LEXUS RX 3001998 - 2003 of launchRepair and operation of the car |
Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction + Body - Electric side equipment General information Diagnostic of bad functioning of electric equipment of side - the general information Locks of security - the general information The alternation - the general information and check of usefulness of functioning Protect lavadores of windshield and clothes to rub Substitution of lamps of incandescence Removal and installation of a covering of a column of direction and switches of understeering Check of usefulness of functioning of some auxiliary systems Removal and installation of the antenna Removal and installation of a combination of devices Agreement of an inclination of lighthouses Removal and installation of component ones of the men's system Removal and installation of component ones of regulators of window and clothes to rub of fabric + Schematic diagrams of electric connections |
Locks of security - the general information Most of part of locks of security and the alternation are located in the cars considered in the block of meeting located in the left below the panel. The second block of meeting of the alternation and put locks of security in a reason compartment, near to the battery recarregável, and it is equipped of a removable covering. And, finally, the lock of security of DRL 3 of alternation installs in the block n °. The agreement of blocks of the alternation and security locks in a reason compartment
The agreement of component ones of the electric equipment and points of establishing (I.E. IF, IG, GEE) in the hall Each lock of separate security is in use for the protection of any concrete electric outline or at the same time several outlines. In blocks of meeting the locks of security of an equipped compact drawing of contacts of bayonet, and that if necessary they are taken easily for fingers of the nests in the block are in use. In the refusal some of consumers of the electric power first of all is always necessary to check a condition of the lock of corresponding security. Include the ignition and through a cloth probe with samples of embroidery of lamp the open captures of each one of locks of security. If the lamp will be illuminated in the connection to each one of captures, therefore, by a lock of security as debit to be. If the tension only happens of giving of the food, so the lock of fused security. We are going to notice also what normally the case of a lock of security manufactures of the transparent plastic for which is easy to define a condition of a point of passage of work. When it substitutes of the security guard fused bolt strictly it looks that the prepared replaceable element corresponded in the type that failed. The locks of security calculated according to several nominal current physically cannot differentiate in anything one of other, without being at the same time exchangeable. Each one of electric chains has several parameters of work and there needs several degree of the protection, therefore, the substitution of the lock of security calculated according to current certainty, a lock of security with not the corresponding parameters they are loaded of the most serious consequences (to shoot the emergence). The parameters of work of a lock of security are indicated normally in his plastic bag, besides, they color the identification besides that it is in use. If the new security lock at the same time after the installation also fails, it does not do sense to do his new substitution, - before it is necessary to reveal and to withdraw the cause of an overload in a chain. In most of the cases there appears the short circuit of an electrical system that is joined caused by the damage of his isolation. The locks of security of surplus normally are located in free blocks of the block of meeting. |