Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + System of provision of power and production of the carried out gases - Systems of electric equipment of the motor - Systems of ignition and management of motor Main data and measures of security Inquiry of bad functioning - the general information and preliminary checks Check and adjust of a corner of an advancement of ignition Candles and rolls of ignition Check of CMP and sensors CKP + Diagnostic of systems of electronic control and diagnostic equipment + Systems of a load and departure + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
Inquiry of bad functioning - the general information and preliminary checks
The systems of ignition and food are the interconnected component ones of a system of control of the motor, therefore, someone of his component can execute also certain functions about the functioning of the system of fuel.
General information
The system of ignition and system of fuel has the general diagnostic system destined for the preservation of codes of bad functioning (DTC) and diagnostic artistic. In the moment of the identification of refusal the unity of control writes in the processor memory the code of corresponding DTC that represents some sequence of signs that can be a schitana through the special scanner (to see the Diagnostic one of Section of Systems of the electronic Control and the diagnostic equipment).
The reading of the information that protects itself in the memory of processor of ECM in most of the cases allows to define the reasons of failures in the operation of the motor of the car. The analysis of only any information with the application of the list of codes (to see Specifications of the Chief Sistema of the electric equipment of the motor) allows to locate a fountain of refusal at the level of a concrete element or chain of his electrical system.
The visual check of an electrical system and captures is not enough - certainly they consider the information that is guarded in the memory of the unity of control! |
Preliminary checks
If the bad functioning appeared shortly afterwards of the realization of the service of any knot, first of all it is necessary to investigate carefully this knot and component located in the neighborhood, - it is not excluded that the cause of the failure is joined with the elementary violation of the quality of the connection of contact.
For the inquiry of causes of the breach of the usefulness of the functioning of the motor (for example, the fall of the developed power) always does sense to check a compression in cylinders. Also it looks that the substitution of air and filters of fuel if fez according to the time-table of the maintenance (to see the Chief Nastroyki and the regular maintenance of the car).
Do not forget of compensating for the memory of the unity of control after reading of codes of bad functioning and introduction of the corresponding corrections (to see the Diagnostic one of systems of the electronic control and the diagnostic equipment).
The zone of the risks is always the sieges of an electrical system that passes near to component that the service was done in the most recent time. |
It is necessary to be remembered that to drive the veins of the electrical system can damage the absence of signs of damage of isolation, - in a similar situation the extern inquiry will not produce positive results. The similar damages can result from a wires tug, or in the moment of the violation of roads of the placing of braids.
It is possible to restore the electrical system damaged by a vpaivaniye in the siege of the interval of the vein of detour, - the solder supplies the confidence of the electric contact. Since the repair of the isolation uses a strip of isolation or puts a part of a tube thermoshrinkable in a wire. The best (though not the cheapest thing) the way of the elimination of all the inter-connected refusals to the damage of an electrical system is the substitution of the failed wire.
- To finish recuperation repairs / having caught substitution, fairness of trace of the placing of the corresponding braids, to pay special attention to the sieges of roads that pass near to the movable heated and component surfaces in a reason compartment. The confidence of trace of the fixation of braids in total supplied intermediary armbands.
- Check a condition of all the available terminal connections, check the confidence of the fixation of captures of contact of an electrical system. In the moment of the identification in the internal surface of the capture of aspects of the corrosion (white or green deposits, rust raid), and also in the moment of the excessive pollution, they withdraw the capture of the corresponding capture and carefully clearly, to have in case of the necessity used the special spray. The seriously damaged captures are subject to the substitution, in certain cases in a play with an electrical system braid.
- After cleaning of the capture of aspects of the corrosion they fill it before the installation to the place of the lubricant of conservation.
In the cars considered in the present manual the inductive sensor of the provision of an end of inclination (CKP) through which also the provision of VMT of the piston of the first cylinder is defined if it uses. The excessive pollution or a zapyleniye of the sensor can be the reason of admissions of the ignition.
- Attentively examine hoses and tubes of all the lines of vacuum of a compartment of reason. Check the confidence of the pressure of fixing collars, one secures of the lack of deformations, slits, parliament, stratification and other physical damages of hoses and tubes. Attentively study knots of nipple in the existence of signs of the violation of the tension. The special attention must be given to a condition of the lines put near to sharp edges. The depression losses normally result from the characteristic whistle in which identification the siege suspected a hose must be polished with the soap solution, - the fountain of hole can be considered found if putting the stability of solution of turns of the motor to increase. Hold tight the weakened collars, substitute the damaged lines.
- Appreciate a condition and check passability of hoses of the system PCV (to see the Head of the system of provision of Power and production of the carried out gases). The excessive pollution or the violation of passability of hoses implicate the violation of the stability of turns of the motor, specially wasting time.
- Moving of the fuel tank for the fuel the distributive road (he was seeing the filter of fuel) along fuel oil pipelines, attentively study a condition of lines of fuel. Pay the special attention to places of an union of tubes where the slits by which the holes begin to be developed if they form very often. Substitute the damaged sections of lines of fuel.
- Discover the purifier of air and check a condition of the element of filtration. The excessively polluted filter is able to increase considerably the total aerodynamic resistance of an air way of entry that straightly affects the power developed by the motor. In case of the necessity they substitute the element of filtration.
- The motor begins and leave it working in the only turns.
When it executes any work in a reason compartment in the work motor observe which extreme care, - they try not to touch the heated surfaces of the unity of power and the system of the production of the carried out gases, do not allow blow of the hair and elements of the clothes in component furniture (the supporter of system of cooling, a belt of the walk of auxiliary unities)! |
- Moving from an air entry for the air purifier and besides that - to the case of regulator, one secures of the lack of signs of the development of the hole of air on the entry road. For the identification of fountains of holes it is possible to use the solution of soap again. Do necessary corrections.
- Exhaust the car in the elevator and study a condition of component ones of the system of the launch of OG. one secures of the lack of signs of the development of holes, - it is the most simple thing to reveal the slimness of a final way is possible for an obstruction of his passage of leak, - the characteristic whistle and the smoke will help locating the damaged siege. One holds tight the weakened collars / they substitute the placing of failed hunting, substitute the damaged sections.
- In the final stage of the check they begin the motor and in series they pull taken of contact of his electrical system, - the modification of the sort of the work of the motor will testify to the bad quality of the contact, - they do necessary corrections, substitute the failed sieges of an electrical system.
- If during carrying out preliminary controls it is not possible to identify a cause of the breach of the stability of the operation of the motor, the car must be expelled in HUNDRED of the realization of the diagnostic most careful with the use of the special equipment.