1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ System of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
- Systems of electric equipment of the motor
   + Systems of ignition and management of motor
   + Diagnostic of systems of electronic control and diagnostic equipment
   - Systems of a load and departure
      General information
      The battery recarregável - the general information, recommendations on service
      System of a load - general information and measures of security
      Check of system of a load
      Removal and installation of the creator
      System of launch of the motor - the general information
      Removal and installation of an author
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


The battery recarregável - the general information, recommendations on service

The battery 12-voltny installed in the car composes of six cans in which the positive and negative plates (lamels) boarded in the solution of sulphuric acid if they put. The main task of the battery is the production of the current necessary for the implementation of launch of the motor, ignition of mixture of work, lighting, and also to provide other consumers of side or assistants of the electric power with the food.

The absolute return of the battery happens in the room temperature the 27th hail. In - I granulate 18. the efficiency of falls of return to 40 % and implementation of the launch of the motor needs in two with the small time more energy.

The initial power (initial current) characterizes the capacity of the accumulator of beginning the motor in the conditions of the very cold time. It shows the current in amperes that gives the accumulator inside 30 seconds in a temperature of - 18 a hail. without failure of power lower than 7,2 in (the demanded least departure level fiável). This indicator, the most initial power of the accumulator is higher.

Reserve the time of demonstrations to be able during minutes during which the accumulator gives 25 you act one in the 27th one a hail., this is the time during which the accumulator secures the functioning of all the auxiliary devices in the car in the night and in the conditions of the bad time in the defective creator.

In winter conditions, in temperatures I lower - 18 a hail. the efficiency of recarrega of the battery reductions in view of the increase of the internal resistance. In the moment of short travels in winter the energy passed over the battery of the launch of the motor does not manage to be restored and the battery begins works very very much, gradually unloading and, consequently, fault is irrevocable.

In summer months in the moment of long travels motor strongly is heated up, and very often it happens that it is difficult to begin it again. Not less energy of the battery, of what in the frozen time it goes on sometimes for such "hot" departures. Saying in a special measure treats motors of high compression with the great volume of work of cylinders, and also the equipped models of the system К/В.

Acquisition of the new battery recarregável

Above states in importance of fairness of the choice of the parameters of capture in count of battery you were re-loading saying of the motor and a complete set of the vehicle.

After the purchase of the new battery recarregável it is necessary to pay attention to his realization data:

  • Tension of nominal exit. It has the identic value (12 V) for all the batteries used in cars that practically excludes the probability of a mistake.
  • The capacity measured in the Ampere / hour (And / h) and, rudely he speaks, defining a stock of the electric power that is contained in the battery. It depends on the choice of the size of this parameter like much time the battery is able to supply a possibility of a provorachivaniye of the motor with an author, more precisely - how many it is possible to do attempts of the launch of the motor. The price of the battery recarregável is almost straightly proportional to his capacity.
  • Initial current (A), this is a current happened in an author in launch of the motor. The size of the initial current in batteries can be specified according to four different standards: GOST (for domestic accumulators), in (the Uniform standard Europe), SAE (the American standard) and I BOOM (Germany). The last, German standard, state-owned standard is very near to our specification and in most of batteries of the European production it is abolished "to the default" this is when the system of the standard is not specified. The initial current is higher, the great turns are developed by an author and he is able to transfer the biggest torque to a motor pendulum.

In ideal way, the replaceable battery acquired in the data of realization has to be adapted completely with demands of Specifications of the Chief Sistema of the electric equipment of the motor in which the useful life of observance of the battery will be the very. The acquisition of the battery of the least capacity can only be considered the good economy of the money how it will serve much less and, besides, it can lead to the unpleasant efforts joined with the launch of the motor in the winter station. It is not necessary to buy the battery with the excessively big initial current, - such a favorite pastime is accompanied by the risk of the failure of an author. To it would beat standard not to supply an owed provorachivaniye of the motor, it will be more correct to do for a substitution of departure of oil of reason, - what more probably will lead to the automatic elimination of a problem.

Recently the market of the country is flooded with goods of low quality and falsifications. The battery recarregável also is not an exception. There are several signs in which it is possible with the sufficient degree of the probability of distinguishing the original of a falsification. The first one and, possibly, main thing: in case of the battery the manufacturer of country and the center of production have to be specified certainly, it is better if with the address. The second: the date of the production has to be specified what the special value has for batteries of the (alone) tight type. The technical data leaf while the existence of the education is not strictly compulsory certainly has to be included in the delivery packet. The third thing: the batteries of high quality are differentiated in the good appearance. The case will have smooth edges, to be equipped of traffic traffic jams you were spinning and the smooth one covered of protective hats polar captures that quite very often are covered by a layer of the special anticorrosive lubricant.

Battery load

The load of the failed battery must be done according to the manufacturers' educations of the porter.