1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
- Lexus RX-300 cars
   Numbers of identification of the car
   Acquisition of spare pieces
   Technology of service, instrument and equipment of a place of work
   Поддомкрачивание / nomination and transport of emergence of the car
   Launch of the motor of the provision of being able to help
   Motor chemical products, oils and lubricants
   Diagnostic of bad functioning
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Diagnostic of bad functioning

The description of the diagnostic one of systems of electronic control and the codes of bad functioning are supplied in the Chief Sistemy of the electric equipment of the motor.

In this section o scheme more simple of the clarification of the reasons of the bad functioning and refusals that happen in knots and systems of the car presents itself. The refusals and his possible reasons are broken in groups in a sign of the relation to certain component ones or the systems of the car, like the motor, the cooling system, etc., besides, in the references the text for chapters and sections about these problems happens.

Be remembered of what the quite succeeded realization of the inquiry of causes of the defect if it defines for the entirety of a complex of good knowledge and patient, systematic approximation of an inquiry of problem. It is necessary always to move from the simple one to a difficult one, to bring each check to the logical end and to try not to pass the obvious facts - everyone can forget of filling the fuel in the fuel tank or leaving included in the lighting of fixations of the night.

And, finally, it is always necessary to try to do a clear picture of the development of the bad functioning and to take the corresponding measures of the prevention of a repetition. If the failure of the electric equipment happened for a cause of the breach of the quality of the contact, check a condition of any other contacts and the electric captures of the system at the same time. If the same security lock merged several times successively, it has not been feeling in his new substitution - they try to discover a cause of the failure. Remember that the failure of a component juvenile can be a sign of the violation of the functioning of the most important knot or the whole system.


The essential conditions of the launch of any motor of gasoline are the usefulness of the provision of the mixture of air fuel in cylinders and opportune sparkling in spark captures.

First of all it is necessary to be secured of the usefulness of the provision of the fuel.

To define if the spark is formed, result when they were taken of spark, insert them in hints and separately apply to the weight. At the same time it is not necessary to maintain a wire or a tip hands, - they use the pliers of isolated flat nose. Ask a spectator to begin the motor. If the spark if it is going away, tries to define a cause of the failure.

The motor had not had been seen in attempts of his departure

  1. The captures of the battery rust or the fixation of hints of wires in them weakened.
  2. The battery is unloaded or defective. If the wires hints do not rust and confiantemente they if are concentrated taken of battery, to turn the key of ignition in the provision of "in", then to include lighthouses and / or screenwashes, - if they do not work, - the battery is unloaded.
  3. Transmission is inaccurate it is established in the situation "P".
  4. Slit starts a chain of system.
  5. The wheel of gear of an author corsets itself in a garland of gear of a disc of driving.
  6. The alternation of traction of an author is defective.
  7. The author is defective.
  8. The ignition switch is defective.

The motor had had been seen, but one does not begin

  1. The departure is done incorrectly. Law according to the Launch of Section of the Motor and a departure of movement.
  2. The motor immobilizator is defective or not if desconecta.
  3. The switch of emergence of the bomb of fuel is defective.
  4. The fuel tank is empty, or the fuel of low quality is filled.
  5. The air filter is polluted strongly. The hole of the vacuum in elements of air provision, bad functioning in a system of control of the injection of fuel and ignition happens.
  6. The battery is unloaded (the motor had had been seen too slowly).
  7. The captures of the battery rust or the fixation of hints of wires in them weakened.
  8. The fuel bomb is defective, or his alternation is damaged, - auricularmente they check the turn of the bomb in the moment of the inclusion of the ignition.
  9. The component ones of the system of the ignition are damaged or excessively they moisten.
  10. The spark captures are used or defective, or the candle slit is exposed incorrectly.
  11. Slit starts a chain of system.
  12. The electrical system of roll of ignition is pulled out or desconecta-se, or or the wires fixation in weakened roll captures.
  13. The lock of security of the unity of control of the motor is damaged, there is defective a system of control of the motor, some of sensors.
  14. Low pressure of a compression.

The author works without motor provorachivaniye

  1. The wheel of author's gear corsets itself.
  2. Teeths of a wheel of gear of an author or the garland of a disc of driving are used or damaged.

The launch of the cold motor is complicated

Also to see the Cold motor control badly, works movediçamente.

  1. Low level of a load of the battery.
  2. The component ones of system of provision of power or electric equipments are defective.

The launch of the hot motor is complicated

Also to see the Heated motor control badly, works movediçamente.

