1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
- Administrations and methods of operation
   + Access, protection
   - Elements of systems of security
      General information
      Seat belts
      Children's transport
      Agreement of seats and front restrictions
      System of additional security (men)
      I am in risk of poisoning with the carbon monoxide (CO)
   + Equipment of the car, agreement of devices and administrations
   + Devices of securing the comfort
   + Methods of operation and auxiliary systems
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


System of additional security (men)

In this section the only general provisions about the beginnings of the functioning of the men's system are considered. The detailed description of his component is supplied in the electric equipment of Front Side.

Do not have firm or sharp objects between the body and cushions of security, do not transport firm or sharp objects in a lap and it does not smoke a tube going of car since it can lead to the reception of serious damages in the accident. For aims of the prevention of the risk of the operation not authorized with the security the cushions try not to shake hands to the positions of pillows and his modules. The positions of cushions of security are observed by the inscriptions "CUSHION OF AIR".

Between in number of devices and component of the system of the additional security (men):

  • Two advanced ones and two cushions of security of side. The module of the cushion of security of an advanced driver is put in a nave of a steering-wheel; the cushion of security of the advanced passenger is put in a special cavity in the right part of the panel of the car. The cushions of security of side are put in exterior sides of back of front seats;
  • The sensors of the directed overloads that work in strong front or punch of side;
  • The electronic system of the autodiagnostic one that in the included ignition supplies on continuous trial of sensors of overloads, the unity of control, creators of gas of pillows, pyros of the emergence natyazhitel of belts of seat and an electrical system that is joined of the corresponding chains;
  • The automatic emergence natyazhitel of belts of seat who they build in in natyazhitel regular soldier of belts of seat of front seats;
  • The lamp of men's control that is built in in a devices combination;
  • The provision of power independent of surplus destined for the duplication of the main power supplies to the system in case of his exit out of the operation during the shock.

Beginning of functioning of cushions of security

In the weak frontlet and shocks of side, and also overturning the car of a cushion of security must not work.

The sensors of the directed overloads resist the excess of some extreme value that can appear in the strong frontlet or shock from side. In a sensors sign the unity of control includes creators of gas of cushions of security, causing his immediate stuffing.

During the shock the seat belt maintains the lowest part of the trunk that sits down of the shift. Dispatch the help of cushions of security in order that the driver prevents the traumatização and to dispatch to passenger as a consequence of the punch for his head and a thorax on a steering-wheel / the panel or the title on doors bodies / metal adornments they are resistant.

Both advanced security cushions work at the same time, as well as both side pillows. Nevertheless the probability of the operation of only one of the couple of pillows is not excluded, - is possible when the size of the directed overloads that appeared in the shock was on the edge of the variety of the sensibility of sensors. In this case the seat belts supply the protection enough fiável of the driver and dispatch to passenger while the effect of the operation of a cushion of security is least.

Straightly after operation and realization for their pillows of the gas of functions produces what allows to a driver to guard the visibility and to manipulate freely all the administrations of the car.

The duration full of the process takes with overloads sensors before the no production of gas of pillows more tenth fraction of a second the moment of the offer of a sign. The modules operation happens so quickly that the human ear simply is not able to understand the creators' cotton of gas filling pillows.

After the operation of the security cushion the volume of the interior of the lightly filled looks of the cars of the smoke because of an interruption of perfect powder that normally empties the arranged coverings of pillows. The persons with a disease of respiratory organs can feel certain discomfort of the gaseous products that are contained on air allocated by creators of gas of pillows.

Lamp of men's control

Control Lamp men's (CL) is built in in a combination of devices of the car (to see the Section of Kombinition of devices, measuring instruments, controls lamps and indicators).

In the moment of the inclusion of the ignition To/L illuminate approximately during 6 seconds and soon it is extinguished slowly, confirming the usefulness of the functioning of all the knots of the men's system.

If the lamp is not put out, it is not extinguished slowly, and also in the moment of any operation To/L in any other moment it follows the owner of the car in the first opportunity in order that experts should direct HUNDRED from that time in the enumerated one above signs that the men's system can refuse during the failure of the car. If To/L does not go out slowly, it indicates the bad functioning of advanced cushions of security; if To/L begins to blink, to join the cushions of security and / or the emergence natyazhitel of seat belts they are defective.

Seat belts with automatic emergence natyazhitel

natyazhitel automatic of emergence it equipped repayable devices of belts of seat of front seats. There put themselves for Natyazhiteli in the action in the moment of the overloads strong frontlets that appear in the shock frontlet and supply the immediate selection of a weak point of belts, therefore, the strips of the last one densely cover a session of body, in considerably the degree of increase of degree of the protection of the driver and dispatch to passenger.

Natyazhitel is built in in the meeting of the repayable mechanism of a belt. The order of the use of such belts of seat is similar to an order of the use of the equipped usual belts of repayable devices inerciais. The mechanism of the operation of a natyazhitel is absolutely transparent for the user and it does not demand of the last one any additional skill and knowledge.

The activation of natyazhitel only happens in the moment of overloads considerable frontlets. The modules operation results from noisy cotton and small emission of the smoke.

The smoke that is given out in the moment of the operation of natyazhitel is sure for the health of the person, nevertheless in the straight inhalation it can cause the irritation of mucous membranes.

As well as in case of security cushions, the modules of the emergence natyazhitel are calculated according to the only operation and after it is subject to the substitution joined with belts, - address in HUNDRED.