LEXUS RX 3001998 - 2003 of launchRepair and operation of the car |
Lexus RX 300 - Lexus RX-300 cars Numbers of identification of the car Acquisition of spare pieces Technology of service, instrument and equipment of a place of work Поддомкрачивание / nomination and transport of emergence of the car Launch of the motor of the provision of being able to help Motor chemical products, oils and lubricants Diagnostic of bad functioning + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections |
Technology of service, instrument and equipment of a place of work Service technology There are several techniques of artistic proceedings of maintenance and repairs of the cars in which the reader can find references in the text of this manual. The next thing will do for him the work as more efficient, will allow to organize in the best way a place of work and to execute qualitatively several technical proceedings.
Fixation The fixation is called crazy, pins, hair clips of hair and service of screws of the connection of two or more details. During the work with the fixation it is necessary to be remembered of some things constantly. Practically in any fixation this or that type of the kontryashchy and devices of fixation are applied. They can be lavadores of lock, countersows, etiquettes of lock or the compound of fixation of a woodcarving. They all used the woodcarving of fixation it will be absolutely pure and equal, with a woodcarving imperturbado and not the round corners of the heads of six sides that the pull puts itself. It is necessary to take the compulsory substitution of the damaged nuts and pins for the new of the rule. The nuts самоконтрящиеся special with nylon or insertions of fiber are not subject to the reuse as in an otdavaniye they lose the properties kontryashchy.The rusty pins and the nuts of the simplification of his otdavaniye and to avoid his damage the structure of special attainment must be prosecuted. Many people the mechanics prefers to use the turpentine that is convenient to put of a small special can with a long nose with this finality. After investigating of the fixation "pricked" by the structure of attainment before beginning his otdavaniye, to structure it it is necessary to let to impregnate the layer of contact rusted inside several minutes. The strongly rusty fixation can be reduced a chisel, to cut a hacksaw or to withdraw through a special gaykolom. Cutting a head of a pin or oblamyvaniya of a hair hair clip in the meeting, the rest of a part of woodcarving can be perforated or be taken through the special instrument. Most of work in metal and the workshops of repairs of car can undertake the realization for this, also as well as others (for example, restoration of the thread taken off in the woodcarving of openings), proceedings of repair. The apartment and the lavadores of lock in the meeting must always be established at the place in the same order and the same way, that before. Always substitute the new damaged lavadores. Between a lavador of lock and a gentle metal surface (for example, aluminum), fine plate or plastic is always necessary to establish lavadores flat. Fixation sizes For many reasons the cars manufacturers use the metric fixation more and more widely. Nevertheless, it is important to know a difference between the fixation used sometimes SAE is a standard (called by also the American) and more universal in the measures system metric fixation like, in spite of the extern similarity, they are not exchangeable. All the pins like standard of SAE, and metric, are classified by the diameter, a step of a woodcarving and length. For example, the pin of SAE 1/2-13x1 has the meiopolegada in the diameter, 13 circles of a woodcarving in an inch and length of 1 inch. The metric pin of M12-1.75x25 has the 12 mm diameter, a step of a woodcarving of 1,75 mm and length of 25 mm. Both pins are exgently almost identic, nevertheless they are not exchangeable. Besides the signs enumerated the pins they can be identified by the inquiry of his head. The distance between lyska of a head of a metric pin is measured in the mm while in a pin standard SAE — in inches (the same thing is also just for nuts). Consequently, the pull according to the standard SAE does not adjust for the use with the metric fixation and vice-versa). Sizes and marking of a class of durability of pins of the SAE and standards of ship of the United States
Sizes and marking of a class of durability of metric pins
Besides, in leaders of most of part of pins of the standard SAE normally there are radial risks that define the very admissible effort of to pinch of a pin (degree of durability). More the quantity рисок, to be a higher admissible effort (in pins of the cars with the degree of the durability from 0 to 5 devote themselves normally). The class of the durability of metric pins is defined by a digital code that is launched normally in a head of pin. Marking of a class of durability of pins (on top of SAE and ship of the United States, I lower — metric)
Marking of a class of durability of nuts of six sides of the SAE and standards of ship of the United States
Marking of a class of durability of metric nuts of six sides
Also in etiquettes of a class of the durability of a nut of the standard SAE it is possible to be distinguished of the metric one. The point etiquettes, proshtampovyvayemy in one of surfaces of face of a nut while the marking of metric nuts is done through besides numbers they devote themselves to the identification of the durability of nuts of the standard SAE. The quantity of points is more, or the value of a digital code is higher, the admissible effort of corseting itself of a nut is higher. The faces of end of metric hair clips of hair also are marked according to a class of his durability. The great hair hair clips are marked by a digital code while it will mark in the form of a geometrical number if it applies in the least thing. Marking of a class of durability of metric hair clips of hair