  1. The air filter is messed up.
  2. The component ones of system of provision of power or electric equipments are defective.
  3. The fuel does not reach injectors.
  4. Insufficient compression in cylinders.

The gear of an author happens that it is too noisy or with the difficulty

  1. Teeths of a wheel of gear of an author or the garland of a disc of driving are used or damaged.
  2. They are lost, or the pins of the fixation of an author corset themselves insuficientemente.

The motor control, but at the same time he goes deaf

  1. The motor immobilizator is defective.
  2. The electrical system is defective, or the fixation of wires in captures of the roll of the ignition or the weakened creator.
  3. The component ones of system of provision of power or electric equipments are defective.
  4. The basic installations of the unity of control of the motor (ECM) are broken.
  5. The damage to the system of launch and reduction in the toxicity of the carried out gases (FG) happens.
  6. The losses of the depression in case of regulator, the entry oil pipeline or for vacuum hoses it happens.

The stability of the operation of the motor in the only turns is broken

  1. The depression losses happen. Make sure of the confidence of the pressure of the fixation, check the fact and quality of the unions are seized in the oil pipeline of entry of all the hoses of vacuum. Hear secretly the motor of work through a stethoscope or a part of a hose of fuel - the existence of the sound assobiante demonstrates the existence of hole. I do not use less effective solution of soap of check.
  2. The usefulness of the functioning of component ones of a system of provision of power or electric equipment is broken.
  3. Passability of the valve of the system of the ventilation made work of a case (PCV) is broken.
  4. Passability of the filter of air is broken.
  5. The fuel bomb does not supply the offer of enough fuel to injectors.
  6. The holes through the placing of a head of cylinders happen, - measure a compression in cylinders of motor (to see the Chief Dvigatel).
  7. The work edges of cames of the axle are used.

The admissions in the cylinders operation in the only turns happen

  1. The spark captures are used or polluted or the candle slit is exposed incorrectly.
  2. The bad functioning of component ones of a system of provision of power or electric equipment happens.
  3. It is defective in / in an electrical system.
  4. The fuel of low quality is filled, or passability of the fuel filter one breaks.
  5. The losses of the depression in the entry oil pipeline or through hose connections they happen.
  6. Low or different compression in cylinders.
  7. The work of a system of control of the motor is broken.

The admissions in the operation of cylinders of the motor in the moment of the movement of the car in the transfer happen

  1. The fuel filter is hammered or the pollution of a system of provision of power happens.
  2. The spark captures are defective or polluted or the candle slit is exposed incorrectly.
  3. The bad functioning of component ones of a system of provision of power or electric equipment happens.
  4. It is defective in / in an electrical system.
  5. The component ones of the system of the reduction in the toxicity of the carried out gases are defective.
  6. Low or different compression in cylinders.
  7. The system of the ignition is defective.
  8. The losses of the depression in case of regulator, the entry oil pipeline or for vacuum hoses it happens.

Motor spontaneously goes deaf

  1. The turns agreement of wasting time is broken.
  2. Passability of the filter of fuel is broken, or the moisture or the dirt came to a system of provision of power.
  3. The refusal of component ones / the sensors of information of the system of provision of power happens.
  4. The component ones of systems of the reduction in the toxicity of the carried out gases are defective.
  5. The spark captures are defective or polluted or the candle slit is exposed incorrectly.
  6. The losses of the depression in case of a regulator or for vacuum hoses they happen.

The motor does not develop the total capacity

  1. The bad functioning of component ones of a system of provision of power or electric equipment happens.
  2. The air purifier is messed up.
  3. The spark captures are defective or the candle slit is exposed incorrectly.
  4. The ignition roll is defective.
  5. The level ATF fell (to see the Chief Nastroyki and the regular maintenance of the car).
  6. The great transmission.
  7. The fuel filter is hammered and / or the dirt / moisture came to a system of provision of power.
  8. The fuel of low quality is filled.
  9. Low or different compression in cylinders.

There is cotton in the system of an admission or shots in the system of the launch

  1. The usefulness of the functioning of component ones of a system of provision of power or electric equipment is broken.
  2. The defect in a secondary outline of the system of the ignition happens (the destruction of insulators of captures of spark or damage in / in wires).
  3. The system of the injection of the fuel needs the agreement, or his component they are excessively worn-out.
  4. The losses of the depression in case of regulator, the entry oil pipeline or for vacuum hoses it happens.
  5. It acquires tight valves.
  6. The connection order in / in wires is broken.

