1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
- Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
   + System of cooling of motor
   - Systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning
      General information
      Substitution, desmontagem and meeting of the block of K/V
      Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of the block of the supporter of a heater
      Check and substitution of the compressor and magnetic union K/V
      Removal and installation of the condenser K/V
      Checks of component ones of systems of heating and to / in
      Removal and installation of the unity of control
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning

General information

Systems description

The system of the heating is composed of the supporter and the conductor of heat located in the uniform block. OZh warms raisin for the heat conductor. Moving the doorknob of the management of the ways of a heater located in the panel the door opens, and the hot air begins to come to the interior of the car. If the heater supporter is lit, the air is going to move for the hall more intensively. The supporter can work with the degree different from the intensity. For a possibility of the rotation of the supporter with several speed the resistor settles down. In the door closed OZh it comes for a small outline behind to an outline of electric heater of motor.

Component of heating system and to / in in hall

1 - the Sensor of the sun
2 - Temperature sensor in hall
3 - the Unity of control
4 - the Wide valve
5 - Evaporador
6 - Э / the motor of provision of extern air

7 - the Filter of system of ventilation
8 - Э / the ventilator motor
9 - the Alternation э / the ventilator motor
10 - Э / the motor of production of air
11 - Э / the air mixture motor
12 - the Conductor of heat of heater
13 - the temperature Sensor of evaporador

Before coming to the hall, the air passes by the filter in which the main action of the powder is installed. It is necessary to observe the frequency of the substitution of the filter since the filter hammered with the air provision of limits of powder that will lead to an air stagnation in the hall.

The distribution of drafts of the system of the ventilation also is executed through doors. In all the models the air circulation way is supplied.

The system of air conditioning (K/V) is included in a basic equipment of the cars considered in the present manual.

The works with the system K/V have to be executed in a specialized workshop. Do not open an outline of circulation of refrigerant liquid as in the contact with the skin the refrigerant liquid can cause an ulceration. The proceedings of the repair of the system K/V in the present manual are not considered.

Through the system K/V quite extern temperature can lower the air temperature in the hall. During the work of moisture of system in hall reductions. During the wet time, the pure air that arrives previously heat cools then again up to the play temperature. So his drainage is done. Through this proceeding it is possible to be released of fogging of metal adornments.

The system K/V is composed of the compressor, the condenser, evaporador, container with refrigerant liquid and oil pipelines. In the refrigerant liquid of system (type of R134a) that depending on temperature and pressure can be in the liquid or gaseous state it circulates.

Component of the system K/V in a reason compartment

1 - the Condenser
2 - Supporters' meeting (the supporter of condenser)
3 - the Compressor and the magnetic union
4 - the Alternation of the magnetic union

5 - the Block of the alternation and security locks in a reason compartment
6 - Pressure sensor
7 - the Sensor of temperature of extern air

The compressor of the condicionador happens for a belt of multibackbone of an end of inclination of the motor. Create the pressure in an outline of the gas of representation of refrigerant liquid and it causes his heating. In the condenser the refrigerant liquid is cooled with the extern air. Of that the heated refrigerant liquid condenses, transforming in the liquid. Below the high pressure his pressure falls there goes on road to valve, therefore. After that refrigerant liquid evaporates in an outline, at the same time strongly cooling. In evaporador the refrigerant liquid selects the heat of the air taken by him. Of that they get some air one cools. The cooled air comes to the interior of the car. As a consequence of the heating in evaporador the refrigerant liquid is turned into the gas and below the low pressure compressor comes to then the process of repetitions of circulation.

The security measures in the service to / in

The system K/V has to serve for technicians exclusively preparations trained in safe methods of work with the use of the appropriate equipment and with the observance of rules of depressurization, and also it informed with methods of meeting and storage of the motor refrigerant liquid.

  • Do not allow the contact of the refrigerant liquid with the skin;
  • During the work near to the air conditioning the system put wide eyes;
  • In the moment of the blow of the refrigerant liquid in the skin or in eyes they do not punch the beaten place. Immediately wash out a cold water of area affected inside not less than 15 minutes. Immediately ask the medical aid in the medical institution. The auto-treatment is not allowed;
  • The refrigerant liquid is guarded in a new cylinder below the pressure. It guards a cylinder in a temperature not above the hail of +50th. Take steps excluding the fall of a cylinder on heights or other situations that can lead to his damage;
  • The works must be executed in the quite aired fourth thing. The refrigerant liquid quickly evaporates, leads to the reduction of the access of oxygen and the complicated breathing;
  • The gaseous refrigerant liquid is heavier than the air and somewhat quickly has to be joined down, for example, below the car;
  • In the combustion of the refrigerant liquid the poisonous gas is formed. It guards the distant refrigerant liquid of open fountains of fire. It does not smoke in the work with the system K/V;
  • When it executes works of welding near to the system K/V it does not subject to his high temperature of influence or an open flame. To overheat can drive to increase in the pressure in the system and to the ignition;
  • The cleaning of the condenser or evaporador through the water steam it is not allowed. It is necessary to use the alone cold water or the compressed air.