Lexus RX 300 - Lexus RX-300 cars Numbers of identification of the car Acquisition of spare pieces Technology of service, instrument and equipment of a place of work Поддомкрачивание / nomination and transport of emergence of the car Launch of the motor of the provision of being able to help Motor chemical products, oils and lubricants Diagnostic of bad functioning + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
Поддомкрачивание / nomination and transport of emergence of the car Poddomkrachivaniye through a regular monkey modifying wheels
The alone regular monkey is destined for the lifting in the short term of the car substituting a wheel; before the realization of any work below the car it is necessary to establish it in special stakes! |
The wheel of surplus, the monkey and the key of nuts of wheel are guarded in the baggage compartment.
Instruments office
- Since the access to the instruments office lifts a covering. The lifted covering can concentrate through the hook located in his lowest party.
- Park the car in the flat horizontal platform, whenever possible with a solid revetment.
- Lift the parking they curb it and they install in the selector's LEVER in the situation "P".
- In case of the necessity they expose a sign of a stop of emergence.
- Support boots you were antishowing the wheel when diagonal of a subject was located in to the substitution.
In the moment of the implementation of the proceeding for a slant it is necessary to enclose boots below both wheels of a useful axle of the descent. |
- Prepare the necessary instrument (a monkey, a balloon key) and a wheel of surplus.
- In the corresponding complete set they take away a protective hat of a disc, soon they give nuts of the fixation of the failed wheel.
- It acquires a head of monkey below the corresponding point, - the trace that the monkey reassured strictly vertically, and his jump rested the whole surface against the ground, - in the friable ground it encloses a convenient revetment below a jump (it is useful to have a part of a wide advice in the car in winter). It looks also that the groove in a head of a monkey entered in the corresponding interruptions of a threshold of the car.
In spite of the existence of a slant the monkey will always maintain the strictly vertical position! |
- Working with the monkey doorknob, lift the car, - the damaged wheel will set the land free completely.
- Result wheel nuts and do the substitution of a wheel.
- Check that the pressure of an evaluation of the established wheel, in case of the necessity they do the corresponding agreement (to see Specifications to the Front Administrations and the methods of the operation).
- Withdraw the retired wheel and the instrument at the regular places.
- In the conclusion exactly wheel nuts insist on a diagonal order with the effort of 103 nanômetros.
Nomination of the car To post of the car the elevator with four paws that rest against points of reference of a monkey of screw it is in use (to see an illustration).
During the installation of the elevator the special placing is in use. |
The paws of the elevator must be enough points of reference centered in a longitudinal axle of the car (on the left and on the right), and for the alignment of the elevator of the quite angry axle of the car it is necessary to join to the next sequence:
- Even the edges of a rubber put a paw of elevator with inferior edges (A) of the special placing;
- Even the superior edge (B) of special placing with an advanced interruption of a siege of installation of a monkey of screw;
- Withdraw the placing.
Transport of the car of emergence Carry forward in a tow platform
It is the most reasonable thing to transport the car of emergence in the tow. Such a transport of cars of traction in four wheels can be done only with a separation of all the wheels of the land: or method of load full of the defective car in a tow platform, |
or having put an axle in the suspended shelf of the tow and another axle – in the special cart. |
At the same time the parking brake has to be launched.
To fix of the emergence vehicle in a platform of the tow it is necessary to use eyes of fixation. |
Do not use eyes of rope with this finality. |
- If it is not possible to avoid the tow, the most reasonable thing is to do it in a rigid tug.
- Before the tow in the emergence car it is necessary to turn the key of ignition in the provision "of the COUNT" or "in", to transfer it in the selector's LEVER to the situation "N" and to launch the brake of parking.
- It is necessary to hook up to an element of rope (a thread or a bar) only for an eye of special rope, but not for bumpers or the elements of the support of the triangular form of interruption in absolute.
- In the moment of the tow in a use of flexible tug the thread that only is destined specially with this finality. The use of modern synthetic materials allowed to threads of rope of market of the danger of reduction to the minimum of elastic drawing of intervals as a consequence of the blow of a slingshot below wheels of the plastered car.
- The driver of the car of rope will try to move as much as possible exactly, lisamente launching the union in the moment of the dislocation of gear and, specially, in the departure - of the place.
- In the control of the plastered vehicle look that during the movement the thread constantly was remaining steep, try not to allow breaks of the enemy lines sharp and reached a thread proslablenny.
- Remember that in the efficiency of motor left the frenagem of the car considerably it lessens because the amplifier of vacuum of brakes stops working. At the same time it is necessary to hold tight out a pedal of a brake of work with big much, of which normally for the effort; when it executes maneuver of the biggest effort it must put itself also in a steering-wheel since the bomb of the amplifier of the direction also will not work.
- Before a launch of drivers of movement of both transports (rope and plastered) must coordinate between them a road.
- The movement has to be executed along the shortest road, with a speed not more than 50 km/h, in the distance not more than what 50 km and with the observance of regulations of traffic. Avoid frenagem sharp, acelerações and excessive maneuver. Remember that in the moment of the tow of the car in the region of the way of dirt there is always a danger of the demolition in a road edge.
- Before the tow check the level of liquid of transmission (to see the Chief Nastroyki and the regular maintenance of the car), - at the level insufficient ATF, is necessary to modify it or to plaster the car only with the wheels of driving that are pulled out of the land.
Plaster for aims of launch of the motor The launch of the motor of the equipped cars of in, the method of the tow or to push is not possible, - in case of the necessity they use the provision of being able to help.