1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
- Administrations and methods of operation
   + Access, protection
   + Elements of systems of security
   - Equipment of the car, agreement of devices and administrations
      Panel and central consolation
      Devices Kombinition, measuring instruments, controls lamps and indicators
      Administrations and equipment of hall
   + Devices of securing the comfort
   + Methods of operation and auxiliary systems
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Administrations and equipment of hall

The switches and the administrations are located in a direction column

Switch of understeering left

 Commutation of operational ways of extern fixations of lighting
The switch of understeering left is destined to call in the ways of the functioning of lighthouses, the alarming system directing ray and gestãos of turns rates.

The commutation of the ways of lighthouses and parking light, and also lighthouses extinguishment is done through the rotation of the doorknob in the end of the switch:

  • In combination risks in the rotary doorknob with the inscription "of" in the lever the extern lighting fixations are put out;
  • For the inclusion of parking the light, the lighting of plate of register, lights of marker and lighting of the panel one combines to risk in the rotary doorknob with the horizontal line in the switch (it corresponds to the first fixed position of the doorknob in his turn of you himself of the provision "of");
  • For the inclusion besides the fixations of lighting enumerated in the prior paragraph, the passage or the driving of the ray of lighthouses they combine an arrow in the rotary doorknob with the pictograma in the switch (it corresponds to the second fixed position of the doorknob in his turn of you himself of the provision "of");
  • Since the inclusion of the automatic control of extern fixations of lighting combines an arrow in the rotary doorknob with the inscription "MOTORCAR" in the switch (it corresponds to the third fixed position of the doorknob in his turn of you himself of the provision "of").

In a few lighthouses of complete set of the cars of the movement during the hours of light of the day (DRL), the lighthouses are going to be included with the intensity lower it even in the switch installed in the situation "of" if the parking brake is launched and the motor control.

The automatic way means the inclusion and the extinguishment of extern fixations of lighting depending on the lighting of the sensor located on top of the left part of the panel. Since the operation nedyozhny of the automatic equipment does not close this sensor.

Positions of the light sensor (a look on the outside for a windshield)


  1. For the inclusion of the driving of the ray of lighthouses they withdraw your lever. At the same time To/L will illuminate driving of the ray of lighthouses. Pull the lever in you in order that lighthouses passer-by calls behind for the way of the ray.

Since the prevention of an unloading of the battery does not leave for a long time the lighthouses included in the motor off.

  1. To give of a ray of driving of sign of lighthouses they pull the left understeering are lit, independently of the position of the rotary doorknob in the end of the switch. The lever returns to the initial situation after his otpuskaniye.
  2. Since the inclusion of the rate of the right or left turn in the ignition when the lever of the switch was included gosh of understeering respectively down or up. At the same time indicative of the inclusion of the rate of the corresponding turn in devices combinations it illuminates in the burning way. After the realization of the turn the switch automatically returns to the neutral situation, nevertheless, if for any reason it did not take place, it put the rate of the turn out manually, having moved it for the middle situation.
  3. In the moment of the evolution it is possible to use rates of the evolution for which inclusion is necessary to pull lightly the switch above or down, without driving against the stop and maintaining it in this situation. After an otpuskaniye the switch will return automatically to the initial situation (average).
  4. For the inclusion / commutation of lights of thick fog they move a ring with the pictograma in the switch for which I mark in a ring if it was level with an inscription as "in" or "of" in the lever.

Straight understeering switch

To avoid the damage of the mechanism from clothes to rub of fabric it is not necessary to include them if the dry purified glass, and also to move them with hands. To avoid that the damage of brushes from clothes to rub of fabric does not allow his contact with to gasoline and other solvents. To avoid that the damage of the bomb of the lavador of windshield is not used by it in the tank devoid of the washable liquid.

The right understeering switch is destined for cleaners management and lavadores of metal adornments which functioning is possible only in the included ignition.

