1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
- Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
   + System of cooling of motor
   - Systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning
      General information
      Substitution, desmontagem and meeting of the block of K/V
      Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of the block of the supporter of a heater
      Check and substitution of the compressor and magnetic union K/V
      Removal and installation of the condenser K/V
      Checks of component ones of systems of heating and to / in
      Removal and installation of the unity of control
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Removal and installation of the unity of control

Component of installation of the panel of control of a heater and to / in

1 - the Superior section of the central consolation;
2 - the exhibition of multiple Use;
3 - the system Sound;
4 - Switches

5 - the unity of electronic Control the panel
6 - the Lowest section of the panel
7 - the Unity of control of a heater and to / in
8 - Plastina


  1. Withdraw the sections more low and superiors of the central consolation (to see the Body) then separate the capture of electrical system of list.
  2. Result 3 screws and withdraw the exhibition of multiple use.
  3. Result 4 screws and system sound withdraws much.
  4. Result 6 screws and withdraw the electronic controls of block of the panel.
  5. Result 15 screws and withdraw the unity of control of a heater and К/В.
  6. Withdraw switches and a payment.
  7. The installation is done as it must be, the return to an order of is demolished of component ones.