1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
- Brakes system
   General information and measures of security
   Removal, installation and check of pedals of the system of brakes
   Check of the system of brakes was seeing the capture of the module of management
   Removal and installation of the tank and cylinder of main brake (MBC)
   Removal, check and installation of the amplifier of brakes
   Substitution of shoes of brake
   Removal, desmontagem, checks, meeting and installation of supports of mechanisms of brake
   Being demolished, check and the meeting of the brake of parking
   Check of valve of distribution of effort of brake
   Removal and installation of the activator of brakes
   Removal and installation of sensors of wheel
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Substitution of shoes of brake

The description of the check of shoes of brake supplies with itself in the Section the General checks of the system of brakes.

Meeting of the mechanism of advanced brake

1 - the Union of bomb
2 - the Support
3 - Placing
4 - the pin Direction
5 - the Piston
6 - Consolidation of the piston
7 - a piston Covering
8 - a Ring of covering of piston
9 - the capture Direction

10 - the Boot
11 - the Brake disc
12 - a Support of the triangular form of support
13 - Bearers of shoes of brake
14 - the plate of Indicator of use of blocks
15 - Antivizgovaya a mistake
16 - of antivizgovy I Intern the mistake
17 - the shoe of Internal brake
18 - the shoe of Extern brake


  1. The meeting of the mechanism of brake of a rear wheel gives itself in the illustration the Meeting of the Mechanism of subsequent Brake.
  2. Withdraw the corresponding wheel and temporarily fix a disc of brake for wheel nuts.
  3. There results a pin of the fixation of a support, launch far a support and confiantemente tie it.

Not desconecte flexible hoses of a support.

  1. Withdraw 2 shoes of brake with four bedcovers of antivizgovy and a plate of indicator of the use of blocks.
  2. Remove 2 bearers of shoes of brake.

Not put out bearers it is possible to the reuse.

  1. Check a condition of a disc of brake (there see the Section the General checks of the system of brakes).
  2. The installation is done as it must be, the return to an order of is demolished of component ones. Turn removal in the next observations:
    • During the installation of new blocks they establish also new mistakes of antivizgovy;
    • Polish both parties of mistakes of antivizgovy internal with the special brakes lubricant;
    • Do not allow the blow of oil and lubricant in bedcovers of friction of shoes of brake;
    • During the installation of a support they pull out the piston, for example, the hammer doorknob if the piston is only, it weakens the union of bomb to allow the brake fluid to pour out;
    • Delay all the connections with the necessary efforts.