Lexus RX 300 + Lexus RX-300 cars + Administrations and methods of operation + Placing and regular maintenance of the car + Motor + Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning + A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases + Systems of electric equipment of the motor + Automatic exchange and differential interaxal + Transmission line + Brakes system - Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction General information + Dispatch the support of the triangular form of interruption + Support of the triangular form of subsequent interruption - Direction Checks of component ones of direction Removal, installation, desmontagem and meeting of a column of direction Removal and installation of the bomb GUR and his belt of driving Removal, installation, desmontagem and meeting of the mechanism of direction + Geometry of support of the triangular form of interruption + Body + Electric side equipment + Schematic diagrams of electric connections
Removal, installation, desmontagem and meeting of the mechanism of direction
Meeting of the mechanism of direction with sketches
Component of the direction walk
Component of the direction mechanism
Removal and installation
Before the removal of the mechanism of direction they withdraw a steering-wheel from that time otherwise it is possible to damage one spring in spiral. |
- Two catches repayable telephone with four rings of fighter of the meeting of the mechanism of direction.
- Meeting of armband of the mechanism of direction in a vice.
- Apply etiquettes of agreement in the sketches direction and in his hints then countersows give and they withdraw hints.
- Weaken collars and clips of protective coverings and withdraw coverings and his fixation.
Measure the left and right coverings what soon it will establish them at ancient places. |
- Exactly to a raschekanta the fixation lavadores.
- When a pull is guarding the sketch, withdraw it through the special adaptation.
Measure the left and right sketches what soon it will establish them at ancient places. |
- Withdraw the lavadores of fixation.
- There results a key of adjustable screw a countersow of a spring covering of the lath of direction and withdraw a covering, one spring and a guide of a lath.
- Discover the case of the mechanism of direction.
- Maintaining an end of the valve of control, give a nut of blocagem automatic.
- Apply etiquettes of agreement in the meeting of the valve of control and in case of the direction mechanism.
- Result two pins take away the case with the meeting of the valve of control.
- Withdraw the placing of the valve of control of the case of the mechanism of direction.
- The wind with a vinyl carves a part of gear of the meeting of the valve of control not to damage an edge epiploon.
- Meeting of Vypressuyte of the valve of control together with an epiploon.
- Withdraw an epiploon of the meeting of the valve of control.
- Apply etiquettes of agreement in a support of triangular form n ° 2 of the meeting of the mechanism of direction and in his case.
- There pulls out the screwdriver a clip of a support of triangular form n ° 2 and withdraw it
- 2 withdraws the consolidation of a support of triangular form n °.
- Become a cork in the direction of the movement of the pointers of the clock so that through a technological opening the end of a wire was visible, soon become a cork in reverse sense to the movement of the pointers of the clock and withdraw it together with a wire.
- Beat a lath with the capture of the case of the mechanism of direction, withdraw the capture of a lath and withdraw a ring of fighter of the capture.
- Vypressuyte epiploon of his case of the mechanism of direction.
- Check a radial thrashing of a lath and the use of his teeths and compare the result with demands of Specifications of the Chief Podvesk and direction. If necessary a direction torture substitutes.
- The meeting is done upside-down. Pay attention till the next moments:
- 2 polishes the surfaces indicated in an illustration the Component ones of the mechanism of direction for white firearms, liquid of GUR and the surfaces indicated by black firearms - lubricant on basis of me them;
- Establish epiploons in the correct situation, do not confuse his party;
- During the installation of a cork 450 saw it in a corner ± the 50th hail.
- Use the new placing and the hunting of rings, самоконтрящуюся a nut and countersows;
- Hold tight the fixation with the necessary efforts;
- It wets with Three selante of the Obligation 1344 a woodcarving of a covering of the case of the mechanism of direction, a woodcarving of a spring covering of the lath of direction and a woodcarving of his countersow;
- Regulate a claim of the mechanism of direction;
- After the lath corsets itself of a countersow of a spring covering of the direction they check a claim of the mechanism of direction;
- Before the coverings installation they secure that the opening in a lath is not hammered with the lubricant;
- Hold tight collars of the fixation of coverings;
- Hold tight countersows of the fixation of hints of directing sketches after the agreement of the convergence of advanced wheels.
- The agreement of the preload of the mechanism of direction is executed how if it follows: