1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
- Lexus RX-300 cars
   Numbers of identification of the car
   Acquisition of spare pieces
   Technology of service, instrument and equipment of a place of work
   Поддомкрачивание / nomination and transport of emergence of the car
   Launch of the motor of the provision of being able to help
   Motor chemical products, oils and lubricants
   Diagnostic of bad functioning
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Motor chemical products, oils and lubricants

The play of the chemical products, oils and necessary lubricants it goes for sale during the artistic proceedings of regular maintenance and repairs of the cars. Here the spacious variation of products of the chemical industry and that extracts the oil - of the cleaning structures and solvent, to oils, lubricants and aerosols of the protection of component ones of rubber and plastics of the car it enters.


The cleaner of systems of injection and air doors represents the strong solvent of throws, a deposit and deposits from coal. Most of part of cleaners stop the movie of lubrication backwards the dry type that does not harden and does not do zasmalivatsya consequently. In view of the formation of such a movie these detergents are not recommended being in use to wash itself of electric component ones.

The detergent of systems of brakes is applied to the removal of aspects of lubricant and fluid of brake of surfaces of component ones of the system of brakes where the absolute purity is a supreme condition of the efficiency of the functioning. The cleaner does not leave any mark of Iwo many cases remove the scream of mechanisms of brake caused by the pollution of his component.

The cleaner of electric component ones promotes elimination of movies of oxide, aspects of the corrosion and a deposit of surfaces of contact without violation of condutividade. Also it can be in use to clean of captures of spark, jets, regulators of the tension and other knots where the cleaning full of oil and fat is desirable.

The service of absorbent ones of moisture of the water removal and moisture of surfaces of such component electric ones like the creator, tension regulator, the block of meeting of locks of security, electric captures, etc. of Vlagopoglotiteli normally does not transport the electric current, do not cause the corrosion and they are not flammable.

Degreasers represents superstrong solvents and service of the removal of aspects of the lubricant of the extern surfaces of the motor and the component ones of the chassis. They are given out in the form of aerosols or put themselves with a brush or a brush and, depending on the type, wash themselves of or, or solvent.


The reason oils represent specially developed structures of the lubricant of internal component ones of the motor. Normally contain the spacious variation different from the service of additive ones of the prevention of foam and corrosion. The reason oils produce several degree of the viscosity - of 5 for 80. The necessity of the use of oil of this or that degree normally is defined by climatic conditions and demands of the concrete motor. The liquid (lungs) oils is applied normally in a frigid climate and in insignificant loads of the motor. The (viscous) heavy oils are in use in hot conditions and in the lifted loads of the motor. The oils for any time have characteristics both of light and of heavy oils and normally they her have designations of 5W-20 20W-50.

Qualities of oils of reason

The oils for any time are quite cheap oils with the next qualities:

  • During the year all uses in zones of a temperate climate;
  • The excellent washing properties;
  • The good lubrication capacity in all the temperatures and loadings of the motor;
  • High stability of initial properties for much time.

The oils for any time with the qualities antifrictional improved have, besides, additional advantages:

  • During the year all uses in the spacious variation of the temperature of extern air;
  • Small losses of capacity of motor in friction;
  • Simplification of cold launch of the motor – even in very low temperatures.

When SAE is using for any time 5W-30 oils it is necessary to avoid the long operation of the motor with high frequency of the rotation and great constant load of the motor. These restrictions do not belong to oils for any time with the qualities antifrictional improved.

The seasonal oils due to viscous properties and of temperature specific inherent in them normally they cannot use all it during the whole year, must devote themselves only in extreme climatic zones.

Additive to reason oils

It is not necessary to add additive anyone to oils of reason that reduce losses in the friction.

Mixture of oils

It is impossible to mix oils of reason, unfortunately, even one links the oils of the firms "with a world-wide name" (Shell, Cause, British Oil). Each firm for the oils production adds the whole complex of additive ones which chemical composition is guarded by a secret to his base. Therefore, there are much qualitative oils of the identic nomination that satisfies the conditions of the specifications API (Institute of oil of the USA) and ACEA (The European association of designers of cars), but done in technologies of several firms they mixing are able to create mixtures of the bad quality due to interaction and mutually destruction of additive ones, which is his "incompatibility". The oils of different firms are exchanged, on a possibility of the use of such desenvolvedores of oils of motors very often they specify. But it does not mean that they can be mixed. THE API and the specifications ACEA assume identic methods of experience compulsory (laboratory, – I cause bank, etc.) the oils of the different firms. In the wish (or necessity) the desenvolvedores can enter in additional tests (or more severe conditions). The same mixture of presents of mineral or synthetic oils (sometimes up to a firm).

To mix oils of the foreign and domestic production, specially those who become with the additive thing of "domestic" additive ones by which it is not allowed in a last resource. Not even the seller, not even the consumer they know the composition of additive ones that are in oils. Some oils of "a domestic origin" produce for the "firms" that have not up to elementary knowledge of products of oil. Sometimes such "experts" use the carried out oils (even without appropriate regeneration) to the production "of the commodity". At the same time and corresponding quality.

To try to reduce residues of oil in the old motor and to lift a compression in cylinders due to the use of high and viscous oils it is inconvenient I eat only it will lead to the temporary improvement. The new repair of the motor will be more expensive.

It is necessary to take for the rule of using the oil of high quality of a mark that corresponds to the motor (according to the specification) and not to risk mixing it with even synthetic (or semisynthetic) oil. The motor will thank for him the work fiável. Do not buy the oil privately as it is easy to forge the packing.

The gear box oil is developed for the application in differentials, transmissions and other knots where the resistance to the influence of high temperatures is needed.

