LEXUS RX 3001998 - 2003 of launchRepair and operation of the car |
Lexus RX 300 - Lexus RX-300 cars Numbers of identification of the car Acquisition of spare pieces Technology of service, instrument and equipment of a place of work Поддомкрачивание / nomination and transport of emergence of the car Launch of the motor of the provision of being able to help Motor chemical products, oils and lubricants Diagnostic of bad functioning + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections |
Acquisition of spare pieces An important paper in the moment of the repair is fulfilled by the use of the spare pieces and quality expendables destined for his car. In general spare pieces it can be subdivided in two great groups: original and stereotypical spare pieces. Original spare pieces These spare pieces stretch out for official representations of the manufacturers of companies of cars, they always have the original packing and the corresponding marking. At the same time the quality of a detail is guaranteed by producers of the car. In warehouses of official representatives of the company of manufacture normally there are in the assortment all the spare pieces of the car of this mark. If some detail if it is going away, is possible to hand over it in the shortest terms of the central warehouse. Stereotypical spare pieces The "stereotypical" definition does not say anything of the quality of details. Only it means that they are for sale not in the packing of company of the company of manufacture of the car and stretch out not for official representations. The main frame of this group does for the known firms of manufacture of the delivery of spare pieces to a detail the lines of meeting to itself sometimes at the same time from several motor factories. In a type of the high pressure of the production the similar firms also supply the delivery of spare pieces of the sale in the free market. Such details have the packing and the marking of the producer of the spare piece and are not of a quality lower than original spare pieces with the much lower price in absolute (the difference in the price can get 50 %). Nevertheless, the variety is normally a little more modest in view of the fact that for the free sale they try to launch only most of management, the details that are in the biggest demand. Many spare pieces of western traders wholesale use the packing itself, the purchase of the great variety of details stereotyped in great shares straightly of producers and their sale under the commerce mark itself. The stereotypical spare pieces, as a rule, stretch out for shops independent of motor accessories, motor workshops of repairs and the station of service (SS). The special attention must be given to the quality of the acquired spare pieces. Try to avoid the purchase of details absolutely cheap (in comparison with the original and it stereotyped quite known companies) I eat very often they do not find standards of quality and security. If the installation of a second degree to decorative moldagem is able to affect negatively only the appearance of the car, then the use of blocks of brake of low standard / an oil filter puts the threat to the security of the traffic and can be the reason of the serious damage of the motor. At the same time the prices of the time of repair of recuperation very often exceed the sum saved after the purchase of a cheap detail. Saying means that it is necessary to try to use services of official representations of the manufacturer of company of the car (original parts), or well it proved suppliers of stereotypical spare pieces. Also there is a possibility of the acquisition of the restored details, at the same time the old element, when it failed normally it it happens in exchange for the restored one. This approximation is the most productive substituting such component difficult ones, expensive ones like the knots of the unity of power, the creator, an author, etc. O marked service is supplied both by official representations of the company of manufacture of the car and by suppliers independent of spare pieces and allows to reduce significantly expenses in repairs of the cars. At the same time the firm that offers the unity restored normally gives in him almost the same guarantee, than in the new. Identification of spare pieces I eat already if above it mentioned, the manufacturers of companies of cars, being typical representatives of the production of mass, they try to improve constantly the production, constantly doing certain modifications and additions to a drawing of the produced models. It can happen so that inside series e an option of the execution of the car some knots and the unities in the insignificant degree differentiate one of other and the spare piece destined for a complete set of cars of one, for example, the most advanced year of the launch will not be convenient for others, set free then. In view of the saying, in the moment of the acquisition of spare pieces it is very important to supply with a seller the fullest information on the vehicle. Besides a set of data standard, including the year of launch, the form of body, option of execution of a body, number of the chassis, number of the motor, etc., the seller can be interested in the next data:
If for some reason the documents that reflect the enumerated data not, it does sense to be consulted previously in specialists of the representation of the manufacturer of company of the car. Sometimes, buying this or what spare piece, it is useful to take with himself for the comparison the old man subject to the detail of substitution. |