1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
- Placing and regular maintenance of the car
   General information
   General information on placing and agreements
   Time-table of regular maintenance
   Check of levels of liquids, control of holes
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure of his evaluation, rotation of wheels
   Substitution of filter of oil of reason and filter of oil
   General checks of the system of brakes
   Check and substitution of the filter of hall of a heater and to / in
   Check of a state and substitution of hoses of a compartment of reason, location of holes
   Check of a state and substitution of belts of the walk of auxiliary unities
   Substitution of the element of purifier of air of filtration
   Check of a condition of system of production of the carried out gases
   Check and substitution of captures of spark
   Substitution of fluid of brake, extraction through bomb of the system of brakes
   Check of a condition of component ones of a support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
   Check of a condition of protective coverings of ends of power and hinges of the driving axle
   The check of the operabilidade of there illuminate fixations, horn and supporter of a heater
   Check of the system EVAP
   Check of a state, agreement and substitution of brushes from clothes to rub of fabric
   His check of a condition of the battery and care
   Substitution of the cooling of liquid (CL)
   Check and adjust of slits valvate
   Check and adjust of the course of pedals of the work and parking brake
   Check of boots of the brake of parking
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Substitution of fluid of brake, extraction through bomb of the system of brakes

General information

The brake fluid for a valve of breath of the tank GTTs absorbs the moisture. Of that consequently the boiling point of reductions of fluid of brake that in the considerable brakes load can take to the blisters formation the steam in brake lines and reduce the efficiency of the action of brakes.

The brake fluid must be substituted whenever possible in spring. In the moment of the operation of the car in the area of mountain, in the ways prosecuted by the salt and also in the conditions of the air of the sea that contains salts, it is necessary to substitute the fluid of brake more very often than is stipulated in the graphics of the regular maintenance (to see the Time-table of Section of the Regular Maintenance).

The substitution of fluid of brake will specify what the help of the spectator, nevertheless in HUNDRED of this proceeding is executed normally through the special device. Pumping the system of brakes the car has to be parked in the flat horizontal platform.

The brake fluid is poisonous. A mouth does not suck it far for a hose. It guards the fluid of brake only in the capacity to which the chance children access is excluded.

Coal deposits
Symptoms: the Availability of the soot indicates the reenrichment of the mixture of air of the fuel or the weak intensity of a spark. The admissions of causes of the ignition, complicate the departure and it turns in the instability of the operation of the motor.
Recommendations: If the check the air purifier is hammered if the fuel level in the camera done works for the buoy it is not too loudly, if the air door corsets itself and if the contacts are not too worn-out. Try to use candles with the longest insulator that increases the elasticity to the pollution.
Symptoms: the Lubrication of a candle is caused by the hats use maslootrazhatelny. The oil comes to the combustion camera for guides used rings of piston or valves. The admissions of causes of the ignition, complicate the departure and it turns in the instability of the operation of the motor.
Recommendations: Execute mechanical recuperation they work and substitute candles.
To overheat
Symptoms: porous, white insulator, corrosion of electrodes and lack of any deposit. It leads to the reduction of the useful life of a candle.
Recommendations: Check if the number kalilny of the established candles is adapted with Specifications demands, if the ignition to advanced corner is exposed correctly, if the mixture of air of the too poor fuel moves, if there is no hole of the vacuum of the oil pipeline of entry and if the valves corset themselves. Also check the level of a fridge and if the electric heater is corked.
Too first ignition
Symptoms: the Electrodes melt of. The insulator has the white color, but perhaps it is polluted due to admissions of ignition or blow in cameras of combustion of foreign particles. It can lead to a motor exit out of the operation.
Recommendations: There checks the number kalilny of the established candles, an ignition advanced corner, quality of the mixture (if not exaggerated if poor person cultivates) if the cooling system is corked and if the lubrication system normally works.
Gloss of Electroconductive
Symptoms: The insulator has the yellowed color and the polished appearance. He talks about the sudden temperature increase in combustion cameras in the sharp acceleration. The usual deposits at the same time are melted of, taking the form of a covering of varnish. It leads to admissions of the ignition in high speeds of the movement.
Recommendations: Substitute candles (more cold, in the moment of the preservation of a way of the driving).
Short electrodes circuit
Symptoms: the Residues of products of the combustion come to the interelectrode space. The firm deposits are accumulated, forming a point of passage between electrodes. It leads to the refusal of the ignition in the cylinder.
Recommendations: Withdraw deposits of the space of interelectrode.
Normal State of a candle
Symptoms: I use to colors and easily brown-gray of electrodes. The number Kalilny of candles is equal to the type of the motor and his general state.
Recommendations: When the candles substitute they establish candles of the same type.
Symptoms: gentle deposits of brownish color in one or both electrodes of a candle. A fountain of his education is the additive ones devoted to oil and / or fuel. The excessive accumulation can lead to the electrodes isolation and cause admissions of the ignition and unstable operation of the motor in the acceleration.
Recommendations: in the moment of the Accumulation bystry of hats maslootrazhatelny of modification of deposits that will prevent the blow of oil in combustion cameras. Try to substitute the mark of fuel.
Symptoms: An electrodes ending with a small deposits congestion in the work end. The color is normal. It leads to the difficulty of the launch of the motor in the cold wet time and to increase in the fuel consumption.
Recommendations: modification candles in new, the same type.
Symptoms: the Insulators can be cut or be exploded. Also the inaccurate technology of the agreement of a slit of candle can lead to the damage of the insulator. It can lead to the pistons damage.
Symptoms: After the admissions of the ignition during a long period of the postponement can be undone in the moment of the preservation of the temperature of work in the combustion camera. In high speeds of the postponement in flakes they set the piston free and support the center of hot isolation, causing admissions of the ignition.
Recommendations: Substitute candles or smooth and establish at the old place.
Mechanical damages
Symptoms: It can be caused by the blow of foreign materials in the combustion camera or appear in the moment of the punch of the piston on the too long candle. Lead to the refusal of the functioning of the cylinder and to the damage of the piston.
Recommendations: Withdraw foreign particles of the motor and / or substitute

