1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
- Electric side equipment
   General information
   Diagnostic of bad functioning of electric equipment of side - the general information
   Locks of security - the general information
   The alternation - the general information and check of usefulness of functioning
   Protect lavadores of windshield and clothes to rub
   Substitution of lamps of incandescence
   Removal and installation of a covering of a column of direction and switches of understeering
   Check of usefulness of functioning of some auxiliary systems
   Removal and installation of the antenna
   Removal and installation of a combination of devices
   Agreement of an inclination of lighthouses
   Removal and installation of component ones of the men's system
   Removal and installation of component ones of regulators of window and clothes to rub of fabric
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Removal and installation of component ones of the men's system

Central meeting of men's sensors

The central meeting of men's sensors is established in a floor, behind the lowest section of the finish of the central consolation (there sees the illustration the Agreement of Component ones of the Electric Equipment and Points of Establishing (I.E. IF, IG, GEE) in the hall) and it adheres the sensor of cushions of security, the sensor of security, chain of diagnostic one, etc. in the case. In the meeting of signs of sensors of all the men the sensors happen and their process they the moment of the operation of cushions of security is defined. Do not investigate the central meeting of sensors.

The position of the central meeting of men's sensors specifies the illustrations the Agreement of Component ones of the Electric Equipment and Points of Establishing (I.E. IF, IG, GEE) in the hall.


  1. Since the removal of the central meeting withdraws the lowest section of finish of the central consolation, meeting of the lever of the selector of IN ways, separate captures of men's sensors.
  1. Then result 3 screws and withdraw the central meeting.

Ahead and side men's sensors

Fixation of sensors of advanced men

Fixation of the side men's sensor


  1. Since the removal of advanced sensors separates his captures, result pins of the fixation and it withdraws sensors.
  2. Since the removal of the sensor of side previously withdraws the lowest section of the revetment of the central torture of a body, soon separate the capture of a natyazhitel of a belt of seat, result 2 screws and it withdraws a natyazhitel.
  3. After this separates the capture, result 3 screws and it withdraws the sensor.

Meetings of cushions of security

The position and the description of removal and installation of meetings of cushions of security happen in the Removal of Section, installation, desmontagem and meeting of a column of direction (a cushion of advanced security of the driver), and also in the Removal of Sections e an installation of the panel and the box of main article (a cushion of advanced security of the advanced passenger) and Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of front seats (cushions of security of side).