In the moment of the movement with the acceleration or up there are explosion sounds

  1. The fuel of low quality is filled.
  2. The component ones of system of provision of power or electric equipments are defective.
  3. The spark captures not of that type are established.
  4. The installations basic ECM are broken.
  5. The explosion sensor is defective.
  6. The depression losses happen.

The motor keeps on working after turning of a key in the provision "of"

  1. The turns waste time are excessively high.
  2. The bad functioning of the electric equipment or the component ones of a system of control of the motor happen.
  3. The valve of a purge of an adsorber of the system of the capture of steams of the fuel (EVAP) is defective.
  4. The high temperature of work of the motor (the level OZh fell, the thermostat is defective, the electric heater is hammered or the water bomb is defective).
  5. The injectors tension is broken.

Electric motor equipment

Reduction in capacity or insufficient load of the battery

  1. The belt of creator's walk is used or damaged, or the agreement of his tension is broken.
  2. The level of the eletrólito is insufficient or the battery is unloaded strongly.
  3. The captures of the battery rust or the fixation of hints of wires in them weakened.
  4. The creator does not supply the current of necessary load.
  5. Split in a chain of an electrical system of an outline of load.
  6. The short circuit "in the mass" of an electrical system was believing the continuous leak of the current developed by the battery.
  7. The internal defect of the battery happens.

The lamp of control of the load is not extinguished slowly in the increase in turns

  1. The tension of a belt of driving is weakened.
  2. The regulator of the tension and / or the creator is damaged. Desconecte a wire (D +) from a reverse side of the creator and include the ignition. Besides check a condition of the regulator of the tension of the creator.
  3. The creator's brushes are used.
  4. The wire between the creator and the regulator of the tension is damaged.
  5. The devices combination is defective.

The lamp of control of the load does not illuminate becoming a key in the provision of "in"

  1. The control lamp failed.
  2. The creator is defective.
  3. Defect of circuit printed, which drives in the block of a combination of devices or the chief of a lamp happens.

The lamp of control of the load is not extinguished slowly becoming a key in the provision "of"

  1. The diodes are punched.


Contact with captures of an electrical system they have to concentrate confiantemente and do not rust!

  • If the author does not turn, in the beginning it is necessary to secure that in the capture n ° 50 of the alternation of traction there is tension (at least 10 V). In negative results they check a condition of an electrical system of an outline of the current of an author.
  • Since the check of the usefulness of the operation of an author in a tension full of the battery executes the next operations:
    • Not including transfers, become a key in the provision of "in";
    • The author of Peremknite covers 30 and 50 encloses with a section not less than 4 mm2.
  • If the author works perfectly, the cause of the defect must be looked in wires to an author. If the author does not win, it must happen in the retired state.

The author does not revolve becoming a key in the "BROKEN" situation

  1. The battery is unloaded.
  2. The author of Peremknite covers 30 and 50: if the author revolves, 50 brought ones check the wire to the lock of ignition of the interval, also appreciate a condition of author's switch.
  3. The weight wire is pulled out, or the quality of his terminal connection is broken.
  4. Current weakening due to quality violation or oxidation of connections of contact.
  5. There is no tension in the capture of the 50th alternation of traction as a consequence of the interval of an electrical system or damage of the switch of an author.

The author revolves slowly and does not become an end of inclination

  1. The battery is unloaded.
  2. The summer oil is filled out.
  3. The passage of the current due to contacts of low quality is complicated.
  4. The coal brushes are not next to a collector, traffic jam in guides, are used, broken, oily or polluted.
  5. Insufficient distance between brushes and a collector.
  6. The collector in grooves or one burned and one did oily.
  7. There is no tension in the capture 50 (at least 8 V).
  8. The load is broken.
  9. The traction alternation is defective.

The author "seizes", but it supplies only a ryvkoobrazny provorachivaniye of the motor

  1. The traction in four gear wheels is defective.
  2. The gear wheel is polluted.
  3. The garland of gear of a disc of driving is damaged.

The wheel of gear of an author does not leave the gear with a garland of gear of a pendulum / a disc of driving

  1. The traction component ones in four gear wheels are polluted or are damaged.
  2. The traction alternation is defective.
  3. The repayable spring was weakened or was torn.

The author keeps on working after an ignition key otpuskaniye

  1. The traction alternation corsets itself, - immediately they put the ignition out and substitute the alternation of traction.
  2. The ignition lock is not disconnected, - switch - of the battery, substitute the lock.

