1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
- Administrations and methods of operation
   + Access, protection
   - Elements of systems of security
      General information
      Seat belts
      Children's transport
      Agreement of seats and front restrictions
      System of additional security (men)
      I am in risk of poisoning with the carbon monoxide (CO)
   + Equipment of the car, agreement of devices and administrations
   + Devices of securing the comfort
   + Methods of operation and auxiliary systems
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


I am in risk of poisoning with the carbon monoxide (CO)

The toxic monoxide of carbon (CO) who causes the loss of the conscience and can lead to the death is a part of the carried out gases (FG) of motor extremely. In the useful system of the launch of OG and the correct operation of the car, the carried out gases of the motor must not come to the interior of the car. Try to check the technical condition of the system of launch of OG and tension of connections of his oil pipelines in the next cases:

  • In the next substitution of oil of reason when is the car installed in the elevator;
  • In modification of nature of the obvious noise auricularmente published by final system;
  • After the accident in which the details located below the bottom of the car can be damaged.

In the rooms closed with the bad ventilation, for example, in a garage, the concentration of CO can increase quickly to the dangerous value. Therefore, there prohibits to leave the motor that works in the door of shut garage. Even in the open door they do not leave the motor that works long time. At the same time after the launch of the motor it is necessary to leave a garage and to keep on heating up of the motor in the street.

In the moment of the movement with an open door of a few back the carried out gases of the motor can come to the interior of the car and create a situation of danger. If there is a situation when densely it is not possible to close a door, it is necessary to open completely all the windows and to include the system of air conditioning and ventilation.

In the moment of the stay in the car with the motor that works in the only turns (even in the open area), carry out the next thing (to see Devices of securing the comfort):

  • Include the system of the ventilation of the hall in the way of the influx of pure air;
  • The heater supporter lights in the very speed;
  • Establish for the corresponding regulator the comfortable air temperature.