1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
- Motor
   General information and preparatory operations
   Check of pressure of compression
   Check of the motor through the vacuum measure
   Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the superior dead point (TDP)
   Check of a corner of an advancement of ignition
   Removal, check and installation of a belt of GRM drive of his natyazhitel, pulley and cog-wheel of an end of inclination, cog-wheels of axles and intermediary rolls
   Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of a head of cylinders and his component
   Removal and installation of the motor, check of support
   Cylinder block
   Check of D/V of pressure of oil of reason
   Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of the bomb of oil and trundle bed of a case
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


General information and preparatory operations

General information

The description of the most typical and important proceedings of the service and the repair of the motor is supplied in this chapter, except the proceedings that demand special skills and instruments, like the proceedings of the repairs of capital of the motor – these works they must be accused to specialists of the service of the car.

3.0 there are axles when driving V-shaped was established for l 24-valvate of 6 cylinders 1MZ-FE with four (in two in each number of cylinders) when mentioned cross was located of above in an advanced part of the car. The automatic exchange is located in the left.

The entry and the final valves happen of axles for empurradores. The valves are located in the captures of direction insisted on a head of block, as well as the saddles of the valves.

The axles are located in leaders of the cylinder block and happen to the rotation of an end of inclination through a belt. In each number of cylinders an axle installs in valves of entry of action and other – final valves.

The bomb of the system of cooling is located in the right side of the cylinder block and happens for a belt GRM.

Since the preparation of air of the fuel mixes the electronic system of the injection of services of fuel. The spark necessary for the ignition of mixture, is created by the system not regulated of the ignition.

The oil in the lubrication system moves below the pressure through the rotor bomb. The valve that reduces what opens in the excess of the pressure above the established value and allows to a part of oil to flow is lowered by me behind in the case trundle bed it is installed in the side of head of pressure of the bomb of oil. The oil is absorbed of a case by a maslozabornik. The bomb directs the oil to the filter of replaceable complete line. In the moment of a contamination of a filter of oil perepuskny the valve directs the oil straightly to the main channel that goes round the filter.

From the filter the oil moves for the main gallery located in the cylinder block. In the gallery main D/V of the pressure of oil of reason that warns the driver on the decline of pressure of oil, inclusive the lamp of control located in the panel is located. Of the main gallery the oil is brought to radical loads of an end of inclination and a head of the cylinder block.

The oil is brought to loads conrod for drillings internal in an inclination end. In a head of the cylinder block be two oil galleries, each one passes along an end of valves of entry, other – along an end of final valves. By these galleries the oil is brought to loads of the end and empurradores of valves.

To loads of all the movements of oil of end below the pressure, the valves and the cames of axles are lubricated sprinkled, as well as other internal knots of the motor.

Preparatory operations

Before maintaining any proceeding of the service of the motor they do the cleaning of a compartment of reason and the extern surfaces of the unity of power with the use of the special solvent. Such a processing will allow to avoid the blow of the dirt in the motor.

In case of the necessity, the near work determined by the character, it is possible to withdraw a monk's hood for aims of securing the freedom of the access to the component ones that are subject to the service (there sees the Removal of Section e an installation of a monk's hood, his lock and a decorative front guard). To avoid the chance damage of a painting and varnish that covers wings of the cars of covering of special coverings or old blankets.

The excessive consumption of oil of reason can be considered a sign of the necessity of carrying out the control of a condition of rings of piston, maslootrazhatelny hats and / or the captures of direction of valves. Naturally, first of all, it is necessary to secure that the oil losses are not joined with the development of his extern holes. Check a compression in cylinders (to see the Check of Section of the Pressure of Compression) defining the general condition of the motor.

The loss of the developed power, the violation of stability of turns, excessive noise of the mechanism valvate and the fuel consumption increased normally there are quite characteristic signs of the necessity of the realization of repairs of capital of the motor, specially, when all these factors are shown at the same time. If the realization of a variety full of placing is not helped by it with the problems elimination, to execute the general mechanical works in the restoration of the motor will be the only way it had been.

The repairs of capital of the unity of power mean the restoration of all his parameters of work to the characteristic of level of the new motor. During the substitution of repairs of capital of rings of piston and the restoration of mirrors of cylinders (an in favor point and / or a honingovaniye) one does without fail. The substitution of radical loads and conrod it is executed normally, the in favor point and the restoration of necks of an end of inclination can be in case of the done necessity. The valves service which condition in the moment of the emergence of the necessity of the realization of repairs of capital of almost of certainties you cover motor with leaves very much to be wanted if it executes without fail. In the parallel one with the realization of the general repair of the unity of there is able also the repair of recuperation of an author and the creator becomes normally.

Such component critics of the system of cooling like hoses, directing belts, executing repairs of capital of the motor have to substitute the thermostat and the water bomb with the new without fail. Besides, it is necessary to check attentively a condition of an electric heater (to see the Head of the system of Cooling of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning). In case of the identification of signs of development of holes or violation of passability the electric heater must be substituted. Do not forget of checking a condition of the bomb of oil also.

The repairs of capital of the motor do not demand of the perfumer of the high professional formation in absolute, nevertheless they take much time. It is necessary to plan the refusal of the use of the car of the term of not less than two weeks, specially in the necessity of the request in the help in a garage for aims of the realization of the separate work of recuperation.

Most of part of works can happen with the use of the usual play of the tool in metal, nevertheless some checks for definition of the convenience of component ones separated to use besides that the use of demand of the equipment of measuring of precision. In doubtful situations they ask the experts of help to HUNDRED.

One does not forget of that in a question of the convenience of the realization of repairs of capital of the motor the condition of the block of his cylinders is the decisive factor. Frequent more cheaply and more confiantemente seems to substitute the restored worn-out motor.

In the conclusion it is possible to notice that all the efforts in the realization of the repair of recuperation of worn-out component ones will not go on for anything in the negligent relation to the demand of the respect to the purity in the meeting of the unity.