Substitution of fluid of brake and extraction through bomb of the system of brakes


  1. Desconecte a negative wire of the battery recarregável.
  2. Discover the tank of fluid of brake (there see an illustration the Component ones of a compartment of reason that are subject to the regular service).
  3. Notice that a hydrographics pen in a tank walls the level of fluid of brake that soon will not modify it. The bomb had been that it curbs the fluid of the tank, having left a layer of liquid of approximately 10 mm of thickness in his bottom.

Do not remove all the liquid of the tank, otherwise the air will come to the brakes system.

  1. Fill the tank of the new fluid of brake to an etiquette I "MOVE".
  2. After being demolished of GTTs and also in case of what it was devastated, it must be pumped. With this finality execute the next operations:
  1. Desconecte lines of brake of GTTs.
  2. Ask a spectator to pinch it had been a pedal of a brake and maintain it.
  1. To cork with fingers forks tubes in GTTs, asks a spectator to launch a pedal of brake.
  1. Repeat proceedings b) and c) 3-4 times.
  1. Carefully, not to reduce, open the union of bomb. It is recommended during 2 hours before the air removal prosecute the ways of union of the removal of a rust. If the union does not open, then the operation in the removal of air of the system of brakes must be accused to a workshop.
  1. Put an end of a pure transparent hose to union of bomb and insert another end in a ship to join the fluid of brake. In the capacity it is necessary to leak a little of brake fluid and to look constantly that the end of a hose was boarded in him. Also the capacity must be lifted, at least, in 30 cm on the union of bomb to supply the pressure and to touch the air entry to the union of bomb.
  2. Ask a spectator to pinch it had been repeatedly a pedal of brake until the counterpressure to the pressing of a pedal is notable. Hold tight out a pedal and open the union of bomb. After the pedal of a brake will rest against a floor, it will hold tight the union. Take a leg of a pedal. Repeating this process, pump that he had been approximately 300 ml of old brake fluid before the new emergence (it can be recognized in the clear color).
  3. Hold tight the union of bomb with the effort of 8,3 nanômetros and add the new fluid of brake in the tank.
  4. In the same way there pumps it out old fluid of brake of other supports.

The brake fluid fused anyway will be pure and without air blisters.

  1. Hold tight a pedal of a brake and check free his to go round. It will make 6 mm 1 ±.
  2. Fill out the fluid of brake in the tank at the level observed before.
  3. Pump on the actuation mechanism (activator) of the brakes system. With this finality execute the next operations:
    • Install in a gooey mouth of the tank of fluid of brake the manual bomb with the manometer (the tank has to be discovered).
    • One a transparent flexible hose what they lower another end in the filled capacity of the fluid of brake to the union of extraction through bomb of the activator.
    • Create the pressure of 1 atm in the tank (but not more!) through the manual bomb.
    • Give the union of extraction through bomb of the activator, stop the air goes out and hold tight the union with the effort of 8,3 nanômetros.
  1. In the tension of check of motor of work of system. With this finality press approximately 10 times a pedal of brake with the effort of 200 - 300 N (there 20 correspond - 30 kilograms). The pedal of a brake must not leave behind. Check all the connections of lines of brake of holes.
  2. In the conclusion they check the action of brakes in the way with not the heavy traffic of the transport. With this finality it is necessary to do not less than a strong frenagem, having checked the action of ABS. A sign of the correct work of ABS is the pulsation of pedal of brake braking.

The effect of the action of ABS is the best of all shown in the not paved way.