It is necessary to notice that a considerable part of the fixation, specially the class of the durability from 0 to 2, is not marked in absolute. In this case the only way of the difference of the fixation of the standard SAE of the metric one is the measurement of a step of a woodcarving or comparison of a woodcarving with the reference. It is necessary to be remembered that below the classification of SAE the only small fixation comes. The great fixation with not a metric woodcarving is the fixation of the standard of American ship of the United States. Like the fixation of the same geometrical size (what SAE or standards of ship of the United States, and metric) it can have several classes of the durability, substituting in the car of pins, nuts and hair clips of hair it is necessary to pay attention to the complaisance of a class of the durability of the new fixation installed to a class of the durability of an old man. Proceeding and order of pressure of screwed connections The pressure of most of part of screwed connections must be done with the efforts determined by demands of the Specifications supplied in the beginning of each chapter of this manual (it is necessary to understand the torque enclosed for him corseting itself like effort of corseting itself of the fixation). To corset itself with the excessive effort can lead to the violation of the entirety of the fixation while the nedotyagivaniye leads to the insecurity of the connection of the component inter-connected ones. The pins, the screws and the hair clips of hair, depending on his material and the diameter of a part of woodcarving, normally have strictly certain admissible efforts of corseting itself, many people of which I eat already if above it mentioned, if they give in Specifications in the beginning of each chapter. To corset itself of the fixation that is not mentioned in Specifications it is necessary to use the map of the admissible moments of the rotation supplied down. The values given on the table are concentrated in the fixation of classes of the durability 2 and 3 (more fixation of first quality allows to corset itself with the great effort), besides, is destined that when shoal is corseting itself (with a not lubricated woodcarving) fixation in a steel or it forms (not aluminum) the detail one does.
The fixation located in the perimeter of any detail (like the pins of the fixation of a head of cylinders, the trundle bed of a case and several coverings), to avoid the deformation of a detail that is necessary to give and to be dragged in strictly certain order described in the corresponding leaders of the management. If this order is not stipulated, then to avoid a curvature of a component one that is necessary to join to the proceeding described down. On the first stage all the pins or nuts insist to the hand. Then to his time each element of the fixation is seized in a whole revolution and transition of a pin / the nut to other has to be executed in a diagonal order (transversalmente). Besides, having turned to the first pin / nut, it is necessary to repeat the proceeding in the same order, holding tight the fixation of a meiovolta. Keep on acting in the same way, when this time is already holding tight each pin / nut in a room of a turn of an approximation until all of of they do not corset themselves with the necessary effort. In the fixation otdavaniye he also is necessary to join to the described proceeding, but working upside-down. Desmontagem of component ones The desmontagem of all must execute the component ones in such a way that in the meeting each detail can establish at his ancient place and the correct image. Remember characteristics of the appearance, in case of the necessity it does the marking of landing detail that the installation can be at the place done ambiguously (the equipped persistent lavador of a flute in an end belongs to such elements, for example). The agreement of the retired details of a pure surface in that order in which his removal was the will made be the good idea. Usefulness also will be an editorial staff of the elementary schematic sketches or gradual photography subject to desmontagem or removal of a component one. In the moment of the removal of the fixation they try to mark his initial situation in the meeting. The installation very often immediate of fixation and lavadores at the ancient place after the removal of the corresponding detail it allows to avoid the confusion in the meeting. The absence of such an opportunity, the whole fixation must put itself in the box that is prepared specially with this finality, if the marked sections are broken down, or only in the separate marked capacities. Such a line of the action is specially useful during the work with the component compounds of the group of fine details like creator, valvate mechanism, panel or elements of a decorative covering of the hall. In the separation of contacts electric and taken it is necessary to mark separate wires or braids of an electrical system through an isolation strip with the digital or alphabetical code applied in him. In favor freemasonry surfaces In all the cars of the placing they devote themselves in pursuit of the place of an union of the inter-connected surfaces of two or more details and service of the prevention of the hole of oils and liquids and maintenance in the meeting of elevated pressure or depression. Normally such a placing before the installation must be covered of a compound of fighter liquid or alike a briefcase. Very often below the influence of time, temperatures or pressure there he is "prikipaniye" so strongly one to