1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
- Motor
   General information and preparatory operations
   Check of pressure of compression
   Check of the motor through the vacuum measure
   Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the superior dead point (TDP)
   Check of a corner of an advancement of ignition
   Removal, check and installation of a belt of GRM drive of his natyazhitel, pulley and cog-wheel of an end of inclination, cog-wheels of axles and intermediary rolls
   Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of a head of cylinders and his component
   Removal and installation of the motor, check of support
   Cylinder block
   Check of D/V of pressure of oil of reason
   Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of the bomb of oil and trundle bed of a case
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of the bomb of oil and trundle bed of a case


The sieges of installation of the bomb of oil and the trundle bed of a case are specified illustrations the Component inter-connected ones to the cylinder block.


  1. Withdraw a carenagem of windshield (to see the Chief Kuzov).
  2. Withdraw the superior support of a compartment of reason (9 in an illustration the Component ones that are subject to the removal of the access the GRM drive) (to see the Chief Kuzov).
  3. The lowest reason oil (to see the Substitution of Section of Filter of oil of Reason and Filter of oil).
  4. Withdraw an advanced right wheel and a drawer with lock.
  5. Remove the creator (to see the Chief Sistemy of the electric equipment of the motor).
  6. Withdraw the compressor K/V (to see the Head of the system of Cooling of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning).
  7. There withdraws the section n ° 2 advanced of a tube of leak (8 sees the Section and n ° 19 in an illustration the Component inter-connected ones to the motor).
  8. Result two nuts and withdraw the catalytic converter.
  9. Take away a belt of the walk of the bomb GUR and his plate of tension (to see the Chief Podvesk and driving) and n ° 3 in an illustration the Component ones that are subject to the removal of the access the GRM drive).
  10. Shoot to a belt of GRM drive and his videos (there see the Removal of Section, check and installation of a belt of GRM drive of his natyazhitel, pulley and cog-wheel of an end of inclination, cog-wheels of axles and intermediary rolls).
  11. Drive discovers the belt of GRM n ° 3 (n ° 10 in an illustration the Component ones of the installation of final collectors, sensors and an electrical system).
  12. Arm of the compressor K/V (n ° 19 in an illustration the Component inter-connected ones to the cylinder block).
  13. Result 10 pins and two nuts, exactly cut a placing of edge between sections of the trundle bed of a case and withdraw the lowest section of the trundle bed (n ° 25 in an illustration the Component inter-connected ones to the cylinder block).
  14. A pin and two nuts result and withdraw a maslozabornik (n ° 24 in an illustration the Component inter-connected ones to the cylinder block).
  15. Withdraw the lowest covering of a cavity of a disc of driving then 19 pins result and they withdraw the superior section of the trundle bed of a case, if necessary when the screwdriver hooked it up.
Pins of fixation of the superior section of the trundle bed of a case.
Places of a poddevaniye of the superior section of the trundle bed of a case.
  1. Withdraw a plate maslootrazhatelny of the superior section of the trundle bed.
  2. Withdraw the sensor CKP.
  1. Result 9 pins of the fixation of the bomb of oil (n ° 16 in an illustration the Component inter-connected ones to the cylinder block) and withdraw it together with a fighter ring, if necessary having hooked up of below of the screwdriver.

Being demolished, check and the meeting of the bomb of oil

Meeting of the bomb of oil


  1. A cork results and withdraw one spring with the valve that it reduces.
  2. Result 10 screws and discover the bomb then they take rotors.
  3. The oil the reason of valve that it reduces and more low his agreement opening – the valve will fall to an opening below the weight. Otherwise substitute the meeting of the bomb of oil.
  4. One put rotors in a bomb accommodation mark and check the thickness of slit between them and the best airplane of a nest of agreement of rotors, and also between the driven rotor and a wall of a nest. Compare when they resulted from measurements to demands of Specifications of a Chief Dvigatel and if necessary there substitutes the meeting of the bomb of oil.
  5. Measure a slit between rotors and compare it with demands of Specifications of the Chief Dvigatel. If necessary the rotors meeting substitutes.
  6. If necessary there substitutes an epiploon of an end of inclination.
  7. The meeting of the bomb of oil is done upside-down. Hold tight a cork with the effort of 49 nanômetros.


After putting the selante of a detail is necessary to be joined inside not more than 3 minutes. Otherwise take away old man and apply the new selante.


  1. Carefully clear of dirt and to remain of in favor freemasonry materials when all withdrew component.
  1. Apply in a flange of the bomb of oil the roll of selante (n ° 08826-00080 of the catalog Toyota/Lexus) 3 mm thick 2 ÷.
  1. Put a new ring of fighter of the bomb of oil in the cylinder block, establish the gear of the wheel of main gear of the bomb with an inclination end and pull the bomb of oil on an inclination end. Hold tight pins of the fixation of the bomb of oil with the necessary efforts.
  2. Install the sensor CKP and fix a plate maslootrazhatelny to the superior section of the trundle bed of a case.
  1. Apply in the superior section of the trundle bed of a case the roll of selante (n ° 08826-00080 of the catalog Toyota/Lexus) 5 mm thick 4 ÷. Hold tight pins of the fixation of the superior section of the trundle bed of a case with the necessary efforts.
  1. Establish the lowest covering of a cavity of a disc of driving and a maslozabornik.
  1. Apply in the lowest section of the trundle bed of a case the roll of selante (n ° 08826-00080 of the catalog Toyota/Lexus) 5 mm thick 4 ÷. Hold tight pins and nuts of the fixation of the lowest section of the trundle bed of a case with the necessary effort.
  1. Install all being withdrawn component in the sequence, the return to an order of is demolished. Hold tight the fixation with the necessary efforts.
  2. Fill the oil of reason, the motor begins and the oil hole checks it.