1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
- Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
   + System of cooling of motor
   - Systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning
      General information
      Substitution, desmontagem and meeting of the block of K/V
      Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of the block of the supporter of a heater
      Check and substitution of the compressor and magnetic union K/V
      Removal and installation of the condenser K/V
      Checks of component ones of systems of heating and to / in
      Removal and installation of the unity of control
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Check and substitution of the compressor and magnetic union K/V

To check


  1. The motor begins and one secures of the lack of a metal sound of the compressor in the moment of the inclusion К/В. If necessary the meeting of the compressor substitutes. I disarrange it abnormally in the moment of the extinguishment one will hear, substitute the magnetic union.
  2. Having the necessary equipment and skills, check the pressure of the refrigerant liquid and compare it with demands of Specifications of the Head of the system of Cooling of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
  1. Separate the capture of the sensor of the blockade of the compressor, 1 and 2 measures the resistance between his contacts and compare the result received with demands of Specifications of the Head of the system of Cooling of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. If necessary the meeting of the compressor substitutes. A negative wire of the battery adheres to the case of sensor, and positive – to contact 3, – at the same time the magnetic union has to be activated. Otherwise substitute the union.
  1. One secures of the lack of the hole of the refrigerant liquid for a control epiploon. If necessary the joined compressor substitutes.
  2. Visually check the tension of the load of the union. One secures of the lack of aspects of oil in a press plate.


Component of meeting and installation of the compressor K/V

1 - the Creator
2 - the Digit hose
3 - the Fighter ring
4 - the Infiltration hose
5 - the belt of Driving of the creator and compressive K/V
6 - the Compressor
7 - Nizhny Novgorod a covering of a compartment of reason

8 - the Arm of agreement of a tension of a belt of driving
9 - the Press plate
10 - Lavadores
11 - the Rotor
12 - the fixed Part of the electric motor
13 - the Lock ring


  1. Like Zagustite the motor in the only turns in the included one in, leaves us that it works 10 minutes and puts the motor out.
  2. Desconecte a negative wire of the battery recarregável.
  3. Unload the system K/V and take away a belt of driving of the creator and compressive K/V (to see the Check of Section of a state and the Substitution of Belts of the Walk of Auxiliary Unities).
  1. A pin results with a nut and desconecte the infiltration hoses. After a lack of interest as soon as possible to a zakuporta branch tubes open it.
  1. Remove the creator (to see the Chief Sistemy of the electric equipment of the motor).
  1. Separate the capture of electrical system of compressor, two pins, a nut results and withdraw an arm of the agreement of a tension of a belt of driving.
  1. Result three pins and withdraw the compressor.
  2. The installation is done as it must be, the return to an order of is demolished of component ones.