1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ System of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
- Systems of electric equipment of the motor
   + Systems of ignition and management of motor
   + Diagnostic of systems of electronic control and diagnostic equipment
   - Systems of a load and departure
      General information
      The battery recarregável - the general information, recommendations on service
      System of a load - general information and measures of security
      Check of system of a load
      Removal and installation of the creator
      System of launch of the motor - the general information
      Removal and installation of an author
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Check of system of a load

Remember that the failure of the creator is not the only possible cause of the breach of the usefulness of the functioning of the system of a load. In the moment of the identification of signs of the system I fail that they carry out the next checks:


  1. Check the tension of production of the battery recarregável in the motor off, - the result of the measurement will do on the 12th century.
  1. Check the load of chain without load. With this finality desconecte a wire of the capture B of the creator and this wire adheres to the negative probe of an ampermeter. One positive probes of the ampermeter and the voltômetro to a creator cover B. Una to negative probe of a voltômetro to the mass of the car. The motor begins and, having increased turns with the only one to 2.000 revolutions per minute, think indications of devices of measurement and compare them with demands of Specifications of the Chief Sistema of the electric equipment of the motor.
  1. If the tension will be higher than admissible, there substitutes the regulator of tension (in the creator L3B) or the meeting of a curve (in the creator SC1).
  1. If the tension of the creator L3B will be lower than admissible, there checks the creator and the regulator of the tension. With this finality in the established capture F they begin the motor and check the tension in the capture B. If the tension will be higher than admissible, the tension regulator substitutes. If the tension will be lower than admissible, the creator checks.
  1. Check the load of chain without load. With this finality in the motor that works for 2.000 revolutions per minute they light the ray of driving of lighthouses and light the supporter of heater in HI way. Measure the current of the creator and compare it with demands of Specifications of the Chief Sistema of the electric equipment of the motor. If the value measured below the admissible one, repairs the creator.

The indications of the ampermeter can be below of the admissible value if the battery will be accused completely.

  1. In the excess for the tension of production of the superior limit of the admissible variety it is necessary to do the substitution of the regulator of the tension.
  2. The use of brushes of the creator, brush spring weakening, failure of the regulator, failure of the diode, interval of a curve, and also damage of rings of a collector can be the reason of excessive one to lessen of the tension. The condition of brushes and collector's rings can happen visually, - the absence of obvious damages the creator must retire of the car (installation of the creator sees the Removal of Section e a) for more detailed check and repair of recuperation / substitution.