Straight understeering switch

1 - the interval Regulator
2 - Inclusion of a lavador
INT — the Interval way
LO — Normal speed
HI — the Increased speed


  1. Moving the lever of switch from top to bottom, it is possible to choose operational ways of screenwashes and to put them out:
    • In the provision from the CLOTHES TO RUB of fabric (more superior) they put PARÁ out;
    • In the provision "of the INT" (according to from above) they protect clothes to rub are included in the way of interval (in the corresponding complete set);
    • In the provision of "LO" (the second of down) they protect clothes to rub are included in a constant operational way with a normal speed;
    • In the provision "of HI" to rub they include (lowest) fabric clothes in a constant operational way with the increased speed.
  2. The choice of the duration of intervals of the work from a cloth to rub of fabric (in the way of chosen interval) there become a ring in your switch or to you respectively for increase or reduction of an interval.
  3. Since the management of a cleaner and the lavador from glass of a door of a rear use to rotary press light the end of the lever, combining the risk in the rotary switch with pictogramas in the lever:
    • The cleaner will contribute to the extreme superior situation with a lavador;
    • In the situation that corresponds to the inscription "in" in the lever, the cleaner will work in the normal way;
    • In the situation that corresponds to the inscription "INT" in the lever, the cleaner will work in the interval way;
    • In the situation that corresponds to the inscription "of" in the lever, the cleaner is put out.
  4. In lower situation it does his utmost the joinings of lavador of glass clandestine;
  5. If the metal adornments are polluted, use lavadores windshield. Since the inclusion of a lavador of a windshield pulls the lever OF the switch of understeering what is in the situation in you and launch it, - the washable liquid will reach the glass and the cloth to rub of fabric will work 2-3 times.

Administrations of functioning of a tempostat

The use of a tempostat in the moment of the intense movement (for example, in the city), in ways escorregadios and they are twisted, and also in other situations of way that they can force to modify the speed it can lead to the loss of the control under the driving. To avoid that the chance activation of a tempostat does not leave included in him if it is not in use.

Tempostat is intended for the maintenance of the constant speed of the car (more low than what 40 km/h) without necessity of maintaining a leg in the gas pedal pedal.

The switch of the management of functioning of a tempostat is installed in a steering-wheel on the right (to see the illustration I Wake up and aim of switches of the management of the provision of front seats).

1 - Installation of constant speed
2 - Cancellation of installation of constant speed
3 - I increase in constant speed
4 - Reduction of constant speed
5 - I return to the established speed


  1. Since the activation of a tempostat holds tight a face of end of switch. In the moment of the activation of a tempostat corresponding To/L illuminates in a devices combination. Since the desativação holds tight a face of end of switch again.
  2. Since the installation of the active constant speed of the movement темпостат, it accelerates the car to the necessary speed (not less than 40 km/h) and pulls the switch in you. Launch the switch and the pedal of gas pedal in the necessary speed.

The function of the installation of the constant speed cannot be activated before, of what after two seconds of the moment to hold tight the main switch of a tempostat. In abrupt rises / gone down using a tempostat the car can reduce / increase the speed. For the temporary increase in the speed (for example, gathering) they hold tight the pedal of gas pedal; after an otpuskaniye of the pedal of gas pedal the constant speed before chosen is going to be established automatically.

  1. Since the cancellation of the established constant speed pulls the switch or holds tight a pedal of brake. The cancellation of the established speed happens automatically if the speed of the car 40 km/h falls more low than what or if it makes 16 km/h lower than the established constant speed.

If the cancellation of the established speed will happen automatically below the conditions that are not enumerated in top, address in HUNDRED of the elimination of this bad functioning.

  1. Since the increase / reduction of the established speed of the current carries out one of the next sequences of actions:
    • Pull your switch (for the acceleration) or to you (for the delay) and maintain it. After the realization of the necessary speed they launch the switch.
    • Quickly pull your switch / to you and launch it. The speed respectively will increase or lessen approximately in 1.6 km/h and it is going to be brought in the memory of a tempostat like new constant speed.
  2. Disperse/reduza-se to speed I lower the car to the necessary speed and quickly pull your switch / to you.

If the difference of the current speed of the speed established in the ways that are described again in top it does less than 5 km/h, the modifications are not accepted.

  1. For return to when speed was established before constant after his cancellation tug your switch.

Horn switch

The button of the inclusion of a horn is built in a part stupichny of a steering-wheel.

