1998 - 2003 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Lexus RX 300
+ Lexus RX-300 cars
+ Administrations and methods of operation
- Placing and regular maintenance of the car
   General information
   General information on placing and agreements
   Time-table of regular maintenance
   Check of levels of liquids, control of holes
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure of his evaluation, rotation of wheels
   Substitution of filter of oil of reason and filter of oil
   General checks of the system of brakes
   Check and substitution of the filter of hall of a heater and to / in
   Check of a state and substitution of hoses of a compartment of reason, location of holes
   Check of a state and substitution of belts of the walk of auxiliary unities
   Substitution of the element of purifier of air of filtration
   Check of a condition of system of production of the carried out gases
   Check and substitution of captures of spark
   Substitution of fluid of brake, extraction through bomb of the system of brakes
   Check of a condition of component ones of a support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
   Check of a condition of protective coverings of ends of power and hinges of the driving axle
   The check of the operabilidade of there illuminate fixations, horn and supporter of a heater
   Check of the system EVAP
   Check of a state, agreement and substitution of brushes from clothes to rub of fabric
   His check of a condition of the battery and care
   Substitution of the cooling of liquid (CL)
   Check and adjust of slits valvate
   Check and adjust of the course of pedals of the work and parking brake
   Check of boots of the brake of parking
+ Motor
+ Cooling systems of the motor, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
+ A system of provision of power and production of the carried out gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the motor
+ Automatic exchange and differential interaxal
+ Transmission line
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment
+ Schematic diagrams of electric connections


Check and adjust of slits valvate

The check and the agreement of slits valvate must be done in the cold motor.


  1. Withdraw a carenagem of windshield (to see the Chief Kuzov).
  2. Withdraw the superior support of a compartment of reason (to see the Chief Kuzov).
  3. Withdraw the covering of protection of the right wing.
  4. Empty the system of cooling (to see the Substitution of Section of Cooling Liquid (CL)).
  5. Withdraw a decorative covering of the motor.
  6. Withdraw the meeting of the camera of delivery of an air way of entry (to see the Head of the system of provision of Power and production of the carried out gases).
  7. Withdraw when they were taken of spark (seen the Check of Section e a substitution of captures of spark).
  8. Desconecte to hose better of an electric heater.
  9. Remove leaders of cylinders (to see the Chief Dvigatel).
  10. Bring the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of VMT (to see the Chief Dvigatel).
  11. Through the probe they measure slits valvate between empurradores of valves and cames of the axle. Write when they resulted from measurements and compare them with demands of Specifications of the Chief Nastroyki and regular maintenance of the car. This information is going to be needed besides that in the selection of adjusting lavadores.
1 - Final valves of the right number of cylinders
2 - valves of Entry of the right number of cylinders
3 - valves of Entry of the left number of cylinders
4 - Final valves of the left number of cylinders
  1. Become an end in the 240th hail. (You turn 2/3) in the direction of the movement of the pointers of the clock also they execute the measurement of slits valvate.
1 - Final valves of the right number of cylinders
2 - valves of Entry of the right number of cylinders
  1. Then become an end in the 240th hail. also check slits of the remained valves.
3 - valves of Entry of the left number of cylinders
4 - Final valves of the left number of cylinders
  1. Become an end of inclination of a pulley for which the came of the valve that is subject to the agreement in the distributive one to an end if it was developing for a work edge.
  1. There explores an empurrador of the valve risked towards a capture of spark (perpendicular to the axle). Through the adaptation (A) they hold tight out an empurrador, put the adaptation (B) between an empurrador and the axle and withdraw the adaptation (A).

Install the adaptation (B) in a small angle in the party nominated by the figures "7" or "9" in the situation. There does not begin the adaptation too deeply not to hold tight a lavador.

  1. Take an old man lavador of agreement through the small screwdriver and a magneto, measure his thickness for a micrometer and calculate the thickness again lavador in the next formula:

N = T + (E - V)


T - Thickness of an old man lavador of agreement;

E - Size of the slit valvate measured;

V - The necessary size of a slit valvate (to see Specifications of the Chief Nastroyki and regular maintenance of the car);

N - The necessary thickness again lavador of agreement.

  1. Catch a new thickness of lavador of agreement that there allows to bring more near to as much as possible precisely a slit valvate to the necessary value. The lavadores adjust of 17 sizes standard in the variety of 2.500 for 3.300 mm with a 0,050 mm step are given out.

In certain cases the old man lavador removed of an empurrador of a valve can be convenient for the installation in an empurrador other, needing the agreement, the valve, - they do not hurry acquiring lavadores replaceable.

  1. Pull out an empurrador, establish in him the new lavador of chosen agreement and one secures of the fairness of the done agreement.
  2. Working in a similar way, adjust all the slits valvate.
  3. Install all being withdrawn component in the sequence, the return to the removal.