of side and lists of top of side.
- Withdraw the lens, open compartment of metal adornments, pull out 5 armbands, result 3 screws and withdraw the meeting of personal lamps, previously having separated his capture.
- Discover a mirror, in models with a mirror with the automatic shading separated the capture of mirror.
- Withdraw peaks of protection of the sun, his bearers.
- Result 2 screws and withdraw 4 superior doorknobs.
- Withdraw the lens of the lamp of hall, result 4 screws and withdraw the lamp, previously having separated his capture.
- Pull out 2 armbands and withdraw the finish of a ceiling.
- The installation is done upside-down. Substitute the deformed armbands.