Armband of an angle of canvas of a column of direction

The direction column must be adjusted so that the steering-wheel was in front of a thorax of the driver. The situation in which the steering-wheel is in front of a face of the driver is deceived as it reduces protective functions of a cushion of advanced security of the driver.

It is not necessary to regulate an inclination of a column of direction during the driving from that time at the same time the control under the driving can be lost.

Since the modification of an angle of canvas of a column of direction pulls the armband located below him, establish a column of direction in the necessary position and it launches an armband to fix it. Check the confidence of the fixation of a column of direction, having pulled a steering-wheel down.

The administrations are located below a devices combination

The administrations below a devices combination are located in the left and for the right wing of a column of direction.

For the right wing of a column of direction the switch of the ignition and the blockade of a steering-wheel are installed; in the left the switch of the agreement of extern rear-view mirrors, the regulator of the intensity of the lighting of devices, indicative of the system that is antidragged and the panel of control of the memory of establishing the provision of the seat of a driver is put (there sees the illustration the Scheme of an Agreement of Elements of the management of the panel).

Indicative of the system that is antidragged and the panel of control of the memory of establishing the provision of the seat of a driver they consider in top (there sees respectively Sections system that Is Antidragged and seats Agreement and head restrictions); the functioning of the regulator of the intensity of the lighting of devices is clear of his name, therefore, only the switch of the ignition and the regulator of extern rear-view mirrors they are described down.

Switch of ignition and blockade of a steering-wheel

In the moment of the movement of the car it is not necessary to work with the ignition switch, understeering switches and switches located below a combination of devices, pushing hands between spokes of a steering-wheel since it can lead to the loss of the control under the car.

Switch of ignition and blockade of a steering-wheel

The switch of ignition (the lock of ignition) is located for the right wing of a column of direction and has four next provisions:

LOCK — This position of the switch of the ignition is in use to blockade of a steering-wheel and the extraction of the key of ignition. To turn the key of ignition in the provision "of the LOCK", transfer the lever of sector to the situation "P", continue a key in the provision "of the COUNT" and light (in reverse sense to the movement of the pointers of the clock).

The blockade of a steering-wheel cannot substitute the brake of parking. When will it leave the car in the parking the PARÁ moves to selector's lever to the situation "P", completely it lifts the parking they curb and put the motor out.

THE COUNT — In this situation desbloqueia-se a steering-wheel and car the electric equipment can be in use.

Stopping the key of ignition in the provision "the COUNT" when there is opening a door of the driver the solid sign that it warns that the key is in the joinings locks of ignition.

IN — Normal position of the key of ignition after launch of the motor. Before the launch of the motor in the turn of a key in this situation it is necessary to check the operation in the short term of the lamps of control that are built in a devices combination.

Do not stop the key of ignition in the provision "the COUNT" in the motor disconnected from that time at the same time there is an unloading bystry of the battery.

BEGIN — it is in use for the launch of the motor. Guarding the key of ignition in this situation the author is going to roll up the motor. After an otpuskaniye the key returns to the provision of "in". 

Do not turn the key of ignition in the position of LOCK or COUNT in the moment of the movement of the car since it can lead to the loss controllability for the car and to the violation of the functioning of brakes.

Regulator of extern rear-view mirrors

The regulator of extern rear-view mirrors allows to modify the provision of extern mirrors and works in provisions "of the COUNT" and "in" of the ignition key. To call between the agreement of the right or left mirror they move the lever located by the switch, respectively to the part, it indicated "R" or "L". Since the modification of the provision of a mirror holds tight the arrows of the corresponding direction applied in the regulator of 4 positions.

1 - the Main switch
2 - the Switch of the choice of a mirror

The extern rear-view mirrors can put themselves (manually), for example, for the parking in the limited space.

Administrations and the equipment of hall in the central consolation

In the central consolation of the car there is number bigger of bodies of his management and the equipment of the hall.

It is possible to transport the switches located in the advanced section of the consolation and also the lever of the selector of IN ways the administrations. The description only of switches happens down, - the description of the system sound and the systems of the heating and to / in it is supplied to Devices of securing the comfort; the description of the lever of the selector is supplied to Methods of operation and auxiliary systems. The exhibition of multiple use, the boxes of article, the coastal ships, an ashtray, easier and the nests of the selection of the power belong to the equipment of the hall.

