1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
- Body
   + Extern equipment and elements of body
   - Hall equipment
      Removal and installation of the panel and box of main article
      Removal of a fitted carpet of a floor and box of article of the central consolation
      Removal and installation of finish of a ceiling
      Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of front seats
      Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of rear seats
      Removal and installation of belts of seat and his emergence natyazhitel
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Removal and installation of finish of a ceiling

Component of installation of the list of a ceiling (the part 1)

1 - the belt of Seat of a front seat
2 - the Side top lists what ends
3 - the Covering of a torture of a rear support of the triangular form of interruption
4 - the list of Bottom of finish
5 - Consolidation of a back door
6 - Hooks
7 - the Additional nest
8 - the Lowest side list
9 - finish of Side of a rear seat
10 - the Bedcover of a threshold of a back door
11 - the Lowest section of finish of the central torture of a body
12 - the Bedcover of a threshold of an advanced door
13 - the segment of Side of the panel

14 - Finish of an advanced torture of a body
15 - Consolidation of an advanced door
16 - the Superior section of finish of the central torture of a body
17 - the Side doorknob
18 - the Covering n ° 1 of the compartment of baggage
19 - the rear Panel of finish of the compartment of baggage
20 - the Covering of a wheel of surplus
21 - the Article they pack the compartment of baggage up
22 - the Tray of the compartment of baggage
23 - the List n ° 3 of the compartment of baggage
24 - the List n ° 2 of the compartment of baggage
25 - the Covering of the floor of the compartment of baggage
26 - the Covering of the compartment of baggage

Component of installation of the list of a ceiling (the part 2)

1 - the list of subsequent finish of a ceiling
2 - the Lens
3 - the Lamp of the compartment of baggage
4 - the ceiling List
5 - Doorknobs

6 - the Hall lamp
7 - the peak of protection of the Sun
8 - the Internal rear-view mirror
9 - Meeting of personal lamps
10 - Bearers
11 - a mirror Covering


  1. Launch an advanced part of a covering of the floor of the compartment of baggage of five armbands and withdraw it.
  2. Withdraw lists n ° 2 and n ° 3 of the compartment of baggage, withdraw a tray and a covering of a wheel of surplus.
  3. Withdraw boxes of article and a covering of the compartment of baggage.
  4. Withdraw behind seats (to see the Removal of Section, desmontagem, meeting and installation of rear seats).
  5. Withdraw in the specified segments of side of sequence of the panel, a bedcover of thresholds of advanced doors, consolidations of advanced doors, finish of advanced tortures of a body, bedcover of thresholds of back doors and consolidation of back doors.
  6. Withdraw the anchors more low and more improve of belts of seat of a rear seat then they withdraw the sections more low and superiors of the finish of the central torture of a body.
  7. Withdraw the lens of the lamp of the compartment of baggage, result 4 screws and withdraw the lamp.
  8. Withdraw the rear list of finish of a ceiling and the rear panel of the finish of the compartment of baggage.
  1. Result pins, withdraw the lowest hooks, take armbands and withdraw lists of bottom of the finish.
  1. Discover tortures of a rear support of the triangular form of interruption.
  2. Withdraw the finish of side of a rear seat.
  1. Do not tie a clip in a covering of an additional nest of an opening in case of a nest and spread the case out approximately in 10 mm.
  1. An armband pulls out the screwdriver and withdraw an additional nest together with a covering, previously having separated the capture.
  1. Discover n ° 1 of the compartment of baggage and the lower lists of side.
  2. Withdraw the best anchors of belts of seat of rear seats, doorknobs of side and lists of top of side.
  3. Withdraw the lens, open compartment of metal adornments, pull out 5 armbands, result 3 screws and withdraw the meeting of personal lamps, previously having separated his capture.
  4. Discover a mirror, in models with a mirror with the automatic shading separated the capture of mirror.
  5. Withdraw peaks of protection of the sun, his bearers.
  6. Result 2 screws and withdraw 4 superior doorknobs.
  7. Withdraw the lens of the lamp of hall, result 4 screws and withdraw the lamp, previously having separated his capture.
  8. Pull out 2 armbands and withdraw the finish of a ceiling.
  9. The installation is done upside-down. Substitute the deformed armbands.