LEXUS RX 3001998 - 2003 of launchRepair and operation of the car |
Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + System of provision of power and production of the carried out gases - Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Systems of ignition and management of motor + Diagnostic of systems of electronic control and diagnostic equipment - Systems of a load and departure General information The battery recarregável - the general information, recommendations on service System of a load - general information and measures of security Check of system of a load Removal and installation of the creator System of launch of the motor - the general information Removal and installation of an author + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections |
System of a load - general information and measures of security In the cars found the creator of the alternate current it is in use. During the installation of the check of additional electric equipment that there was enough power of the creator to provide new consumers of the electric power. The walk of the creator is executed by a belt of the form of wedge of an end of inclination of the motor. The creator represents the synchronous electric machine of three phases with excitement eletromagnética. For the transformation of the current alternated in the constant one the diode rectifier is built in the creator. The agreement of the tension is executed by the built regulator. During the operation of the creator the electric current that continues with an excitement curve creates a magnetic flow around rotor poles. In the moment of the rotation of a rotor there is a periodic modification of his magnetic poles below each tooth of the fixed part of the electric motor, consequently, the magnetic flow that passes by teeth, continuously it is modified in size and tension. This variable magnetic flow was believing the force eletromotora (EMF) in a curve of fixed part of the electric motor. The form of the form of wedge of polar hints of a rotor is caught so that it allows to receive near to sinusoidal the form of the curve EMF. With a high frequency of the rotation of a rotor when the tension of production of the creator begins when 13,6 is exceeding ÷ 14.6 B, the regulator of the tension is locked and the current does not pass by an excitement curve. When the tension lessens, the regulator opens again, supplying the freedom of a transmission of the current through an excitement curve. The frequency of the rotation of a rotor is higher, the longest the regulator remains locked and, this respectively tension in the moment of the strongest reductions of creator's exit. The closure process and desprendimento of the regulator it happens with the high frequency, therefore, the production fluctuations remain the almost imperceptible and the constant ones supported at the level of 13,6 14.6 century ÷ can consider the tension of the creator. The security measures in the service of the creator