1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
- Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
   General information
   Inquiry of bad functioning - the general information
   Sensors substitution
   Removal and installation of meeting of in valves
   Checks and agreements of in
   Removal and installation of a fridge of ATF
   Removal and installation of meeting of the lever of the selector of IN ways
   Removal and DURING installation
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Sensors substitution

Speed sensors


  1. Desconecte a negative wire of the battery recarregável.
  2. Withdraw the meeting of the purifier of air (to see the Head of the system of provision of Power and production of the carried out gases).
  3. The separate captures of the electrical system of the sensor of turns of entry of the hydrotransformer and the sensor of the speed of a wheel of secondary gear, result pins of the fixation of sensors and withdraw sensors.
  1. Sensor of turns of entry of the hydrotransformer
  1. Sensor of speed of a wheel of secondary gear
  1. Install new sensors together with new fighter rings and hold tight pins of the fixation of sensors with the effort of 11 nanômetros.

Sensor of temperature of ATF


  1. Withdraw the meeting of valves (installation of the meeting sees the Removal of Section e an of in valves).
  1. The valve separates the capture of electrical system Ý/m, a pin results, withdraw a wire of the valve and withdraw the sensor of temperature ATF.
  1. Install the new sensor, hold tight a pin of fixation with the effort of 5,4 nanômetros and join an electrical system.

Sensor switch of P / N ways


  1. Withdraw the covering of protection more low of a reason compartment.
  1. Separate the capture of an electrical system of D/V of the ways "P" / "N". Give nuts, withdraw a lavador and the lever of the sketch of the commutation of the ways.
  1. Pull out a plate of lock, the lowest nut results and withdraw a plate of lock.
  1. Result pins of the fixation of D/V of P / N ways and withdraw the switch of sensor.
  1. Establish new D/V and hold tight pins of his fixation with the effort of 5,4 nanômetros.
  2. Hold tight the lowest nut with the effort of 6,9 nanômetros and a lock lavador registers it, having bent his edges.
  3. Hold tight the superior nuts with the necessary efforts and join the capture of sensor.
  4. Check that the motor only is begun in in the LEVER of selector installed in the situation "P" or "N". If necessary agreement D/V (to see the Section of the Check and agreement of in).
  5. Establish the meeting of the purifier of air and the covering of protection more low of a reason compartment.