Switch of the alarming system

The switch of the alarming system (5 sees n ° in the illustration the Scheme of an Agreement of Elements of the management of the panel) is located in the left in the central consolation and is indicated by a sign of the alarming system (triangle). The switch works in any position of the lock of the ignition. To be lit of the alarming system they hold tight the button of switch; to put out – they hold tight the button again.

Clandestine glass that heats switch

The switch of the heating from glass of a door of a few back and extern rear-view mirrors (12 sees n ° in an illustration Administrations and control of systems of the heating and to / in) is located in the panel of control of a heater and to / in the unity of control of a heater and К/В. The heater is destined for the removal of condensed and frosted. If in a window the layer of thick snow was formed before including the heating, clear snow. The inclusion and the extinguishment of a heater are done holding tight the specified switch. For the inclusion of a heater the ignition key will be in the provision of "in". In the moment of the inclusion to heat works corresponding To/L, located on the switch. The heater is put out automatically after 15 minutes of the work, and also in the moment of the extinguishment of the ignition.

To avoid the damage of threads of an incandescence of a heater it is not necessary to apply sharp objects, and also cleansing abrasives to the purification from glass of a door of a few back. For the prevention of an unloading bystry of the battery it is not necessary to include a heater in the motor off.

Switches of heating of seats

The switches (11 sees n ° in the illustration the Scheme of an Agreement of Elements of the management of the panel) the seats heating are destined for inclusion and extinguishment of the heating of a seat of the driver (the left switch) and the advanced passenger (the right switch). For the inclusion of a heater the ignition key will be in the provision of "in". In the moment of the inclusion to heat works To/L, built in the switch.

Switch of IN ways

The switch of IN ways (13 sees n ° in the illustration the Scheme of an Agreement of Elements of the management of the panel) has three provisions that the objective happens down:

"PWR" — This way is in use for the style of sports of the driving in the moment of which the acceleration bystry is needed. In switches to the transfers they stand up in speed higher of the car.

"THE ECT" is the normal operational way of in the RECOMMENDED ONE of the usual driving.

"IT" "SNOWS" — This way is destined for the departure - of the place in sand or dirt, in the snow or in the ice. In começa working with the 2nd transfer.

In the confirmation of the inclusion of the PWR or SNOW the way illuminates corresponding To/L in a combination of devices (to see the Section of Kombinition of devices, measuring instruments, controls lamps and indicators).

Easier and ashtray

The easiest pill is not maintained after it is ready to use since it can get a beating to his overheating; for the same easiest reason it must be taken of his nest if automatically it did not return to an initial position during 30 seconds after the inclusion.

To use the easiest thing, hold tight it and launch. Then easier it is going to be heated up to the necessary temperature, it will return automatically to an initial position. For the use of easier the ignition key will be in the provision "of the COUNT" or "in".

There is not necessary an ashtray uses for the storage of any thing from that time in the contact with them the illuminated cigarets or plays there it can be a fire.

The ashtray is located in an advanced part of the consolation between seats. Since the use of an ashtray holds tight his covering. To take an ashtray, pull it.

Nests of selection of power

The nests of the selection of the power are destined for the connection of the additional equipment (the compressor, the hoover, etc.) and function if the establishment of key of ignition in the provision of "in" or IT "COUNTS".

For the prevention of the failure of a lock of security, use the additional equipment calculated according to the voltage of 12 V and consuming not more than 120 W. If the nests of the selection of the power are not in use, close his coverings to prevent the short circuit in the moment of the blow of foreign objects in them.

The article packs the consolation up between seats

The box of article located in the consolation between seats has two offices that open independently one of other. To open the tug of the doorknob ahead.

I access to an article box

1 - the Superior section
2 - the Lowest section

Coastal ships

It is not necessary to use a coastal ship during the movement of the car from that time in accident or frenagem sharp the objects established in coastal ships can be the reason of a wound of the driver and passengers. Specially it is not necessary to install in coastal ships not containeres closed with hot liquids in the moment of the movement of the car from that time in the moment of sprinkling possible one of liquid the driver can burn and lose the driving.

