1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
- Placing and regular maintenance of the car
   General information
   General information on placing and agreements
   Time-table of regular maintenance
   Check of levels of liquids, control of holes
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure of his evaluation, rotation of wheels
   Substitution of filter of oil of reason and filter of oil
   General checks of the system of brakes
   Check and substitution of the filter of hall of a heater and to / in
   Check of a state and substitution of hoses of a compartment of reason, location of holes
   Check of a state and substitution of belts of the walk of auxiliary unities
   Substitution of the element of purifier of air of filtration
   Check of a condition of system of production of the carried out gases
   Check and substitution of captures of spark
   Substitution of fluid of brake, extraction through bomb of the system of brakes
   Check of a condition of component ones of a support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
   Check of a condition of protective coverings of ends of power and hinges of the driving axle
   The check of the operabilidade of there illuminate fixations, horn and supporter of a heater
   Check of the system EVAP
   Check of a state, agreement and substitution of brushes from clothes to rub of fabric
   His check of a condition of the battery and care
   Substitution of the cooling of liquid (CL)
   Check and adjust of slits valvate
   Check and adjust of the course of pedals of the work and parking brake
   Check of boots of the brake of parking
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


General checks of the system of brakes

The powder that is formed as a consequence of the mistakes use and it being accumulated in component of the brake mechanism can contain the asbestos risked for the health. Do not take this powder through the compressed air and do not inhale it! Do not use solvents on basis of the gasoline of the removal of the powder.

Except bill separately the intervals of time established a condition of mechanisms of brake that is necessary to execute every time in the moment of the removal of wheels or in the moment of the emergence of signs of the bad functioning in the system.

Signs of bad functioning in the brakes system

The mechanisms of brake of disc have the built indicators of the use of mistakes of friction that they transmit that the mistakes use got the critical size. At the same time the mistakes must modify immediately, otherwise to curb the discs are going to be damaged and they will need the expensive repair.

Some of the enumerated ones below of signs can indicate the potential defect of the system of brakes:

  • Holding tight a pedal of a brake the car "gets a beating" in a party;
  • The brake mechanisms braking do the splinter or sharp scream of sounds;
  • The pedal of a brake has the excessive course;
  • The pedal of a few wrists of brake (link normally only during the work of the system ABS);
  • The hole of fluid of brake is observed (tires normally obvious in the interior or wheels).

In case of the detection at least of one of these signs immediately they examine the system of brakes.

Lines of brake and hoses

In the tubes of brake from steel of system of brakes, except the flexible reinforced hoses in wheels they are in use generally. The regular inquiry of all these lines is very important.


  1. Park the car in the flat platform.
  2. The car also establishes the Poddomkratta in stakes then it withdraws wheels.
  3. Check all the lines of brake and hoses of the existence of slits and atritos in his extern covering, holes, swellings and deformations. Hand over hoses of brake ahead and rear parts of the car of the existence of signs of a softening, slits, deformations or use as a consequence of the friction on component others. Check all the connections of nipple to existence of signs of holes and one secures of the confidence of fixation of all the pins and clips of hoses of brake.
  4. The curved delivery one and others broken a hose of brake to reveal damages. It is not necessary to twist hoses.
  5. Spin a steering-wheel on the right and on the left against the stop. One secures that the hoses at the same time do not touch elements of drawing of the cars.
  6. In the moment of the detection of the hole of liquid or his damages it is necessary to remove immediately. Since the most detailed description of the proceeding of the repair of the system of brakes directs the Head the System of brakes.

Check of thickness of shoes of brake and discs


  1. The car also establishes the Poddomkratta in stakes then it withdraws the corresponding wheel.
  1. Check the thickness of bedcovers of shoes of brake and through an opening in a support of the mechanism of brake.
  1. The thickness of a 1,0 mm bedcover is considered a limit of the use of a block (without metal substrate). In this case the brake shoe must be substituted (the Head sees the System of brakes).

As a rule, 1 mm of the use of a shoe of brake corresponds, at least, to 1.000 km of a race below averse service conditions. In usual conditions of a mistake they are put out much more slowly. In this way, in a thickness of the bedcover of 3,0 mm brake (without a substrate) the brake shoes will be enough Meantime, at least, for 1.500 km of a race.

  1. In case of the doubt in the fairness of the measurement they withdraw shoes of brake and measure the thickness of mistake for a calibre beat. If the degree of the use is already got, substitute shoes of brake. At the same time substitute 4 bedcovers of wheels of an axle, even in case of what only a mistake was worn away.
  2. Check supports of the mechanism of brake of the existence of holes. In holes urgentemente they repair a support of the mechanism of brake.
  3. Visually check discs of brake of the internal and exterior side of the existence of furrows, rust, slits, if necessary it substitutes discs.
  1. Thickness of measure of discs of brake at several places through a micrometer or a beat of special calibre. Also it is possible to measure the thickness of a disc of brake for a beat of usual calibre, having enclosed of each his party a revetment of the known size (for example, two coins), and soon having subtracted revetment of thickness of the measured value.
  1. The brakes System compares the minimum of the results received the demands of Specifications to the Head. If the limit of the use is got, substitute certainly both discs of brake of wheels in an axle. The brake disc must be substituted also in great slits or furrows with the depth of more than 0,5 mm.
  2. Establish wheels and lower the car in the land.

Check of the brake of parking


  1. Park the car in a clear surface and launch the brake of parking.
  2. The car has to move manually, the action of brakes must not be felt.
  3. Lift the lever of the brake of parking in 1 click (the European models) or hold tight a pedal of the brake of parking (the American models), the car will remain at the place in the attempt of moving it manually.
  4. Completely lift the lever of the brake of parking (the European models) – it must not be lifted any more, of what in 5 clicks. Otherwise adjust the brake of parking (the Head sees the System of brakes).