1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
- Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
   General information
   Inquiry of bad functioning - the general information
   Sensors substitution
   Removal and installation of meeting of in valves
   Checks and agreements of in
   Removal and installation of a fridge of ATF
   Removal and installation of meeting of the lever of the selector of IN ways
   Removal and DURING installation
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Removal and installation of meeting of the lever of the selector of IN ways

Component of meeting of the lever of the selector

1 - the Doorknob of selector's lever
2 - a doorknob of selector's lever Cap
3 - the Capture of doorknob of selector's lever
4 - Pruzhina
5 - the Button of doorknob of selector's lever
6 - the Main switch of the way O/D
7 - the Lock nucleus
8 - the List of indication of the way
9 - the Hat of removal of blockade of the lever of the selector
10 - the Direction of trench of an electrical system
11 - the Side covering
12 - the Pin
13 - Pruzhina of manual fixation
14 - the Switch of way of driving

15 - the Case of the lowest indicator of the way
16 - a spring Saddle of selector's lever
17 - the Button of removal of blockade of the lever of the selector
18 - Auxiliary meeting of the lever of the selector
19 - the vibrations Damper
20 - Meeting of the module of blockade of commutation
21 - Sketch of commutation of the ways
22 - the Capture
23 - an Insertion of selector's lever n ° 1
24 - Plastina of the selector's lever
25 - the Auxiliary plate of the lever of the selector
26 - the spring nut
27 - Meeting of a wire of indication of the way
28 - the Lamp
29 - the Hat


  1. Withdraw the next parts of the finish and the panel (to see the Body):
    • More low cover n ° 2 of the right part of the panel;
    • There lists n ° 2 of the right part of the panel;
    • To finish list of the lowest section of the panel;
    • Section lower of the panel;
    • Lower insertion;
    • The lowest section of the central panel together with the garrison;
    • Right and left coverings of side of a covering of a floor;
    • The lowest list of the central section of the panel together with the garrison;
    • More low when central panels are finishing section.
  1. Result 4 nuts and desconecte a thread of the meeting of the lever of the selector of IN ways.
  1. Separate three captures of an electrical system and desconecte - that of the meeting of the lever of the selector.
  2. Withdraw the meeting of the lever of the selector.
  3. If necessary the desmontagem and the meeting of the lever of in the SELECTOR does Component of the meeting of the lever of the selector according to an illustration.
  4. It does the installation of the meeting of the lever of the selector upside-down.
  5. After the usefulness of check of installation of the functioning of the lever of the selector (to see the illustration to Lever of a Selector of IN Ways and Description of the Ways).