The coastal ships with the agreement of the diameter are put in the consolation between advanced seats. The advanced coastal ships can be established in some of sections of the box of article located in the consolation between seats, - with this finality only they insert a coastal ship in grooves in a side wall of a box of article.
The subsequent coastal ships are built in the superior covering of the consolation between rear seats.

Exhibition of multiple use

The exhibition of multiple use (7 sees n ° in the illustration the Scheme of an Agreement of Elements of the management of the panel) is destined for the exhibition of the different information. The description of the operation of the exhibition in only the way of the exhibition of time, temperature and data of a tempostat if it gives down. The ways of the exhibition of data to / in and systems sound are described in sections seized the Device of securing the comfort.

The extern temperature — is exposed constantly in the ignition included in accordance with the inscription "on the outside OF TEMP" in the monitor. The variety of the measurement does of - to +50 I granulate 30.

The time — is exposed when the ignition key is in the provision "of the COUNT" or "in". They supply with themselves 4 ways of the exhibition of the time between which the commutation is done through the pressing of the button CLOCK.

Ways of exhibition of time

1 - format of 12 hours
2 - format of 24 hours
3 - the Way of installation of time (the scintillations of indicator)
4 - the Way of installation of an alarming clock (the scintillations of indicator)

After a lack of interest of wires of the time of battery recarregável 1:00 is determined.

Since the installation of the time chooses the way corresponding (3), it enters in the current value of hours and minutes, which work with the buttons located in accordance with inscriptions as "H" and "M" in the lowest part of the exhibition and in the conclusion they hold tight the button CLOCK. Since the installation of the time in the sign transmission exposes minutes in 00 value and holds tight the button CLOCK during the reception of a sign of the time. Since the installation of an alarming clock chooses the way corresponding (4), it enters in the current value of hours and minutes, which work with the buttons located in accordance with inscriptions as "H" and "M" in the lowest part of the exhibition, and in conclusion they hold tight the button below a bell symbol in the monitor, - on hours that the bell symbol will illuminate. The alarming clock works each day in the marked time. Since a stop of a sign of an alarming clock holds tight the button CLOCK. Since the cancellation of an alarming clock holds tight the button below a bell symbol in the monitor in the way of the installation of the time of an alarming clock.

The data of a tempostat — are exposed in the tempostat activated in accordance with the inscription "INFORMATION ON CROSS". The exhibition of these four types between which the commutation is done through the pressing of the button INFO is supplied. The way chosen before putting out of the ignition is chosen in the moment of the subsequent activation of a tempostat.

Ways of exhibition of data of a tempostat

1 - Time of the movement from motor launch (not more than 12 hours)
2 - Middle speed
3 - consumption of Middle fuel
4 - the consumption of Current fuel

The way of the exhibition of the time of the movement results from the signature of "E/T".

The way of the exhibition of the middle speed of the movement results from the inscriptions "MILES FOR HOUR of AVG" or "AVG km/h"; the information brings itself up to date each 10 seconds. The middle speed paid to origin of the passable distance and time from the motor launch; to deposit of balconies they maintain the button INFO inside more than 1 second.

The way of the exhibition of the consumption of middle fuel results from the inscriptions "MILES PER BRAID of AVG" or "AVG L/100km"; the information brings itself up to date each 10 seconds. The consumption of middle fuel pays the origin of the passable distance and the amount of the fuel spent from the launch of motor; to deposit of balconies they maintain the button INFO inside more than 1 second.

The way of the exhibition of the consumption of current fuel results from the inscriptions "MILES PER BRAID" or "L/100km"; the information updates each 2 seconds. The current payments of consumption of fuel that come from the passable and rising distance of the fuel spent during 2 seconds.

The administrations and the equipment of the hall are located in a ceiling

Antisolar peaks and cosmetic mirrors

The antisolar peaks are located on a windshield, in a ceiling in the left and on the right and they are destined for the prevention of the dazzle by the straight solar light. The peaks are equipped of cosmetic mirrors, I access to which it opens after leaning of a protective covering.

Since the use of an antisolar peak is lowered by it, if necessary it becomes side, having launched of an armband, or it proposed the door that stretches out.

Internal rear-view mirror

Before a travel it is necessary to adjust an internal rear-view mirror, turning it so that in his center the center of a window of a door of a few back was visible. At the same time the mirror will be in the day way.