other of the inter-connected surfaces that the details division becomes a demanding task. The hammer helps the desmontagem of such knots for his obstukivaniye on the outside in the perimeter of the place of an union with the gentle living creature. It is possible to use with this finality also the ordinary hammer, hitting punches for a plastic wooden sharing or. It is not necessary to do an obstukivaniye of cases of form and component fragile. In the moment of the emergence of such difficulties first of all they always check if the whole fixation is withdrawn. Try not to use the screwdriver or the hill to the details division, entering in them between the inter-connected thing it smooths them at the same time it is easy to damage what can be besides that the holes cause. If the podrychazhivaniye of the "pricked" elements of the meeting it is not possible to avoid, use with this finality the wooden doorknob of the old judgement, but do not forget of withdrawing at the same time carefully of the inter-connected surfaces and of inside the meeting the whole formed chips. After the details division his inter-connected surfaces must be smoothed carefully, having scratched out of them the material of the old placing. The hardened fragments of the old placing can be softened previously through the solvent of rust or the special chemical composition, and soon withdraw with a scraper. Like a scraper in this case the part of a tube of copper with the end had been leveled out and pointed it can be in use. Use with this finality of the tube of copper is recommended as the copper is normally more gentle than the materials applied in the car that reduces the risk of the damage of the inter-connected surface. Some placing can be withdrawn easily through a copper brush, nevertheless, he is not a dependant of the hard-working method, the inter-connected surfaces will be absolutely pure and smooth. If by some reason the inter-connected surface was scratched, before the meeting of component ones they fill the scratch with the in favor freemasonry selante. In most of the cases it is necessary to use the selante noncongealable or what is semisecured. Councils of removal of hoses
The measures for precaution that must be observed in the moment of the removal of hoses are great near to that in the moment of the removal of the placing. Avoid the damage of surfaces of unions and tubes of branch that it waters with hose as can be the cause of holes put themselves. In a special measure it belongs to the proceeding of the removal of hoses of the system of cooling. Due to several chemical reactions it takes place to drunkard "prikipany" of hoses for the inter-connected surfaces of tubes of branch and unions. Since the removal of a hose first of all weakens a collar of his that seizes the union. Then the claws with the unstable hinge seize a hose near to a collar and begin to make her revolve in the union or a tube of branch on the right on the left. Continue this proceeding before the liberation of a hose, soon withdraw a hose of the union. Little one quantity of the silicon or another lubricant will make easy the proceeding if it is possible to introduce in a slit between the union and a hose. Since the simplification of the proceeding of the installation of a hose polishes an internal surface of a hose and the extern surface of the union. Like the last resource, or in case of the unmistakable necessity of the substitution of a hose, for the removal of the union of the end of a hose he is possible to the knife. At the same time try not to damage a metal of knife of the union or a tube of branch that is joined. In case of the damage of a collar of the fixation of a hose they substitute a collar. The collars of the type twisted normally consequently, therefore, are weakened, in spite of his state, as person in need is better to substitute them with collars of the type of screw. Instrument The choice of the good instrument is one of the main demands for everyone who plans proceedings of execution independent of repairs of the cars or maintenance. At first sight the expenses joined with the acquisition of the necessary play of instruments can seem too big, nevertheless in his comparison with the inter-connected expenses the artistic proceedings of the regular maintenance and the repairs of the elementary cars in HUNDRED will be quite reasonable. The lists of three sets of tools happen down. The owners of cars that have not practical experience of the realization of mechanical works must begin with artistic proceedings, the instruments contented by the application of the first list, improving at the same time the skills and gradually spreading out the variety of the worn-out instrument. In the process of the acquisition of the experience it is possible to pass to the realization of the most complex challenges, complementing the maintained set of tools. Shortly the received skills will allow there begins the realization of the most complex works the demanding use of the instrument of the second list (for the general repairs and the repairs of capital of the car). When the qualification begins to allow to save considerable ways in the realization independent of difficult proceedings of repair, it is possible to think about the acquisition of the special instrument. Set of tools of regular maintenance and the repairs of the least cars The list supplied down includes a necessary minimum to execute proceedings of regular maintenance and autoacquisition of insignificant repair of the group of the combined pulls (of ordinary Rozhkova a head in an end and with the hat in other). In spite of the great price of such a play in comparison with the price of the play of ordinary Rozhkov of keys, the expense is going to be justified since these keys have advantages of both types.