System of provision of power

The fuel consumption is excessive

  1. The air filter is polluted or one hammers.
  2. The pressure of an evaluation of tires is not enough or the tires not of that size are installed.
  3. The motor has mechanical damages. Check that a compression, in case of the necessity they do the repair of corresponding recuperation.
  4. The turns of wasting time and the very turns of an end of inclination are excessively high.
  5. The bad functioning of component ones of a power supplies to the system, the electric equipment or the electronic control.
  6. Holes in system of an admission of air.
  7. Damages to system of launch and reduction in toxicity of OG.

The hole of the fuel and / or a smell of gasoline happens

  1. The holes in lines of the provision of the fuel or lines of ventilation happen.
  2. The fuel tank is flooded. It does the petrol station alone before the automatic stoppage of the weapon.
  3. There happens the hole / evaporation of lines of systems of provision of power and reduction in the toxicity of OG.

The motor is not begun

  1. In the moment of the inclusion of an author the fuel bomb does not work (the noise of the work is not heard). Lightly blow to a bomb accommodation to launch the tight detail. Check the usefulness of the offer of the tension of the bomb (check the usefulness of a lock of security and the confidence of the fixation of captures of contact of the corresponding electrical system).
  2. The alternation of the bomb of fuel is defective.
  3. The injectors valves are pricked. Check injectors, if necessary it substitutes. Check the offer of the tension of injectors.
  4. There is no sign of the sensor of the ignition or the sensor of ECT. Check a condition of his electrical system, II system executes an inquiry of the memory of the OBD.
  5. The fuel oil pipelines are damaged, are messed up or done not not held tight, there are hoses defects.
  6. The fuel filter is messed up.
  7. To the entry road as a consequence of violation of air of excess of tension podsasyvatsya.
  8. The vacuum oil pipelines are damaged, or the violation of the tension of his landing happens.
  9. The regulator of pressure of fuel is damaged, - they check the residual pressure.
  10. The sensor of the provision of a valve of butterfly (TPS) is damaged.
  11. There is no food ECM.
  12. The ventilation of the tank of fuel is hammered, the filter in a tank is messed up.

The cold motor control badly, works movediçamente

  1. Standard does not adapt the maintenance of CO with demands, - they execute the corresponding measurement, check turns waste time.
  2. The sensor of ECT is defective.
  3. The pressure of the fuel does not correspond to the necessary value.
  4. To the entry road as a consequence of violation of air of excess of tension podsasyvatsya.

The heated motor control badly, works movediçamente

  1. The system of an admission of air is not tight. Check the system of entry. With this finality leave the motor to waste time and to moisten places of consolidations and connection in an entry way with to gasoline. If speed of a few increases of a little time, it removes places not tight.
  2. The valve backpressure of the fuel bomb is damaged.
  3. Holes in fuel system.
  4. The elevated pressure of the fuel in a power supplies to the system.
  5. Bad functioning of the system EVAP.
  6. The line of supply of repayable fuel to a tank is hammered or is wrinkled.
  7. The injectors valves are pricked. Check injectors, if necessary it substitutes. Check the offer of the tension of injectors.
  8. There is no sign of the sensor of the ignition of Hall or the sensor of the temperature of cooling the liquid. Check a condition of the corresponding electrical system, II system executes an inquiry of the OBD.
  9. To the entry road as a consequence of violation of air of excess of tension podsasyvatsya.
  10. The pressure regulator is damaged, - they check the residual pressure.
  11. The sensor TPS is damaged.
  12. There is no food ECM.

The motor works with interruptions

  1. The connections of an electrical system of the bomb of fuel are broken from time to time. Check when they were taken of an electrical system and locks of security of the bomb of fuel, sensor of MAF and alternation of the bomb of fuel.
  2. Bad quality of fuel, formation of traffic jams of traffic to steam.
  3. Weak fuel service.
  4. The fuel filter is defective.
  5. The fuel bomb is defective.
  6. The injectors are defective.
  7. A probe is defective of lambda, violations in a chain of the quality management of mixture or there is no heating a probe of lambda.
  8. TPS is defective.
  9. The tube of reception or final collector of the system of the production of the carried out gases is damaged (there are leaks of OG).
  10. Bad functioning of the system EVAP.
  11. The injectors valves are pricked. Check injectors, if necessary it substitutes. Check the offer of the tension of injectors.
  12. There is no sign of the sensor of the ignition of the Room or the sensor of ECT. Check an electrical system, execute an inquiry of the memory of ECM in the existence of codes of bad functioning.
  13. To the entry road as a consequence of violation of air of excess of tension podsasyvatsya.
  14. The vacuum oil pipelines are damaged or done not not held tight
  15. The pressure regulator is damaged, - they check the residual pressure.
  16. There is no food ECM.

