1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
- Administrations and methods of operation
   + Access, protection
   - Elements of systems of security
      General information
      Seat belts
      Children's transport
      Agreement of seats and front restrictions
      System of additional security (men)
      I am in risk of poisoning with the carbon monoxide (CO)
   + Equipment of the car, agreement of devices and administrations
   + Devices of securing the comfort
   + Methods of operation and auxiliary systems
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Agreement of seats and front restrictions

Provision of seats and front restrictions

The drawing of seats of the car guarantees the very comfort to the person who sits down in them, at the same time supplying conditions of the most efficient implementation of the functions with cushions of security and belts. The gentle recheamento of pillows and back supplies the additional protection of the driver and passengers in the emergence.

The choice of the provision of a seat also practises the impact in the security of the person who sits down in him. For example, in the excessive shift of a front seat the risk of the traumatização that sits down in the moment of the operation of a cushion of security, and also the risk of the ejection for a windshield in the shock frontlet increases ahead.

The increase in an inclination of a seatback will make the fixation of a body worse a seat belt, - more back is rejected behind, the probability of the sliding of a body of the belt that sits down below the section of the zone in the moment of the strong front punch is higher, and the heaviest thing can be traumatized.

Register a front seat in the most remote thing (convenient to direct the implementation) of a steering-wheel / panel situation, it swallows a few back in the vertical position.

The front restrictions prevent the traumatização the cervical department of a dorsal bone and head in the moment of the punch behind. The front restriction must be adjusted in the height so that his superior reduction was a blush with the superior edge of the session of ear.

Agreement of front seats

The agreement of front seats is done through the switches located in the lowest part of pillows of seats.

I wake up and aim of switches of management of the provision of front seats

Do not act at the same time with several switches since it can get a beating overheating and failure of the mechanism of the agreement.


  1. Since the elevation and the modification of an angle of canvas of a front restriction only pull it in the corresponding direction; to lower – they hold tight not an armband and lower a front restriction.
  1. The placing of two versions of the provision of a seat of the driver can be brought in the memory of the computer of side.
  2. With this finality the ignition key will be in the provision of "in", and it in the selector's LEVER – in the situation "P". Adjust the provision of a seat and, when SET is maintaining the button, 1 or 2 holds tight button in the block of switches of establishing the provision of the seat of a driver (n ° 17 in the illustration Scheme of an Agreement of Elements of the management of the panel). In the confirmation of the well succeeded register of placing the short solid sign will sound. In the same way the second option of establishing the provision of a seat is registered. To rewrite of placing they act besides that in the way described in top.

  3. For the installation of the session of the driver in the situation that protects itself in the memory only they hold tight the button with the number that corresponds to the necessary placing option. If not the needy placing if they choose incidentemente, it is possible to stop the movement of a seat that holds tight the necessary button or holds tight a pedal of brake.

Agreement and fold of rear seats


  1. For the agreement of the provision of pillows and an angle of canvas of back of the rear tug of seats of the corresponding armbands and I move a seat to the necessary position then launch armbands and one convinces of what, they turned to an initial position.

Lightly it is possible to tilt a few back of a rear seat that having advances a seat behind.

  1. For the increase in the volume of the compartment of baggage the possibility of the fold of a rear seat is supplied. Previously guard belts of seat of a pillow of a rear seat. Completely lower a front restriction, pull a hand to corresponding rear armband near to a front, and different restriction hand tilts a few back ahead and puts them.

Do not pull for an armband not to break it. Do the proceeding described in top for another party of a seatback.

  1. The agreement of the height of front restrictions of rear seats is made similar to the agreement of front restrictions of front seats.