1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
- Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
   + System of cooling of motor
   - Systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning
      General information
      Substitution, desmontagem and meeting of the block of K/V
      Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of the block of the supporter of a heater
      Check and substitution of the compressor and magnetic union K/V
      Removal and installation of the condenser K/V
      Checks of component ones of systems of heating and to / in
      Removal and installation of the unity of control
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Substitution, desmontagem and meeting of the block of K/V

Component of installation of the block of K/V

1 - the bar that Intensifies
2 - Nizhny Novgorod a tube of branch of heater
3 - the Liquid tube
4 - the Infiltration tube
5 - the water hose
6 - the supporter's Block of heater
7 - the Fighter ring

8 - an electrical system Braid
9 - the Air tube
10 - the Central air tube of a heater at the door
11 - the block of K/V
12 - an Air box tube n ° 1 of consolation
13 - the bearer n ° 1
14 - the bearer n ° 2

Component of meeting of the block of K/V

1 - an electrical system Braid
2 - Consolidation
3 - the flange that Joins of tubes
4 - the Fighter ring
5 - the Wide valve
6 - Tubes and proofs
7 - the Arm
8 - the temperature Sensor of evaporador
9 - Plastina of an arm
10 - the Air tube

11 - Evaporador
12 - the Covering
13 - the Isolation trundle bed
14 - Э / the air mixture motor
15 - Э / the motor of production of air
16 - the Drain hose
17 - a heater Electric heater
18 - the Alternation э / the heater motor
19 - the Covering



  1. Unload the outline of refrigerant liquid К/В.
  2. Empty an electric heater of system of cooling of motor (to see the Substitution of Section of Cooling Liquid (CL)).

To empty the system of cooling of motor completely it has not been feeling.

  1. Withdraw levers and э / the clothes motor to rub of fabric, the left and right carenagem of a windshield, a monk's hood and the panel with a bar that intensifies (to see the Chief Kuzov).
  2. Desconecte the liquid and tubes of infiltration of the block of K/V.
  3. Desconecte water hoses of conductor's tubes of heat of heater.
  4. Withdraw the supporter's block of heater (to see the Removal of Section, desmontagem, meeting and installation of the block of the supporter of a heater).
  5. Pull out two armbands and desconecte the branch tube more lowly of a heater of the central air tube.
  6. 1 of consolation withdraws an air tube of box n °.
  7. Separate the capture, result two pins and two nuts and withdraw the block of К/В.

To be demolished and checks


  1. Separate the capture of electrical system, result two screws and withdraw э / the motor of the production of air.
  2. Withdraw a braid of an electrical system and an arm.
  1. Result two screws, withdraw two plates and pull out the conductor of heat of heater.
  1. Withdraw the alternation э / the motor of ventilator of heater.
  2. Result two screws and withdraw э / the air motor of mixture.
  3. Separate the capture of sensor of temperature of evaporador, weaken armbands of sensor in a plate of an arm and withdraw the sensor.
  4. His agreement flange withdraws the wide valve and it as soon as possible to a zakuporta.
  5. Withdraw an air tube of the driver.
  6. Result pins of the fixation of tubes to evaporador and withdraw tubes with proofs.
  7. Result 7 screws and discover evaporador. Spread out evaporador.
  8. Check and if necessary it cleans cells of an ispravitel and the conductor of heat of a compressed air of electric heater.
  9. Check the usefulness of working when what is directing э / motors.

Meeting and installation


  1. The meeting and the installation are done as it must be, the return to an order of is demolished of component ones. Pay attention till the next moments:
    • Use new rings of fighter in connections of lines of refrigerator with the block of K/V, and also tubes with the wide valve and with evaporador.
    • The collars of the fixation of water hoses to a heat conductor establish in the distance of 1 for 7 mm of the end of a hose.
    • Level an etiquette in a drain hose.