The enumerated below is going to be needed the instrument executing the repair of the motor of the car and is going to volunteer besides the first list. This list includes a complete set of replaceable heads of face. With the considerable price, the group of replaceable heads brings the invaluable benefit, thanks to the universality and convenience in the address — specially in the combination with the walks that are included in the packet of different type. It is recommended there uses preferivelmente walks with a 1/2 section inch (but not 3/8 inches) since, though they are more expensive, they can be in use practically with any type of keys of dynamometer (in ideal way, the good mechanic will have both types of walks in the order). The cheapest alternative for the group of replaceable heads of face is a group of tubular keys.
Special instrument The instruments that are appropriately expensive, done not not needed regularly, or demanding using the implementation of manufacturers' educations of these instruments they are included in this list. If the frequent realization of difficult mechanical operations is not included in the reach of his activity, the acquisition of such an instrument will be a bad investment of the capital. It is reasonable to acquire it sharing the price with friends or to rent in workshops of the service of the car. Only those instruments that can be in the retail commerce or that are given out for the distribution in firms representations if they introduce in the list. Sometimes in the text of the management it is possible to find references for such special instruments. Normally the authors try to offer in the parallel one the alternative method that there allows to avoid the compulsory use of the remote instrument. In case of what it is impossible to avoid the use of the special instrument, and his acquisition in the use is problematic, the realization of the corresponding works is better to entrust to experts HUNDRED.
Acquisition of the instrument For the preparation to maintain proceedings of the regular maintenance or the repairs of the least cars it is reasonable to buy the instrument separately. From another side, in case of the projection of wide works buying more simply, more confiantemente and more economically I group of the modern instrument to which the tools box is applied normally. Besides, for the select expansion, it is possible to buy instruments besides that separated, additional plays and a box of tools of the biggest size. The gradual expansion of the group of instruments will allow to stretch expenses and to be defined in the choice of really necessary instruments. The specialized instrument shops are the only fountain of acquisition of some special instruments, but, independent of a fountain, they avoid cheap purchases, specially in the choice of screwdrivers and replaceable heads of face as the term of his service for right it will be short. The expenses joined with substitution and restoration of the cheap instrument like that will be incomparably more considerable, of which prices of the only acquisition of qualitative goods. Taken care of the instrument and his storage The good instrument is the valuable investment of the capital, therefore, there are reasonable cleaning and constant availability take care of the care for the service. After the use of the instrument before putting it to the place of the storage, carefully the dirt, the lubricant always compensates for it and to remain of metal particles. Never leave the instrument spread in a place of work. After the realization of works attentively they check the space below a monk's hood and below the car of the existence of the forgotten instrument. For the storage of such an instrument like screwdrivers, pliers of flat nose, hammers, etc. the comb of instrument fixed at the convenient place in a garage wall is ideal. The plays of pulls and replaceable heads of face must be guarded in metal boxes. The instrument of measuring has to be guarded in the inaccessible one for the impact of the corrosion, dry and pure places. It is always necessary to pay attention to a condition of surfaces of work of the instrument. A part of shock quickly of the hammer in the course of the work is subject to a rasklyopyvaniye, the screwdrivers lose the sharpening of the pricks inside some time. It does not do the limit to find a little time of removal of rasklyop and they cut agreement of the edges through a paper of emery or an archive. It is irrevocable the worn-out or damaged instrument substitutes. In the moment of the careful departure of the instrument it will serve during the very long term. Equipment of place of work Talking about the instrument, it is necessary to be remembered of the equipment of place of work. If it executes more serious work, of which the simple regular maintenance will be necessary, it is necessary to take care of the preparation of the platform of convenient work. The important demand is the existence of a roof or awning. Whenever possible, any proceeding of the desmontagem must be done in a pure flat bank (the table) of the equipped convenient height of a vice. The existence of a vice with gentle bedcovers of the revelation of sponges to 100 mm is sufficient. I eat already if above it mentioned, in the work platform the pure dry place of the storage of the instrument, lubricating, cleansing liquids, the difficult putties, paintings and varnishes, etc. they have to be equipped. It is necessary to notice that the instrument absolutely necessary is the electric furadeira, therefore, the platform of work has to be equipped of the provision of power of his connection. Finally, in a work place there will always be a sufficient stock of old newspapers and rags неворсящейся pure, destined to clean of the platform of work, the instrument and the details of the car. Never execute any work in the open painted surface of the car, use protective bedcovers for wings or it covers the polished surfaces of old blankets. |