1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
- Electric side equipment
   General information
   Diagnostic of bad functioning of electric equipment of side - the general information
   Locks of security - the general information
   The alternation - the general information and check of usefulness of functioning
   Protect lavadores of windshield and clothes to rub
   Substitution of lamps of incandescence
   Removal and installation of a covering of a column of direction and switches of understeering
   Check of usefulness of functioning of some auxiliary systems
   Removal and installation of the antenna
   Removal and installation of a combination of devices
   Agreement of an inclination of lighthouses
   Removal and installation of component ones of the men's system
   Removal and installation of component ones of regulators of window and clothes to rub of fabric
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Diagnostic of bad functioning of electric equipment of side - the general information

The proceedings and the codes of the diagnostic one of systems of the electronic control are considered in the Chief Sistemy of the electric equipment of the motor.

Electric component, different switches, the alternation, the electric motors, the locks of security, the insertions fuses or the switches of an outline about this component one and also the driving and electric service of captures of the connection of a component one with the battery and the mass of a body can be a part of a typical electric outline. For the simplification of a problem of the inquiry of bad functioning of electric outlines in the end of the management the schematic diagrams of electric connections are enclosed.

Before some of electric outlines begins works in the elimination of bad functioning, attentively study the corresponding scheme as much as possible to have a clear vision of his functional objective. The restriction of a circle of the resolution of problems addresses normally due to the gradual identification and an exception of component ones normally they work of the same outline. In the moment of the simultaneous failure at the same time of several outlines burn or component - out of the lock of corresponding security or violation of the base it is the most probable cause of the refusal (the different outlines in many cases can be isolated in a lock of security or the capture of the weight).

The failures of the electric equipment very often are explained by the elementary reasons, like the corrosion of captures, failure of a lock of security, combustion of an insertion fuse or defect of the alternation of the commutation. Carry out the visual control of a condition of all the locks of security, driving and the electric captures of the outline before beginning the most concrete check of the usefulness of his component.

In case of the application to investigate of diagnostic unities carefully they plan according to the electric circuits enclosed in what points of an outline and in what sequence it is necessary to join the device for aims of the most efficient detection of the defect.

The prover of electric chains or the voltômetro (the lamp of control of 12 volts with the group of wires they join also can be in use), indicative of continuity on part of outline (I bread with embroidery samples) including a bulb, provision itself of power and group of wires join that it is between the main diagnostic unities. Besides, it is always necessary to have in the car the group of the wires of the launch of the motor of an auxiliary fountain provided with clips as "crocodile" and, is desirable, the switch of outline that can be applied to different detour and component connection of electric equipment in the course of the diagnostic one of an outline. I eat already if above it mentioned before the initial check of a chain through the diagnostic equipment, determine for schemes of the place of his connection.

Tension checking

The checkings of the tension are done in case of the violation of the functioning of an outline. Join one of wires of a prover of electric chains or to a negative pole of the battery, or to the point of hoof of the well established car. Another wire of a prover is joined to the capture of the electric capture of an outline, preferivelmente it beside the battery or to a security lock. If in a prover it illuminates the lamp of control, the tension in this part of a chain happens what confirms the usefulness of an outline between this capture and the battery. Keeping on working in a similar way, investigate the rest of outline. The detection of the lack of the tension talks about the existence of the bad functioning between this point of an outline and the last of the points checked before (where the tension was present). In most of the cases the weakening of electric connections and violation of the quality of contacts is a cause of the failure.

Remember that the food in some outlines of the electric equipment of side only moves for my provisions the key of ignition (Parking) or "II" (Movement).

Inquiry of short circuit

One of methods of the inquiry of the short circuit is the extraction of a lock of security and the connection instead of her of a cloth with samples of embroidery of lamp or the voltômetro. The tension in an outline has to be going away. Pull the driving, looking at a cloth with samples of embroidery of lamp. If it begins the lamp blinking, somewhere in this braid there is a short circuit in the weight that is caused possibly by the violation of the isolation of a wire. The similar control can happen for each one of a component one of outline, including switches.

Basic usefulness check

This control happens for aims of the definition of the confidence of the base of a component one. The switch - of the battery and there is joined one of wires from the cloth with samples of equipped embroidery of lamp of the independent power they supply to the obviously quite established point. Join other enclose of a lamp to the checked braid or the capture. As it is necessary to be (and vice-versa).

Checkings of condutividade

The control happens for aims of the identification of intervals of an electric chain. After the power of an outline they check it through the cloth with samples of equipped embroidery of lamp of the independent battery. Join wires from cloth with embroidery samples to both ends of an outline (or for the aim "of being able" (+) and point of well established body) if it illuminates the lamp of control, the interval in an outline goes away. The refusal of the inclusion of a lamp demonstrates the violation of the condutividade of a chain. In the same way there is possible also to check the usefulness of the switch, when a cloth adhered with embroidery samples to his captures. In the moment from the transfer of the switch to the situation "Include" a cloth with samples of embroidery of lamp of control it will illuminate.

Interval location

In the diagnostic one of the interval of an outline suspected in the existence visually to find a cause of the defect seems quite difficult like the captures inquiry in the existence of the corrosion or the violation of the quality of his contacts is complicated in a type of the limitation of the access to them (normally the captures are closed by the case of capture). Sharp to contract of the case of the capture in the sensor or a braid of his wires in many cases leads to the restoration of condutividade. Do not forget of him in attempts of the location of a cause of the failure of the outline suspected in the interval. The refusals movediçamente appear that there can be right the oxidation of captures or violation of the quality of contacts.

The diagnostic one of bad functioning of electric chains does not represent an obstinate task in the condition of a clear idea that the current brings near to all the electric loadings (a lamp, э / the motor, etc.) of the battery in wires he was seeing switches, the alternation, locks of security, insertions fuses in absolute, and soon it returns to the battery for the mass of the car. Any problem joined with the failure of the electric equipment can be right alone interruption in the provision in them electric current of the battery or his return to her.