To call between the ways in the afternoon and night they move the lever gained behind a mirror, respectively or of himself.

Us models equipped of a rear-view mirror with a possibility of the automatic brilliance control to exchange between the day and automatic ways the button located in his advanced services of list. In the moment of the inclusion of the brilliance of way of the night of the light of lighthouses of the cars that move behind it will be less, of what in the day way, nevertheless at the same time also reductions of sharpness of image.

In models equipped of a rear-view mirror with a possibility of the control of automatic brilliance in the moment of each inclusion of the ignition the automatic way is established.

Hall lamps

The hall lamps are located in a ceiling in the central part and rear part of the hall and address 3-pozitsiony (with provisions "of", IT "CARRIES" e "in") for the switch that is built in case of lamp.

Objective of position of the next one of switch:

"OF" — the Lamp remains included even in case of the opening of a door;

"THE DOOR" — opening any door to lamp is going to be joined, and closing – to be put out approximately during 15 seconds (in the ignition off);

"IN" — the Lamp is included constantly independently of, the doors are opened or closed.

The lamp is going to be put out automatically if:

  • All the doors are closed, and the ignition key is in the provision "of the COUNT" or "in";
  • The ignition key is in the provision "of the COUNT" or "in", and the lamp is lit;
  • All the doors are locked, and the lamp is lit;
  • One of doors is closed and is locked of inside, and any other doors are locked.

The lamp of the reading and an article packs the consolation of ceiling up

The lamp of the reading is located in the ceiling consolation in an advanced part of the hall and addresses for the switch located for his right wing (in models without roof hatch - in the left).

The switch of lamp of reading and a covering of a box of article

1 - the Switch of lamp of reading
2 - the Covering of a box of article

The article packs the consolation of ceiling up one destines for the objects storage with a gross weight not more than 60 гр.

It does not guard in this box of article that the flammable objects from that time on air of time full of sun in him strongly heat up.

The switches are located in doors

The proceeding of the opening / close of windows of doors on the outside through a key is described in the Metal adornments of Section of doors.

Do not allow to children to play with switches of regulators of window since it can lead to a wound. Before closing a window, there secure what in a window that opens does not exist objects that can touch his close.

The switches of the management of a regulator of window are built in all the doors, and in the door of a driver the management of main block of regulators of window for which there are possible there make working windows of all the doors is installed. With the electric walk it is necessary to work of window regulators that the ignition was included.

The unity of driver's control of regulators of window

1 - the Switch of a regulator of window of the door of a driver
2 - the Switch of a regulator of window of an advanced right door
3 - the Switch of a regulator of window of a few back left the door
4 - the Switch of a regulator of window of a rear door of right
5 - the blockade Switch

For the prevention of the damage of the mechanism of regulators of window it is not necessary to open or to close at the same time any more than two windows. Also it will extend the useful life of a lock of security of the electric walk of regulators of window.

The window regulators have the interference of prevention of function of the objects that are in the glass way in the moment of his close – the glass after feeling of an obstacle will begin to fall. However, do not expel the head and it hands over a window since the function of the prevention of the interference cannot work, or not manage to work before being damaged.

To confide of a window they pull an advanced part of the corresponding switch in environment of his course. To close of a window they hold tight an advanced part of the switch in environment of his course. In the full delay / the pressing from the glass of switch will raise / the fall completely. Since a stop of movement from glass lightly influences the switch in the direction, the return to the glass course, and launches the switch.

Besides four switches of opening and close of windows, the switch of the blockade of regulators of window of passengers' doors is installed in the block of the door of a driver. In the moment of his included blockade it is possible only of there make working regulators of window of the door of a driver. The indicators that are built in switches of regulators of window inform the driver in a possibility of the opening / close of a window of the corresponding door.

Article boxes

To unlock and to lock of an article box in front of the place of the advanced passenger

1 - to Unlock
2 - to Confide
3 - to Lock

Besides the boxes of article located in the central consolation and that it covers, the interior of the car is equipped of the boxes of article located in front of a seat of the passenger advanced in the lowest left part of the panel, and also in right behind leaves from the baggage compartment.