Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system - Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction General information + Dispatch the support of the triangular form of interruption + Support of the triangular form of subsequent interruption - Direction Checks of component ones of direction Removal, installation, desmontagem and meeting of a column of direction Removal and installation of the bomb GUR and his belt of driving Removal, installation, desmontagem and meeting of the mechanism of direction + Geometry of support of the triangular form of interruption + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
Checks of component ones of direction
The description of the check of the level of liquid GUR is supplied in the Check of Section of Levels of Liquids, control of holes. The description of some other checks of component ones of the direction is supplied in the Check of Section of a Condition of Component ones of a Support of the triangular form of Interruption and Direction.
Check of the hydraulic lines GUR
- Together with the check of the level of liquid GUR it is necessary to check and his state – in the liquid must not be bottles of air. If necessary the air withdraws, working how if it follows:
- The car also establishes it the Poddomkratta in stakes;
- In the motor off lisamente spin a steering-wheel of an emphasis against the stop several times;
- Lower the car in the land and the motor begins;
- Spin a steering-wheel in one of the parties against the stop and maintain it in this situation during 2 3 pages ÷. Then spin a steering-wheel in another party and again maintain it in this situation during 2 3 pages ÷. Repeat the operation described above several times.
- Kill the motor and again check the liquid level GUR.
- Measure the liquid level GUR in the motor that works in the only turns.
- Kill the motor, wait approximately for 5 minutes and again measure the liquid level GUR (it will stand up).
- If the levels difference does more than 5 mm, bomb on the hydraulic system GUR.
- Desconecte a tube of delivery of the mechanism of direction and join the special adaptation with the manometer.
One secures that the valve of the special adaptation is opened. |
- Pump on the air of GUR.
- The motor begins and several times spin a steering-wheel of an emphasis against the stop. Increase in the pressure in the lines GUR and increase of temperature of liquid GUR to a 80th one a hail is got.
- In the motor that works in the only turns they open the valve of the special adaptation and consider indications of his manometer. Compare the result received with demands of Specifications of the Chief Podvesk and direction.
Check of pressure of liquid GUR in the shut valve
It does not think that the valve closed more than 10 with; do not allow the excess of the temperature of liquid GUR. |
- Open the valve of SST and in the pressure of measure of motor of work on 1.000 revolutions per minute and 3.000 revolutions per minute. Calculate a difference of the pressure and compare the result received with demands of Specifications of the Chief Podvesk and direction.
Check of a difference of pressure of liquid GUR in the open valve
Do not spin a steering-wheel in the fact to the check. |
- In the motor that works in the only turns and the open valve they spin a steering-wheel against the stop and consider indications of the manometer. Compare the result received with demands of Specifications of the Chief Podvesk and direction.
Check of pressure of liquid GUR in the open valve
It does not guard a steering-wheel in the extreme situation any more than 10 with; do not allow the excess of the temperature of liquid GUR. |
- Desconecte the special, sole adaptation a tube of delivery and bomb on the air of GUR.
Check of a steering-wheel
Check of blockade of a column of direction