1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ System of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
- Systems of electric equipment of the motor
   + Systems of ignition and management of motor
   + Diagnostic of systems of electronic control and diagnostic equipment
   - Systems of a load and departure
      General information
      The battery recarregável - the general information, recommendations on service
      System of a load - general information and measures of security
      Check of system of a load
      Removal and installation of the creator
      System of launch of the motor - the general information
      Removal and installation of an author
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Removal and installation of the creator

Details of installation of the creator

1 - the Flat lavador
2 - the pin with Hinges
3 - the pin of Fixation of agreement of a tension of a belt of driving
4 - a creator's Wire

5 - the creator's Capture
6 - the Creator
7 - the Pin of agreement of a tension of a belt of driving of the creator
8 - the belt of Driving of the creator and compressive K/V

Details of meeting of the creator L3B

1 - a creator's Lavador
2 - a load Covering
3 - the subsequent load
4 - the Rotor
5 - the Advanced load
6 - the Bearer
7 - the Covering of the walk

8 - the Pulley
9 - the plate of subsequent fighter
10 - the plate of Advanced hunting
11 - the contact Insulator
12 - the Brush bearer
13 - the rear Cape
14 - Meeting of a curve

Details of meeting of the creator SC1

1 - the Lavador the creator
2 - a load Covering
3 - the subsequent load
4 - the Rotor
5 - the Advanced load
6 - the Bearer
7 - the fixed Part of the electric motor (a covering of the walk)
8 - the Pulley
9 - the Capture
10 - a bearer's brush Covering

11 - the contact Insulator
12 - the Fighter plate
13 - an electrical system Clip
14 - the Covering of the rectifier
15 - the rear Cape
16 - the Brush bearer
17 - Tension regulator
18 - the Bearer of the rectifier
19 - the Rubber insulator


  1. Desconecte a negative wire of the battery.
  2. Take away a belt of driving (to see the Chief Nastroyki and the regular maintenance of the car).
  3. Separate the creator's capture.
  4. Give a nut and desconecte a wire of the creator.
  5. Desconecte a braid of electrical system of the bearer.
  6. A pin results with hinges, withdraw a flat lavador, the pin of fixation of the agreement of a tension of a belt of driving and the creator.
  7. The installation is done as it must be, the return to an order of is demolished of component ones.