1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
+ Placing and regular maintenance of the car
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
- Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
   General information
   + Dispatch the support of the triangular form of interruption
   + Support of the triangular form of subsequent interruption
   - Direction
      Checks of component ones of direction
      Removal, installation, desmontagem and meeting of a column of direction
      Removal and installation of the bomb GUR and his belt of driving
      Removal, installation, desmontagem and meeting of the mechanism of direction
   + Geometry of support of the triangular form of interruption
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Removal, installation, desmontagem and meeting of a column of direction

Component of installation of a column of direction

1 - the Bedcover of a steering-wheel
2 - the steering-wheel
3 - the Screw with a head below a key prutkovy
4 - the Lowest hat n ° 3 of a steering-wheel
5 - the Lowest hat n ° 2 of a steering-wheel
6 - more Low understeering plate of finish of devices
7 - the Superior section of a covering of a column of direction
8 - the Block of understeering calls with one spring in spiral

9 - Meeting of a column of direction
10 - Meeting of the hinge of direction
11 - the Lowest section of a covering of a column of direction
12 - the Collar
13 - Meeting n ° 2 of consolidation of an opening of a column of direction
14 - Meeting of an intermediary end
15 - more Low understeering list of finish of the panel
16 - the left side insertion more Decrease of finish of the panel
17 - the Lever of desprendimento of the lock of a monk's hood

Component of meeting of a column of direction

1 - the motor immobilizator receiver-transmitter Roll
2 - Meeting of lighting of the lock of ignition
3 - the Switch of the prevention of extraction of a key of the lock of ignition
4 - In the valve of blockade of the key of ignition
5 - the Cylinder of lock of ignition
6 - the Amplifier of the receiver-transmitter
7 - the ignition Switch
8 - the Superior arm of a column of direction
9 - the Arm of the switch of rates of turns

10 - the plate that Is Loosened
11 - a damper Latch
12 - the Guide of a plate that is loosened
13 - the Superior bearer of a column of direction
14 - the Repayable spring of the lever of agreement of an inclination of a column of direction
15 - Pins
16 - the Tube of a column of direction
17 - the Support of a tube of a column of direction
18 - the Lowest fixation of a tube of a column of direction

Removal and installation


  1. Establish wheels in the provision of the right-lined movement.
  1. Withdraw the lowest hats n ° 1 and n ° 2 of a steering-wheel and a key results pins with odes leaders prutkovy so that the interruptions of his heads entered in an emphasis.
  1. Withdraw a mistake of a steering-wheel, having separated the capture of electrical system of cushion of security. Store a face of mistake.

In separation of the capture finding the key of ignition in the provision of "in" or IT "COUNTS" in the unity of control the registers of code of bad functioning.

Do not classify a bedcover of a steering-wheel.

  1. Separate the capture and there results a nut of the fixation of a steering-wheel.
  2. Apply etiquettes of agreement in a steering-wheel and in a direction end then they withdraw a steering-wheel.
  3. Check two pins, separate the capture, desconecte a thread of the walk of the lock of a monk's hood and withdraw the lowest understeering list of the finish of the panel.
  4. Result two pins and there withdraws the left insertion of side more decrease of the finish of the panel.
  5. Result three screws and withdraw the top and coverings more low of a direction column.
  6. The separate switches captures of understeering, taken of security cushion, result screws and withdraw the meeting of switches of understeering with the spring spiralno.
  7. Withdraw one spring in spiral.

Do not classify one spring in spiral and do not allow the blow of oil in him.

  1. Weaken a collar of the meeting of an intermediary end.
  1. Apply etiquettes of agreement in an intermediary end and an end of the mechanism of direction, give a pin of "A", a pin results of "B" and desconecte the meeting of an intermediary end.
  1. Withdraw the lowest understeering to plate of the finish of devices, separate the capture, result nuts of agreement of a column of direction and withdraw it.
  2. A pin results of "A" and there withdraws the meeting of an intermediary end with the meeting n ° 2 of the consolidation of an opening of a column of direction.
  3. There withdraws the meeting n ° 2 of the consolidation of an opening of a column of direction of the meeting of an intermediary end.
  4. Withdraw a collar.
  1. Apply etiquettes in the hinge and an end of a column of direction.
  1. A pin results and withdraw the meeting of the hinge of direction.
  2. The installation is done upside-down. Combine the etiquettes of agreement put in the removal, hold tight the fixation with the necessary efforts.

To be demolished and meeting


  1. The screw results and withdraw the roll of an immobilizator and the meeting of the lighting of the lock of the ignition.
  2. Remove the superior arm and the superior bearer of a column of direction, having perforated 2 pins.
  3. Result two pins and withdraw an arm of the switch of rates of turns.
  4. Withdraw a repayable spring of the lever of the agreement of an inclination of a column of direction.
  5. A pin results, withdraw a lavador and withdraw a support of a tube of a column of direction for the lowest fixation of a tube of a column of direction.
  6. Desconecte to fixation lower of a tube of a support.
  7. Withdraw latches of dampers, when plates and his guides are moistening.
  8. The meeting is done upside-down.