Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction - Body + Extern equipment and elements of body - Hall equipment Removal and installation of the panel and box of main article Removal of a fitted carpet of a floor and box of article of the central consolation Removal and installation of finish of a ceiling Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of front seats Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of rear seats Removal and installation of belts of seat and his emergence natyazhitel + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of rear seats
Component of the left rear seat
The component ones of behind sit down right
- Launch an advanced part of a covering of the floor of the compartment of baggage of five armbands and withdraw it.
- Withdraw armbands of a wall of bottom of a seatback, result 4 pins and withdraw a rear seat.
- Withdraw front restrictions and coverings of protection of the mechanism of the agreement of an inclination of a few back.
- Result 4 pins and withdraw the meeting of a pillow of a seat.
- In the right seat 3 screws turn and they withdraw a chashkoderzhatel with the deepening.
- Withdraw nuts with a reduction and withdraw a pillow of seat together with his covering of a frame.
- Withdraw a covering of a pillow.
- In the right seat they turn a pin and withdraw an anchor of the belt of central seat.
- Discover the mechanism of the agreement of an inclination of a few back, desconecte a thread, result 4 pins and withdraw the meeting of a seatback.
- In the right seat they turn the screw and discover an arm of armchair. Then a pin results and withdraw the meeting of an arm of armchair.
- In the right seat they withdraw an internal covering (n ° 23 in an illustration the Component ones of behind sit down right).
- Result 3 screws and withdraw a wall of bottom of a seat.
- Discover, and soon result 2 screws of agreement of the lever of the removal of the fixation of a seat.
- Desconecte a thread of the lever and withdraw the support of front restrictions.
- In the right seat they discover the belt of central seat.
- Desconecte hooks of a covering of a few back and withdraw a few back for a covering of a frame.
- In the right seat they discover an arm of armchair a rear frame. Then result 2 pins and withdraw an arm of arm of armchair of a frame.
- Withdraw nuts with a reduction and withdraw a covering of a pillow of seat.
- The screw results and desconecte a thread.
- In the right seat there give a nut and a natyazhitel of the belt of central seat.
- Result screws and discover a pillow of seat.
- A pin results and withdraw the lock of belt
- In the right seat 4 pins turn and they withdraw a bar that is joined.
- Catch the telephone that is joined and the lowest frame of a few back.
- One secures of the simultaneity of the operation of mechanisms of the removal of the fixation of an inclination of a few back of the session, and also mechanisms of the removal of the fixation of the provision of a seat.
- The meeting and the installation are done upside-down. Hold tight the fixation with the necessary efforts.