The motor works with interruptions in the transitional ways and in the way that wastes time

  1. The system of an admission of air is not tight. Check connections of the system of entry. The motor begins and moisten with to gasoline of the connection of component ones of the way of infiltration. If the motor turns quickly increase, they withdraw a cause of tension of the breach.
  2. The agreement that wastes time is incorrect. Check TPS and an agreement of lambda.

The hot motor is not begun

  1. Incorrect contents agreement with. Check contents with and to waste time.
  2. The too high pressure in the fuel system, - pressure of fuel of check, if necessary the pressure regulator substitutes.
  3. The repayable oil pipeline between the regulator of the pressure and the tank of fuel is messed up or is bent. Clean or substitute the oil pipeline.
  4. The sensor of temperature of motor is defective.
  5. The tension of a system of provision of power is broken.
  6. The tension of an air way of entry is broken.

Lubrication system

The control lamp is not burned becoming a key in the provision of "in"

  1. The sensor of pressure of oil is defective. Include the ignition, desconecte a wire of the sensor and close it "in the weight", - if it illuminates the lamp, substitute the sensor.
  2. In the tension of sensor, the contacts of a korrozirovana they do not move, - check a condition of the corresponding electrical system.
  3. The control lamp is defective.
  4. The devices combination is defective.

The control lamp is not extinguished slowly after the launch of the motor

  1. The oil is overheated. If the control lamp is extinguished slowly after the gas supply, it must not do anything.

The control lamp is not extinguished slowly after the gas supply or illuminates during the movement

  1. The oil level fell.
  2. The short circuit of an electrical system of the sensor of the level of oil happens.
  3. The sensor is defective.

Too low oil pressure in all the turns

  1. The oil level fell.
  2. The filter of net of a maslozabornik in the case trundle bed is messed up.
  3. The oil bomb is used.
  4. The loads of an end of inclination are damaged.

Too low oil pressure in small turns

  1. The valve that it reduces prickled abroach because of the pollution.

Too high oil pressure with a frequency of rotation of the motor more than 2.000 revolutions per minute

  1. The valve that it reduces does not open because of the pollution.

System cooling

To overheat

  1. The level of cooling the liquid fell.
  2. The belt of the walk of the water bomb is used or damaged or the agreement of his tension is broken.
  3. The internal channels of an electric heater are filled or there is polluted the front guard (it is blockaded).
  4. The thermostat is defective.
  5. The blades of a krylchatka of the supporter are broken or are exploded.
  6. The switch of supporter's sensor is defective.
  7. The rate of the temperature of cooling the liquid is defective.
  8. The water bomb is defective.
  9. An electric heater covering does not maintain the pressure, - they carry out the control of a covering below the pressure.


  1. The thermostat is defective.
  2. The indications of the instrument of measuring of the temperature are inaccurate.

Extern hole of cooling the liquid

  1. The hoses are damaged or are destroyed as a consequence of the material aging or his that clings weakened unions.
  2. Epiploons of the water bomb is spoiled, - the liquid that cools exudes for a control that opens in a bomb accommodation.
  3. The holes of internal channels of an electric heater or the tank happen.
  4. The holes for a cork of drain of the motor or the traffic jams of traffic of launch of the water galleries happen.

Internal hole of cooling the liquid

Of cooling liquid normally the internal hole comes to the light with the check of a condition of oil of reason. Examine an edge of the probe of measuring and the internal surfaces of the covering (the coverings) of the cylinders in existence of water aspects and foam of oil.

  1. The holes through the placing of a head of cylinders happen, - carry out the control of the pressure of system of cooling.
  2. There are slits in walls of cylinders or in the throw of a head.

There are losses of cooling the liquid

  1. In the system the excessive amount of the cooling of liquid (CL) is filled.
  2. OZh evaporates as a consequence of a motor they overheat.
  3. There happen the internal or extern leaks of OZh.
  4. The electric heater covering is defective, - they check a pressure of covering.

