1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
- Transmission line
   General information
   Removal and installation of the driving axle
   Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of advanced ends of power
   Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of rear ends of power
   Substitution of a rear advanced epiploon of differential
   Side substitution epiploons of differential bottom
   Removal and installation of the rear case of differential, desmontagem of differential
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Removal, desmontagem, meeting and installation of advanced ends of power

The wheel load can be damaged below the weight of the car, for example in the moment of the movement of the car with the retired ends to be able, therefore, in this case it is necessary to use the special adaptation. After a lack of interest of ends of power of naves they work exactly not to damage the rotors of gear of sensors of the speed of ABS located in the end.

Special device to unload of a nave of a wheel

Removal and installation

Component of advanced power ends

1 - the end of Right power
2 - the Lock ring
3 - the Tip of directing the sketch
4 - the end of Left power
5 - Collars
6 - Nizhny Novgorod to lever of support of the triangular form of interruption
7 - Protective coverings
8 - the Extern bearer
9 - You think up

10 - the Internal bearer
11 - the End of the internal UNION of HP
12 - the Boot
13 - the Extern lock ring
14 - the boot n ° 2
15 - the End of the extern UNION of HP
16 - the Pin
17 - Sensor of speed of ABS
18 - the Fixation hat
19 - the Left end


  1. Withdraw corresponding advanced wheels.
  2. Lower ATF, having resulted a cork of drain of in.
  3. Withdraw a covering of an arch of wheel.
  4. A pin results and withdraw the sensor of speed ABS.
  5. Take a pin, take away the hat of fixation and give a nut stupichny of a power end, having held tight it had been a pedal of brake.
  6. Desconecte a tip of directing the sketch of a rotary fist (to see the Chief Podvesk and driving).
  7. Desconecte the lowest spherical support of the lowest lever of a support of the triangular form of interruption (to see the Chief Podvesk and driving).
  8. Exactly, trying not to damage a covering and a rotor of the sensor of the speed of ABS, there beats the hammer with the gentle living creature an end of power of a nave, delaying a nave on the outside.
  1. Through the special adaptation they withdraw an end of power.

Do not damage a protective covering and a boot.

  1. The installation is done upside-down. Hold tight the fixation with the necessary efforts. Pay attention till the next moments:
    • Oil gear box the inter-connected surfaces of an end of the internal hinge of equal angular speeds (UNION of HP) and the case of differential;
    • Before the installation of an end of power they establish in him a ring of fighter for a slit down;
    • After the installation of an end of power they secure available free his to go round of 2 3 mm ÷ of the axial direction;
    • After the installation of an end of power they secure what cannot take a hand from itself, without special adaptation.
    • After the usefulness of check of installation of the functioning of sensors ABS, and also they check and if necessary there adjust the angles of the installation of advanced wheels.



  1. Ends of power of check:
    • They must not have play of excessively big side;
    • One secures of the smoothness of the movement of internal UNIONS of HP in the direction of a support;
    • One secures of the lack of the play of excessively big side of internal UNIONS of HP in the radial direction;
    • Check protective shelters of the existence of damages.
  2. Through the screwdriver they withdraw 2 collars of a protective covering of the internal UNION of HP and move it to the extern UNION of HP.
  1. Wall light etiquettes of agreement in the end of internal and extern UNIONS of HP.

It does not put an etiquette with a chisel.

  1. A lock ring withdraws the screwdriver and desconecte an end of the internal UNION of HP of an end of the extern UNION of HP.
  1. Apply etiquettes in an end of the extern UNION of HP and in both bearers.
  1. Result 6 pins and move an extern bearer towards the extern UNION of HP.
  2. Withdraw a ring of lock through an artist of streaptise and through the hammer and a pig from the gentle metal they remove an internal bearer, trying not to damage it.
  3. Remove an extern bearer.
  4. Withdraw a protective covering of the internal UNION of HP.
  5. Through tweezers or flat nose the pliers withdraw two collars of a protective covering of the extern UNION of HP and soon it withdraws a covering.
  6. Withdraw a boot of an end of the internal UNION of HP: in left to an end – through the screwdriver and the hammer, and in right – through an artist of streaptise special, when an end insisted on a vice.
  7. Through an artist of streaptise they withdraw an extern ring of lock and an end of the internal UNION of HP.
  8. Fix an end of the extern UNION of HP in a vice with gentle sponges and through the screwdriver and the hammer they withdraw a boot n ° 2 of an end, trying not to damage the rotor of sensor of speed ABS.



  1. Napressuyte a new boot n ° 2 in an end.
  1. Establish a new extern ring of lock in an end of the internal UNION of HP.
  2. Napressuyte in an end a new boot.
  3. Temporarily establish new coverings of UNIONS of HP with new collars.

Before the installation of openings of wind of protective coverings of an end of the extern UNION of HP with a vinyl they carve to prevent his damage. Establish collars in coverings before his installation.

  1. Establish an extern bearer in an end of the extern UNION of HP.

The party with a less diameter has to be turned to the extern UNION of HP.

  1. The level marks in an internal bearer and in an end then it is right to his napressuyta in an end through the hammer and a pig from the gentle metal.
  2. Establish a new ring of lock of the load.
  3. The level etiquettes in extern bearers and they establish an extern bearer in the internal one. Establish 6 scamps.
  4. 115 fills ÷ 135 g of the yellow lubricant in a covering of the extern UNION of HP and establish a covering in an end of the extern UNION of HP.
  5. 95 fills ÷ 115 g of the gray lubricant in a covering of the internal UNION of HP and establish a covering in an end of the internal UNION of HP.
  6. Combine etiquettes in the end of extern and internal UNIONS of HP and join the end.
  7. Establish a new lock they touch and temporarily they establish a covering in an end of the internal UNION of HP.
  1. One secures that the coverings entered in grooves in the end, and also for lack of the coverings deformation with a length standard of an end of power.
  1. The embarrassment covers in the end for new collars: a covering of the internal UNION of HP – through the screwdriver and a covering of the extern UNION of HP – through special adaptation.
  1. Check slits in collars locks and if necessary it adjusts them.
  1. Check an end of power.