1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
- Motor
   General information and preparatory operations
   Check of pressure of compression
   Check of the motor through the vacuum measure
   Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the superior dead point (TDP)
   Check of a corner of an advancement of ignition
   Removal, check and installation of a belt of GRM drive of his natyazhitel, pulley and cog-wheel of an end of inclination, cog-wheels of axles and intermediary rolls
   Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of a head of cylinders and his component
   Removal and installation of the motor, check of support
   Cylinder block
   Check of D/V of pressure of oil of reason
   Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of the bomb of oil and trundle bed of a case
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Cylinder block

The component inter-connected ones to the cylinder block

1 - the Capture of sensor of explosion
2 - the explosion Sensor
3 - n ° 2 Been overcome with ECT of D/V
4 - the tube of branch of Reception of OZh
5 - a Coupler of braid of electrical system
6 - a motor Electrical system
7 - the cork of Drain of OZh
8 - Placing
9 - the water bomb
10 - an Arm n ° 2 of roll of belt of GRM drive
11 - Sealing placing of the system of cooling
12 - the cork of Drain of oil of reason
13 - the Union of a filter of oil

14 - the oil Filter
15 - the Fighter ring
16 - the Oil bomb
17 - D/V of pressure of oil of reason
18 - the sensor Taken 17
19 - the Arm of the compressor K/V
20 - the Superior section of the trundle bed of a case
21 - the Capture of sensor CKP
22 - the Advanced epiploon of an end of inclination
23 - the Creator
24 - Maslozabornik
25 - the Lowest section of the trundle bed of a case

Due to the typical ones for the proceedings joined with the service of the cylinder block only the illustrations that explain his drawing and describe the inter-connected parts for him happen in this section.

Meeting of the cylinder block

1 - the Piston ring n ° 1
2 - the Piston ring n ° 2
3 - Plates of a ring of scraper of oil
4 - the Lock ring
5 - the Finger
6 - the stick Capture
7 - Dilator of a ring of scraper of oil
8 - the Piston
9 - the Lavador
10 - the Stick
11 - Insertions of the load of conrod

12 - the Covering of the load of conrod
13 - the subsequent epiploon of an end of inclination
14 - the Covering of the radical load
15 - the Covering of epiploon 13
16 - the Cylinder block
17 - the Superior insertion of the radical load
18 - the Superior persistent lavadores
19 - Nizhny Novgorod an insertion of the radical load
20 - the Inclination end
21 - the Lowest persistent lavadores

Data of that they make a list to repair and checks of the cylinder block are supplied in Specifications of the Chief Dvigatel.


  1. During the installation of coverings of radical loads of an end of inclination on the beginning pins insist with heads of 12 faces, and soon with heads of 6 faces.
The sequence of pressure of pins of fixation of coverings of radical loads with of 12 faces a head.
The sequence of pressure of pins of fixation of coverings of radical loads with heads of 6 faces.
  1. During the installation of the bearer of a few back the epiploon of an end of inclination, sealing the placing of the system of cooling and a tube of branch of reception of OZh apply the selante (n ° 08826-00080 of the catalog Toyota/Lexus).
To put selante in the bearer of the rear load of an end of inclination.
To put selante in placing of the system of cooling.
To put selante in a tube of branch of reception of OZh.
Pins of fixation of a tube of branch of reception of OZh.
  1. Hold tight pins of the fixation of a disc of driving transversalmente.