Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car - Motor General information and preparatory operations Check of pressure of compression Check of the motor through the vacuum measure Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the superior dead point (TDP) Check of a corner of an advancement of ignition Removal, check and installation of a belt of GRM drive of his natyazhitel, pulley and cog-wheel of an end of inclination, cog-wheels of axles and intermediary rolls Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of a head of cylinders and his component Removal and installation of the motor, check of support Cylinder block Check of D/V of pressure of oil of reason Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of the bomb of oil and trundle bed of a case + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system + Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
Check of the motor through the vacuum measure Using the measure of vacuum, it is possible to obtain the information on a condition of the motor and to define that placing of a head of the cylinder block is punched, the system of provision of power is damaged, the piston rings are damaged, the system of the injection of the fuel is adjusted incorrectly, valves, etc. they are damaged. Unfortunately, the indications of the measure of vacuum incorrectly, therefore, can interpret these measurements must be in use in the combination with other methods of the check of the motor. Both the absolute value of indications of the measure of vacuum and the speed of his modification are important for the correct definition.
The versions of indications of the vacuum measure in the diagnostic one of bad functioning of the motor
- The vacuum measure adheres to the entry oil pipeline. Begin and heat the motor up to the temperature of normal work.
- Consider indications of the measure of vacuum.
- If the motor is in the normal state, the indications of the measure of vacuum will be constant and to do 430÷560 of mm of mercury.
- The indications low constant of the vacuum measure confirm that the damage of the placing between the oil pipeline of entry and the case of a regulator, damage of a hose of vacuum, incorrectly determined the moment of the ignition or incorrectly it established phases of distribution of gas.
- If the indications of the measure of vacuum are lower than the standard according to 80÷200 of mm of mercury. also float, possibly, the placing of the oil pipeline of entry near to an entry opening is damaged or the injector is defective.
- If the indications constantly fall in 50÷100 of mm of mercury. quite stable value, possibly, the valves are damaged. In this case it is necessary to measure a compression in cylinders of motor (to see the Section of the Door).
- If the indications fall, but it is not to work, then, possibly, if it holds tight the valve or there is a failure in the ignition.
- If the indications quickly float with a vastness approximately 100 mm of mercury. in constant turns of wasting time, and of a leak tube there is a smoke, possibly, the captures of direction of valves damage.
- If the indications quickly flutuarem in the increase in turns of wasting time, then, possibly, putting of the oil pipeline of entry or the placing of a head of the cylinder block are damaged, the springs of valves are weakened, burned valves or there is a failure in the ignition.
- Small fluctuations approximately 25 mm of mercury. they are joined normally with failures in the system of the ignition.
- If the indications strongly flutuarem, then, possibly, the placing of a head of the cylinder block or the cylinder is damaged.
- If the arrow slowly removes a spacious variation of values, then, possibly, the system of the ventilation made work of a case if it messes up, the placing of the oil pipeline of entry or placing between the case of a valve of butterfly and the oil pipeline is damaged.
- The check, the indications of the measure of vacuum after the opening sharp and full of a valve of butterfly and his recomposition are to which speed restored. If the motor is in the normal state, the indications reduce almost to the zero, then they increase approximately in 130 mm of mercury. the highest standards reduce to ancients values in constant turns of wasting time also again. If the indications are restored slowly and pass by a maximum after closing of a butterfly valve, then, possibly, the piston rings are damaged. There if will be a long delay, then, possibly, the system of the launch of OG is messed up.