The circulation of cooling the liquid is broken

  1. The water bomb does not work properly. It is the most simple thing to be secured of the functioning of the bomb that having holds tight the best hose of an electric heater in the motor that works in the only turns. If in an otpuskaniye of a hose the liquid push in him is felt, the bomb works regularly.
  2. Passability of the system of cooling is broken - they wash it out and fill of the fresh liquid. If necessary an electric heater withdraws and executes his washing of obratnopotochny.
  3. The belt of driving of the water bomb is used or damaged or the agreement of his tension is broken.
  4. The thermostat corsets itself.


The supporter of a heater does not work

  1. The lock of security э / the ventilator motor is defective.
  2. The supporter's switch is defective, - check if tension to movements of preresistores, withdraws and check the supporter's switch.
  3. The ventilator motor is э/defeituoso. Check if the tension in the included ignition and removes the switch of shut supporter, - if the tension moves, substitute the motor.

The supporter of a heater does not work in one of steps

  1. The preresistor is defective.

The heater is not put out by the regulator

  1. The switch is defective.
  2. The threads of the door of mixture of agreement are damaged or badly furniture.

Too low heating power

  1. The level of cooling the liquid is insufficient.
  2. The doorknobs of the management of a heater have the heavy course - the meeting of check of the management, if necessary they substitute the thread of corresponding driving.

I revolt in the field of the supporter of heater

  1. Dirt, the leaves came, - they remove the supporter and clean it, the channel they remove tensions.
  2. The balance of a krylchatka is broken, the load is damaged.

Automatic exchange (AT)

In view of the complexity of a drawing of IN him it is desirable to do diagnostic of his bad functioning and repairs of component ones in a workshop of the service of the car.

The common problems were joined with the functioning of the mechanism of the commutation

  1. It is possible to carry forward the next thing to the number of the refusals joined with the violation of the agreement of the sketch of the commutation:
    • The launch of the motor is possible in the moment of provisions of the transmission, excellent of "Р" and "N";
    • The indications of indicative of the provision of the transmission are differentiated of the really chosen transfer;
    • The car moves for the transmission established in the situation "P" or "N";
    • The transfers call only or at random.
  2. Do the agreement of the sketch of the dislocation of gear.

The transmission revolves, call only, publish strange noises or it does not supply the movement of the car during the installation in one of transfers

  1. Be group of the possible reasons of the problems enumerated in the title, nevertheless below the competence of the amateur mechanic their only one - the incorrect level of liquid of transmission (ATF) comes.
  2. Before expelling the car in a workshop of the service of the car they check the level and a condition of ATF. Modify the level ATF or substitute it.

The hole of liquid of transmission (ATF) happens

  1. ATF has the color dark-red. The aspects of his holes must not get confused to aspects of oil of reason that can be demolished in a case of transmission by the current air current.
  2. Since the identification and the location of a fountain of hole first of all withdraw all the aspects of dirt and lubricant of the boat of transmission. Use degreaser convenient and / or do the cleaning to steam. Then do in the car a short travel in a small speed (that the aspects of the hole did not communicate the distant current current of his fountain). It gives birth, the car and for the visual inquiry they establish to a poddomkratta a fountain of hole. Very often act like those:
    • The trundle bed of case of transmission, - they hold tight pins of fixation and / or substitute the placing of the trundle bed;
    • The tube of the petrol station ATF, - they substitute the consolidation of rubber at the place of an entry of a tube to a case of transmission;
    • The lines ATF, - they hold tight connections of nipple or substitute lines;
    • The ventilation tube, - the transmission is joined and / or the water him came.

ATF has the brown color or smells of ashes

  1. The level ATF is insufficient.

The way kickdown is not joined by the pressing full of a pedal (the low gear is not joined)

  1. The level ATF fell.
  2. The system of control of the motor is defective.
  3. The switch of sensor or his electrical system are defective.
  4. The agreement of a thread of driving of the selector is broken.

The motor is not begun in any position of the selector or also "R" one begins in provisions, excellent of "Р"

  1. The agreement of the switch of sensor of the permission of the departure is broken.
  2. The usefulness of the functioning of a system of control of the motor is broken.
  3. The agreement of a thread of the selector is broken.

The great transmission, breaks of the enemy lines or I revolt in the moment of the dislocation of gear. The car does not move for the inclusion of D or ways R

  1. The level ATF fell.
  2. The sensor or his electrical system are defective.
  3. The usefulness of the functioning of a system of control of the motor is broken.


