Lexus RX 300 - Lexus RX-300 cars Numbers of identification of the car Acquisition of spare pieces Technology of service, instrument and equipment of a place of work Поддомкрачивание / nomination and transport of emergence of the car Launch of the motor of the provision of being able to help Motor chemical products, oils and lubricants Diagnostic of bad functioning + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
Launch of the motor of the provision of being able to help The use of the provision of being able to help will help to do the launch of the motor in an extreme situation, nevertheless then it is necessary to discover and to withdraw the cause of unloading of battery. They are between the most typical reasons:
- To execute the attempts badly succeeded numerous of the launch of the motor or to leave of illuminating fixations included by much time in the idle motor;
- The violation of the usefulness of the functioning of the system of collecting (the belt of driving of the creator was weakened or one starts, the electrical system is damaged, or the creator is defective);
- The bad functioning of the battery in fact recarregável (the level of eletrólito fell, or there was useful accumulator life).
Executing the launch of the motor of the extern provision of power it is necessary to pay attention to the observance of some special measures for precaution:
- It is not necessary to try to begin the motor of the battery recarregável frozen, - previously they heat it;
- The launch of the motor of the provision of being able to help has to be done only in the cold unity of power and the catalytic converter;
- It is not necessary to execute the departure through the device of the quick load of the battery recarregável;
- Before joining the auxiliary battery, it is secured what the ignition puts out;
- I use only threads with sufficient angry section and with the isolated captures;
- Trace that all the consumers of the electric power (fixations illuminate and acalentadoras, protects clothes to rub, etc.) also they were put out;
- When protective gloves and glasses were put;
- One secures that the auxiliary battery in the production tension corresponds established;
- If like the provision of being able to help the battery installed in another vehicle if it uses, it follows the trace of this the cars were not next one with other;
- The motor of the donor's car, it will work in the only turns;
- It is secured what the transmission transfers to the situation "P";
- Withdraw coverings of ventilation of the unloaded battery and cover openings of rags.
- There adheres the end of a wire normally red (color) to the positive capture of the agreed battery. The second end of this wire adheres to the positive capture of the auxiliary battery.
- There adheres an end of the second wire normally black (color) to the negative capture of the auxiliary battery. There adheres the second end of a black wire to the point confiantemente established in the block of the motor begun (a pin or an arm), whenever possible far from the battery.
- One secures that the wires are joined they is not next to component furniture in compartments of reason of both cars (a krylchatka of the supporter, directing belts, etc.).
- Execute the ordinary proceeding of the launch of motor then leaves us that it works several minutes approximately in 2.000 revolutions per minute.
- For aims of the prevention of launches of the tension in the moment of a lack of interest of an electrical system they include a heater from rear glass and the ventilator of a heater, soon desconectam wires, working as it must be, the return to an order of his connection. Do not forget of installing the coverings of ventilation withdrawn in the battery.