The lubricant of component ones of the chassis and wheels loads it represents the dense lubricant applied in the knots subject to the lifted loadings and friction, like loads of wheels, spherical support of a support of the triangular form of interruption, hints of directing sketches and hinges cardan.

The lubricant of high temperature of loads of wheels is able to resist the influence of the high temperatures that appear in loads of wheels of the equipped cars of mechanisms of brake of disc. Normally it is lubricating with the maintenance of MoS2.

The lubricating white (tsiaty) represents the dense lubricant applied in the metal surfaces that they contact between them at places where there are problems with the increased moistening. Remain gentle both in the bass, and in high temperatures, it is not taken away while washing and is not diluted by the water.

The meeting lubricant is applied in the conditions of high pressures, normally contain the molybdenum and it is in use to polish of the knots subject to the lifted loadings (like radical loads and conrod and work edges of cames) before the first launch of the motor after capital repairs.

The silicon lubricants are applied to the protection of rubber, plastic, vinyl and component of nylon.

The graphite lubricants serve for the application where the oil cannot be in use in view of problems with the pollution (for example, in locks). The dry graphite perfectly polishes metal details, preventing the influence in them of moisture, acids and another aggressive pollution. The lubricant is electrowire and it does not break the contact in such knots like, for example, the lock of ignition.

Getting of Molibdensoderzhashchy of structures is applied to the simplification of an otdavaniye of the "pricked" fixation, and also to the lubrication of the fixation to avoid his corrosion in the future.

The lubricant that drives the heat is not electrowire and it serves for the installation of electronic modules of the ignition of which the intensive heat removal is needed.


The selante of RTV is the selante of in favor freemasonry it more widely hard-working. Do to him on basis of the silicon, settle on air, it supplies the hunting, comparison, is waterproof, fill defects of surfaces, elastic remains, it is not contracted and does not sit down, acts somewhat easily and applied besides that practically to the whole placing in us where the temperatures do not exceed middle values.

The selante anaeróbico, differently of the selante RTV, can devote himself not only besides the placing, but also to the formation of that. Elastic remains, it is constant against the influence of solvents and good it fills asperezas of surfaces. The main difference of the selante RTV is composed in conditions if they harden. If the selante RTV begins to be based then beaten on air, then the selante anaeróbico only increases for lack of air. It means that the hardening of such a selante only happens after the meeting of component ones and his dense pressing one to other.

The selante to tubes and it put connections it is applied in pursuit of connections of nipple of hydraulic one, lines of vacuum and tire. Do to him normally on basis of a compound of teflon and it is handed in the form of the aerosols put like painting of liquids or in the form of the movie (FUM).

Chemical products

The antiseizure compound serves for the prevention of "prikipaniye", corrosion, interference and a coldness privarivaniye of the fixation. The selantes of antiseizure of high temperature normally become on basis of cupriferous or graphite lubricants and they use in the fixation of the system of the production of the carried out gases and a final collector.

The seizure compounds anaeróbicos serve for the prevention of a spontaneous otdavaniye of the fixation as a consequence of vibrations and only they are secured after the installation for lack of the contact with the air. The compounds of seizure of the middle power are applied to the fixation of the small fixation that is subject to a regular otdavaniye. The compounds of high power are in use normally to blockade of the great fixation that otdavaniye is not done in a regular base.

Additive to service of oil of modification of chemical properties of oil without modification of his viscosity for reduction aims in internal friction in the motor. It is necessary to notice that additive anyone for them does not recommend to use more the manufacturers of firms that produce oils of motor.

The additive ones to put fuel execute several functions, depending on the chemical composition at the same time. Normally contain the solvents that promote a conclusion of scums and the removal of a deposit of internal and component surfaces of the system of the injection of the fuel and a way of entry. Besides, the use of such additive ones promotes the removal of the deposits from coal that are formed in walls of cameras of combustion. The substances service to polish of component ones of the superior part of a head of cylinders (the mechanism valvate, piston rings) are a part of additive someone, others promote the removal when of it was condensed of walls of the tank of fuel.


The brake fluid represents specially the able developed structure to resist the influence of the high temperatures and pressure that appears in the brakes system. It is not necessary to allow the contact of fluid of brake with the painted surfaces of the car and open parts of the body. The brake fluid is poisonous. It guards the fluid of brake in the container hermetically closed to avoid the blow of the moisture in him (the liquid is very hygroscopic) and the dirt. During the operation of the brake of the car the fluid takes certain amount of water of the air that can lead to the emergence of the corrosion of details of the system of brakes of work. Besides, at the same time the temperature of the boiling of fluid of brake significantly lessens, doing the most possible formation of bottles of the steam in the great load of the system of brakes and, therefore, the probability of the refusal of increases of brakes. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the fluid of brake once in one year. Apply the fluid of brake that is satisfactory to specifications of the car.

The glue to fix of sealing strips of openings of body as it is clear of his name, services to fix of sealing strips of openings of doors, windows and coverings of compartments of baggage. It can be applied to the fixation of elements of the internal finish.

The anticorrosive covering of the bottom of the car represents the structure gudronoobrazny done in a base of oil and services from a cloth for sheets of metal surfaces, preventing his corrosion. Besides, it executes the function of the solid isolation of the hall.

The wax and jump they devote themselves to the protection of the surfaces painted against influences of the environment. The uses of different type of vosk and they polish that it can demand different type of painting. The service of additive abrasive or chemist of the removal of an extern layer of oxide (that is tarnished) of the painted surfaces of old cars is a part of someone jump. Recently different it polishes what do not contain the wax what they divide the play of additive chemists, like polymer or substances in a silicon base is they show up widely in the market. Such jump they put themselves and remain longer than normally easier usual (wax).