Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars + Administrations and methods of operation - Placing and regular maintenance of the car General information General information on placing and agreements Time-table of regular maintenance Check of levels of liquids, control of holes Check of a condition of tires and pressure of his evaluation, rotation of wheels Substitution of filter of oil of reason and filter of oil General checks of the system of brakes Check and substitution of the filter of hall of a heater and to / in Check of a state and substitution of hoses of a compartment of reason, location of holes Check of a state and substitution of belts of the walk of auxiliary unities Substitution of the element of purifier of air of filtration Check of a condition of system of production of the carried out gases Check and substitution of captures of spark Substitution of fluid of brake, extraction through bomb of the system of brakes Check of a condition of component ones of a support of the triangular form of interruption and direction Check of a condition of protective coverings of ends of power and hinges of the driving axle The check of the operabilidade of there illuminate fixations, horn and supporter of a heater Check of the system EVAP Check of a state, agreement and substitution of brushes from clothes to rub of fabric His check of a condition of the battery and care Substitution of the cooling of liquid (CL) Check and adjust of slits valvate Check and adjust of the course of pedals of the work and parking brake Check of boots of the brake of parking + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
His check of a condition of the battery and care
During the work with the battery it is necessary to undertake certainties measures of security. In banks of the battery there is always extremely a flammable hydrogen, therefore, they do not allow an agreement on the battery of the naked flame. The eletrólito of the battery represents the solution of sulphuric acid that in the moment of the blow in eyes or in open parts of the body cause serious damages. Besides, the acid corrodes clothes and paintings. In the moment of the stoppage of the battery the first desconectam a weight thread and they always join it in the last turn! |
The care of the battery is the very important proceeding that there allows to avoid stops of the way because of his unloading. The implementation of the proceeding of the service needs the corresponding instrument.
- Before the proceeding of the service in the first one they always put the motor and switch out - of all the electric devices, soon desconectam a thread of weight of the battery.
- Normally the cars are equipped of the batteries that do not demand the special departure. It is possible to discover cans and to add the distilled water. The batteries that do not demand the departure in absolute what are sealed completely can be installed.
- Check the level of eletrólito in each one of cans of battery – it will be between the MINUTE of marks and MAX in case of battery. If the level of the eletrólito will be lower than the standard, only the distilled water adds and soon it closes coverings of cans. To it would slam of the type left alone with the built indicator if it installs, the water addition is inadmissible.
The cans excess can lead to the transfusion of an eletrólito during the quick load that will cause the corrosion and the damage of beside the battery a component one. |
- If the positive capture and a collar of a wire of the battery are equated of a rubber protector, it is secured what does not split and is not damaged. It will close the taken one completely.
- It is necessary to examine periodicamente an extern condition of the battery in the existence of such damages like slits in the case.
- Check the confidence of the pressure of collars of wires of the battery that supplies good electric connection. Check each one of wires in the whole length of existence of slits and atritos of the isolation and the transport nucleus had been.
- In the moment of the detection of aspects of the corrosion (that represents normally a friable raid of the white color) desconectam captures wires, they smooth a brush of wire to us and again they join. The emergence of the corrosion can be minimized by the installation of lavadores specially prosecuted, or attracting captures and collars of wires of a layer of free vaseline of acid or convenient lubricant after his connection.
- One secures that the trundle bed of the battery is in the satisfactory condition, and the pin of a collar of fixation corsets itself confiantemente. If the battery was withdrawn of the trundle bed, he follows the trace of this in the installation time in him any foreign object was not. In the moment to bolt of a fixation a collar they do not hold tight his pin exaggerated only.
- The corrosion draws of the trundle bed, the cases of the battery and surrounding surfaces what it is possible to withdraw through the water solution of roasting the carbonate of sodium. Apply the mixture with a small brush, leave us that it is and soon it takes away the abundant amount while washing of clean water.
- The metal surfaces of the car that suffered the corrosion must be covered of the escorvador in a zinc base and soon paint.
- The additional information of the battery and of the launch of the motor of the provision of being able to help can be respectively in the Chief Sistemy of the electric equipment of the motor and in the Introduction.