Strange noises

  1. Noise of Usual road, - they do not hand over agreement.
  2. The tires noise, - they check a protectors' condition and the pressure of an evaluation of tires.
  3. The wheels loads are used or damaged, or the effort of his weakened pressure.


  1. Check a condition of loads of wheels, in series poddomkrachivy the corresponding corner of the car and rotation of a wheel manually. Listen at the same time to the sounds that come from the load. Withdraw loads and check his state.

Oil hole

  1. Differentials Epiploons is damaged.

Brakes system

Before coming to the final conclusion on the problems existence with the brakes system they secure that the tires are in the satisfactory condition and are fleshy with the necessary pressure, the agreement of angles of the installation of advanced wheels is not broken and the car is not loaded unequally.

The course of pedal of increased brake

  1. The outline of work of a way of brake is damaged, - system of control of holes.

The pedal of a few springs of brake and fault

  1. The air came to the brake road, - they pump on the system.
  2. The liquid level fell in the tank GTTs, - they do the corresponding agreement, bomb on the system.
  3. Formation of bottles of steam. It is shown, mainly, in the great brakes load. Substitute the fluid of brake, withdraw the air of the system.

Reduction really of the frenagem, the pedal fails

  1. The tension of a hydraulic way is broken.
  2. The sleeve fists in the main thing or cylinders of brake of work are damaged.

Hardly braking, in spite of the great effort of pressing of a pedal

  1. The brake mistakes are oily.
  2. The unsuitable or hardened blocks are established.
  3. The brakes amplifier is defective.
  4. The brake shoes are worn.

Curbing the car it leads to the part

  1. The pressure of an evaluation of tires it does not correspond demanded.
  2. The protectors are unequally worn-out.
  3. The brake mistakes are oily.
  4. In an axle the different brake shoes are established.
  5. The brake shoes are excessively worn-out.
  6. The supports mines are polluted.
  7. The supports are damaged by the corrosion, - do the substitution.
  8. The blocks are unequally worn-out.

Spontaneous Frenagem

  1. The compensation that opens in the cylinder of main brake (MBC) is messed up.
  2. The slit between a stick of driving and the piston GTTs is insufficient.

The brakes are heated up during the movement

  1. The compensation that opens in the cylinder of main brake is messed up.
  2. The slit between a stick of driving and the piston GTTs is insufficient.

Brakes tremor

  1. The blocks of the unsuitable type are established.
  2. Brake disc at places корродирован.
  3. The thrashing of a disc of brake is excessively big.

The brake shoes do not leave from a brake disc, the wheel only is spun manually

  1. Corrosion in cylinders of supports of brake. Repair or substitute a support.

Unequal blocks use

  1. The blocks of the unsuitable type are established. Substitute blocks.
  2. The supports are damaged by the corrosion, - do the substitution.
  3. The piston blow is complicated.
  4. The tension of a way of the system of brakes is broken.

I use in the form of wedge of shoes of brake

  1. The brake disc spins not parallel to a support.
  2. The supports are damaged by the corrosion, - do the substitution.
  3. The usefulness of the functioning of the piston is broken.

Brakes scratch

  1. Very often the reason in atmospheric influence (moisture of air). If the scratch appears after the long parking in the increased moisture and soon to disappear, is not necessary to do anything.
  2. The blocks of the unsuitable type are established.
  3. The brake disc spins not parallel to a support.
  4. The mine of a support is polluted.
  5. Springs of the fixation of blocks bends.
  6. Press the springs they are stretched.

Pulsation of pedal of brake

  1. Sign of normal operation of ABS.
  2. The thrashing of a disc of brake is excessively big.
  3. The brake disc spins not parallel to a support.

The lamp of control of ABS illuminates during the movement

  1. The provision voltage (more low than what 10 V) is not enough. Check the tension. Check if the lamp of control of the creator after the launch of the motor is extinguished slowly. If everything is very good, check a belt of creator's walk.
  2. The bad functioning of ABS happens, - they check a state and the confidence of the fixation of the terminal connection of the mass of the repayable bomb (in the hidromodulador).

Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction

The car gets a beating in the moment of the movement in one of the parties

  1. The tires are pumped unequally.
  2. The tires defect happens.
  3. The component ones of a support of the triangular form of interruption or direction are excessively worn-out.
  4. To execute the agreement of angles of the installation of advanced wheels is needed.
  5. The advanced brake mechanisms are taken.

The breaks of the enemy lines, the tug or the vibrations happen

  1. The wheels balance is broken or ovality of discs it appeared.
  2. The wheels loads are used, the effort of his weakened pressure or agreement is broken.
  3. The absorbent ones of the shock of tortures or component others of a support of the triangular form of interruption are used or damaged.

The excessive swinging of the car / "a zaryvaniye" in turns happens his nose or braking

  1. The tortures of support of the triangular form of interruption are defective.
  2. The component ones of support of the triangular form of interruption are damaged.

Exaggerated only the great steering-wheel

  1. The excessively liquid level fell in the tank of the hydraulic auxiliary rocket of directing (GUR).
  2. The tires are pumped incorrectly.
  3. The hinges of the walk of direction are polished insuficientemente.
  4. The agreement of angles of the installation of advanced wheels is broken.
  5. GUR does not develop the necessary power.

The play of excessive side of the direction happens

  1. The effort of corseting itself of loads of advanced wheels was weakened.
  2. The component ones of a support of the triangular form of interruption or direction are excessively worn-out.

GUR does not develop the proper effort

  1. It is used, or the belt of driving of the bomb GUR is damaged, or the agreement of his tension is broken.
  2. Excessively the level of liquid of GUR fell.
  3. Passability of hoses or the lines of the hydraulic system are broken.
  4. The air came the GUR, - they pump on the system.

The excessive protectors use happens (not in a some area)

  1. The tires are pumped incorrectly.
  2. The wheels balance is broken.
  3. The wheels discs are damaged.
  4. The component ones of a support of the triangular form of interruption or direction are excessively worn-out.

The excessive protectors use in an exterior edge happens

  1. The tires are pumped incorrectly.
  2. The turns are made too many agudamente.
  3. The agreement of angles of the installation of advanced wheels (excessive convergence) is broken.
  4. The lever of support of the triangular form of interruption is bent or one supports.

The excessive protectors use in an inner edge happens

  1. The tires are pumped incorrectly.
  2. The agreement of angles of the installation of advanced wheels breaks (divergence).
  3. The component ones of the direction are damaged or his fixation is weakened.

The local use of a protector happens

  1. The wheels balance is broken.
  2. The discs are damaged or are bent.
  3. The tires defect happens.

Defects of brushes from a cloth to rub of fabric


  1. There are polluted the elements of work of rubber.
  2. The brushes edges are spent, the elements of work of rubber are used or interrupted.

In the field of cleaning the water it remains they are joined in decreases at the same time

  1. The windshield is polluted by the varnish jump or oil.

The brush pays unilateralmente - in a party well, in other it is not present

  1. The element of work of rubber has the unilateral use.
  2. The lever from a cloth to rub of fabric is twisted, the brush not precisely is next to the glass.

Raw surfaces

  1. The confidence of the fixation of an element of work in a brush frame is broken.
  2. The brush is next to the glass unequally.
  3. To pinch forces the lever it is too small, - lightly polish hinges of levers from a cloth to rub of fabric and spring or it installs the new lever.

Tires defects

I use strongly the tire in both parties of a surface of work

  1. Too low pressure in tires.

I use strongly the tire in the middle of a work surface in the whole circle of a protector

  1. Too high pressure in tires.

Unequal use of a protector

  1. disbalance static and dynamic of a wheel, possibly, due to an excessive thrashing of side of a disc, play of too big side in the load hinges.

Unequal use in the middle of a protector

  1. disbalance static of a wheel, possibly, due to an excessive vertical thrashing.

I use strongly certain sieges in the middle of a surface of work of a protector

  1. Resulted of frenagem sharp.

The use tooth of mountain range of a protector, it is frequent together with a break of a base of cloth of the invisible tire on the outside

  1. Overload of the car. Check a condition of internal walls of tires.

rubber uvulae in edges of side of a protector (I use escameado)

  1. The agreement of angles of the installation of wheels is broken.
  2. The tires are used.
  3. The absorbent ones of the shock / the springs of twist / meetings for assembly in rack are defective.

Formation of agnails in a party of a protector of an advanced wheel

  1. The agreement of a convergence of wheels is broken.
  2. The tires are used.
  3. Frequent movement in unequal surfaces. The movement Bystry in turns.

Breaks of a rope. In the beginning they are only visible of inside

  1. Moving for sharp stones, punches of tires, etc. in a high speed.

Unilateral use of a surface of work of a protector

  1. Check the agreement of the disorder.
  2. The bad functioning of ABS happens, - they check a state and the confidence of the fixation of the terminal connection of the mass of the repayable bomb (in the hidromodulador).